555,676 results match your criteria: "Brazil; Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre L.A.S.[Affiliation]"
JBRA Assist Reprod
March 2025
IVI Panama, Ciudad de Panama, Panama.
Research Question: What are the trends and impact of new technologies on the effectiveness and safety of assisted reproductive technology (ART) performed in Latin America during 2021?
Design: This was a retrospective collection of cycle-based multinational data obtained from ART procedures performed by 204 accredited institutions in 16 countries.
Results: In total 127,351 initiated cycles resulted in 20,032 deliveries and 22,708 births. ART utilization showed great variability, from 623.
Psychiatr Genet
February 2025
Department of Medical Genetics and Genomic Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
Heterozygous variants in the Early B cell factor 3 (EBF3) have been reported in individuals presenting with hypotonia, ataxia and delayed development syndrome (HADDS) (MIM#617330). However, individuals with pathogenic variants in EBF3 show phenotypic heterogeneity and very few variants in the C-terminal domain have been described. We report on a heterozygous de-novo variant in the EBF3 gene in an individual with neurodevelopmental delay and behavioural problems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPLoS Negl Trop Dis
March 2025
Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States of America.
Trypanosoma cruzi is a single-celled eukaryotic parasite responsible for Chagas disease, a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Central and South America. While the host-pathogen interactions of T. cruzi have been extensively studied in vertebrate models, investigations into its interactions within its insect host remain limited.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPLoS One
March 2025
Laboratory of Epidemiology and Geoprocessing of Amazon, University of the State of Pará (UEPA), Belém, Brazil.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is an important public health problem in Brazil due to the large number of cases. It has a high mortality rate related to risk factors that include systemic arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, male gender and advanced age. This cross-sectional and ecological study analyzed the spatial distribution of this disease related to the evolution of COVID-19 cases and their epidemiological, demographic, socioeconomic and public health policy conditions in the administrative districts of Belém, state of Pará, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon, from 2021 to 2023.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBraz J Biol
March 2025
Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária, Produção Sustentável e Irrigação, Centro de Pesquisa em Produção Vegetal, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
Salacia crassifolia (Mart. Ex Schult.) G.
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March 2025
Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - CCA, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - PPGCA, São Luís, MA, Brasil.
The Golfão Maranhense is an extensive estuarine complex that provides nursery grounds and other habitats for several fish species, as well as a wealth of resources for the coastal and estuarine artisanal fisheries of the Maranhão state, in northern Brazil. The present study provides a comprehensive inventory of marine and estuarine teleost fishes of the Golfão Maranhense based on field samplings, analyses of voucher specimens from local collections and literature data. This inventory presents a total of 163 species of teleosts belonging to 107 genera, 57 families and 27 orders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn Acad Bras Cienc
March 2025
Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Departamento de Entomologia, Laboratório de Pesquisas em Lepidoptera (LaPeL), Campus de Ensino e Pesquisa do Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Av. Bartolomeu de Gusmão, 875, São Cristóvão, 20941-160 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Fourteen families of Lepidoptera are considered of medical relevance, with six of them recorded in Brazil. However, basic information on medically relevant Lepidoptera in Brazil is limited, with most studies focused on the southern region. This study presents the first comprehensive list of Lepidoptera of medical relevance for the state of Rio de Janeiro based on data from literature, iNaturalist, and the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn Acad Bras Cienc
March 2025
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado - Travessa 2, n. 83, Cidade Universitária, 05508-070 São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
This article addresses gender issues in the context of the professor's productivity grants (PQ) distribution applied to Civil Engineering. It contributes with reflections on the advancement of knowledge and gender equality through the inclusion of integrity and holistic aspects. A quantitative and descriptive data analysis of public documents revealed that the number of women civil engineers is considerable, and that female professors engaged in postgraduate are capable of competing for scholarships.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Objectives: to map the scientific production on teaching-learning strategies related to patient safety in higher education institutions across Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, and Dentistry programs.
Methods: this scoping review follows the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) guidelines and the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews recommendations. The selection of studies was performed using databases, grey literature, and reverse searching, conducted by two independent and blinded reviewers.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Objectives: to evaluate the quality of life and body image in women with breast cancer during chemotherapy, before and after interventions targeting body image.
Methods: we conducted a prospective cohort study with 47 women, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
Results: in the semi-structured interviews, 52.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil.
Objectives: to describe the development of a middle-range nursing theory for transpersonal home care.
Methods: this is a theoretical study that used concept analysis, statement synthesis and derivation. It combined theoretical deduction strategies with induction, based on literature review and concept analysis.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro. Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Objectives: to map evidence available in the literature on breastfeeding counseling in rooming-in.
Methods: a scoping review, following the stages recommended by the JBI to answer the review question: what evidence is available in the literature on breastfeeding counseling during the binomial's hospitalization in rooming-in? Searches were conducted in the PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Scopus, EMBASE, Web of Science, CINAHL, PsycInfo and CAPES Dissertation and Theses Catalogue databases, using the descriptors "Counseling", "Breast Feeding", "Rooming-in Care" and "Mother-Child Binomial" and their synonyms, without time or language limitations.
Results: seven studies, published between 1999 and 2020, predominantly in English, were included in the analysis.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Objectives: to develop and assess the quality of a care protocol for safe insulin use in hospitalized children and adolescents.
Methods: a methodological study developed in three stages: scoping review, protocol development, and quality assessment. The scoping review followed the JBI recommendations, using the PRISMA-ScR checklist.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.
Objectives: to assess prevalence, intensity, discomfort, defining characteristics of thirst and signs of oral mucosa hydration in Intensive Care Unit patients.
Methods: quantitative and analytical study, carried out in a tertiary hospital in six of the seven Intensive Care Units, with a sample of 60 patients. Variables related to thirst were analyzed according to their nature.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco. Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Objectives: to develop a mobile application for first aid to children, designed for use by basic education professionals.
Methods: we carried out this applied research in three phases: 1-integrative review, 2- identification of learning needs through a cross-sectional study with 53 school professionals, and 3- app development.
Results: the Child and Care (Criança e Cuidado) app includes three main sections (Important contacts, Learn first aid, and Record the accident).
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Objectives: to map evidence on undergraduate students' mental health globally during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: a scoping review, in which PRISMA-ScR was used.
Results: twenty-six articles were included, from which data were collected on the characteristics of articles, participants involved, and results.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Objectives: to understand nurse participation in the process of early detection of warning signs of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in childcare consultations.
Methods: qualitative, exploratory research, conducted through semi-structured interviews conducted between August and November 2022 with 27 nurses from family clinics in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The IRaMuTeQ® software was used for data treatment.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
Objectives: to understand the experience of nurses immersed in the everyday world of organ and tissue donation.
Methods: study on the social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz, carried out with 27 nurses who work on Intra-Hospital Committees for Donation of Organs and Tissues for Transplants in states in the Northeast of Brazil. Data were collected through phenomenological interviews and analyzed according to the adopted framework and compared with scientific productions.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidad Catolica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Chiclayo, Peru.
Objective: to analyze how the process of implementing an onco-hematology nursing service at a pediatric hospital in Rio de Janeiro took place.
Methods: a historical, qualitative study. Sources included written and oral documents, produced through semi-structured interviews, carried out between August 2022 and February 2023 with nurses who worked on implementing the service, represented by 40 minutes, nine care protocols and eight reports from the hospital's internal website.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Objective: To develop the concept of a Healthcare-Associated Infections Controller.
Method: A qualitative methodological study, based on the Hybrid Model of Concept Development, conducted in three phases: Theoretical Phase (through a scoping review with a sample of 28 studies), Field Phase (online meeting with 30 professionals in the field), and Final Analytical Phase (data analysis and concept definition).
Results: The antecedents, attributes, and consequences identified in the theoretical phase were similar to those described by the professionals.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Objectives: to highlight the effect of using clinical simulation in the training of undergraduate nursing students for the development of skills in cardiovascular health assessment.
Methods: a systematic review was conducted in the PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Scopus, EBSCO, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases from August to September 2023. Of the 685 articles identified, 6 were selected, consisting of 4 experimental studies and 2 quasi-experimental studies, all of good methodological quality according to the Joanna Briggs Institute.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Objective: To evaluate how job satisfaction and motivation impact the perception of occupational stress among operating room nursing professionals.
Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at a major federal university hospital in Northeast Brazil, with data collection occurring in May and June of 2023.
Results: Among the 92 respondents, which included nurses (35; 38.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Objectives: to validate an instrument for family self-efficacy perception in home care for children on peritoneal dialysis.
Methods: a methodological study. The theoretical framework was presented, conducted through a literature review, field research, item development, content validity by a committee of judges and semantic analysis with families.
Rev Bras Enferm
March 2025
Universidade Federal do Piauí. Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.
Objectives: to develop and validate the content of an interprofessional care protocol for high-risk prenatal care.
Methods: this methodological study employed a quantitative approach and was conducted from June 2022 to February 2023. The first phase involved developing the protocol using the Convergent Care Research methodology, while the second phase consisted of content validation by 11 expert judges.
Background: The perioperative management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery is highly complex and involves numerous factors. There is a strong association between cardiac surgery and perioperative complications. The Brazilian Surgical Identification Study (BraSIS 2) aims to assess the incidence of death and early postoperative complications, identify potential risk factors, and examine both the demographic characteristics of patients and the epidemiology of cardiovascular procedures.
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