202 results match your criteria: "Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University Dental college and Hospital[Affiliation]"

Introduction: Chronic periodontitis is caused by a persistent and expanding interaction between a subgingival pathogenic microbial biofilm and the host immune system. The host's reaction to local factors directly influences the inflammation and bone loss that result from these interactions. Depending on variables like the severity of soft tissue damage and bone loss, treatment options can range from nonsurgical to surgical.

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Introduction  Dental implants replace missing teeth. Dental implants are surgically placed tooth root replacements that secure prosthetic teeth and bridges. Branemark's original dental implant technique included a mesiobuccal flap and a two-stage approach, needing 6-8 months of recovery following extraction, sterile conditions, machined titanium implants, 3-6 months without stress for osseointegration, and a detachable temporary prosthesis.

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Aim: The aim of this study is to compare and evaluate compressive strength (CS) and diametral tensile strength (DTS) of a conventional glass ionomer cement (GIC) and a glass hybrid GIC.

Materials And Methods: Five samples each were prepared of GC Fuji IX and EQUIA Forte cements for CS testing and five samples of each material for tensile strength testing. Specimens were subjected to a universal testing machine.

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Oral health is vital for the general well-being, overall body health and the quality of life throughout our lifetime. Most of the oral diseases and conditions are largely related to the maintenance of oral hygiene, lacking that people suffer from diverse oral diseases at different times in their life. With greater life expectancy, the individuals have teeth involved with periodontal diseases that would not only require professional care but also home gum care for them to last a lifetime.

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Background: Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) affects about 14% of the population. MIH may lead to enamel breakdown, early tooth decay and is known to cause sensitivity, pain, discomfort, etc., Despite several studies reporting impacts of MIH on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children; no systematic review has been reported till date.

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Background The goal of this study is to use digital orthopantomographs (OPGs) to find out the role the mandibular ramus plays in figuring out a person's gender. Methodology Six hundred digital OPGs of patients, aged 21 to 50 years of either gender, fulfilling the exclusion and inclusion criteria, were randomly selected from the department archives exclusively for this digital retrospective study. All the scans were anonymized before the analysis.

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Introduction Writing drug prescriptions for children with accurate drug dosages and clear instructions is a must for general dentists. A digital tool in the form of a software application (app) to write, save and share prescriptions can potentially overcome the possible limitations of handwritten prescriptions such as handwriting illegibility, errors in calculations, and incomplete descriptions. However, it is also important to assess the satisfaction of dentists with making prescriptions using a digital tool such as an android application.

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Background And Aim: Pain management following tooth extraction is crucial in minimizing patient suffering and risk of infection and hastening the recovery. Safety issues with routinely prescribed drugs such as NSAIDs for pain management call for search of an effective and safe alternative. Advances in the field of alternative medicine have led to the use of various natural products for pain management in the field of dentistry.

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Introduction And Background: Orthodontic and orthognathic surgical treatment require quantified occlusion finish to rule out any temporomandibular disorders. Hence, the present study was proposed to analyze the occlusal efficiency in patients undergoing fixed orthodontic and combined orthodontic-orthognathic surgery using digital occlusal analysis.

Methodology: A randomized multi-arm controlled trial was conducted on 55 patients divided into four groups, that is, group I: class I crowding/proclination required extraction for fixed orthodontic treatment, group II: class II div 1 required orthodontic treatment and/or myofunctional therapy, group III: skeletal class II required combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgical treatment, and group IV: skeletal class III required combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgical treatment.

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Background: The study aimed to compare the clinical efficacy, safety, and acceptability of buffered lidocaine (8.4% sodium bicarbonate and 2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 adrenaline) versus non-buffered lidocaine (2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 adrenaline) during inferior alveolar nerve block.

Materials And Methods: Fifty patients who required bilateral extractions in a single arch were included in this study.

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Insights of dental postgraduate students and guides toward change in MDS examination pattern: A cross-sectional study.

Natl J Maxillofac Surg

August 2022

Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Introduction: According to the notification dated May 17, 2018, no. DE-14-MDS-2018/2131 published by the Dental Council of India, basic sciences theory examination (Paper-1) will be conducted before the commencement of II-year MDS academic year instead of III-year MDS end. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the opinions regarding this recent change in the curriculum among I MDS students, II MDS students, and their respective postgraduate (PG) guides.

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Background: Passive immunization using egg yolk-based antibodies has been tested against oral microorganisms. Our study assessed the effect of immunoglobulin Y (IgY) formulations on Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Candida albicans in human subjects.

Highlights: VS and UT independently searched articles using keyword combinations in four search engines; studies in English were selected.

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Introduction: Undergraduate dental training is demanding and rigorous, unaware students face a lot of challenges after entering the course. Thus, the study aims to find out from a dental sophomore the challenges they face during the first year of dental school.

Methodology: An e-questionnaire study was conducted on 932 second-year Bachelor of Dental Surgery students of India.

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Rationale: An odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a developmental odontogenic cyst lined by squamous epithelium having intrinsic growth potential. Hence, metaplastic changes such as the formation of mucous cells, ciliated cells, and hyaline bodies with ortho/para keratinisation have been known to create unusual histopathological variations.

Patient Concerns: A 34-year-old male patient reported with swelling on the lower right side of the face and numbness on the overlying skin.

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Introduction: The final portion of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN), the mental nerve (MN), is a general somatic afferent nerve that provides sensation to the lip, chin, and gingival tissue. Three patterns of MN have been observed - straight, perpendicular or vertical, and anterior loop (AL) of MN. The interforaminal region of the mandible possesses a MN with a path that creates an AL before entering the mental foramina.

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The fundamental objective of pulp treatment is to preserve the integrity and health of oral tissues. Pulp necrosis or irreversible pulpitis is the key indication for performing pulpectomy in primary teeth. It can be performed as a single-visit or multi-visit procedure using suitable obturating material.

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Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate and compare the effect of a packaged orange juice on the two most commonly used restorative materials in pediatric dentistry.

Methodology: Fifteen samples each of 6 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness of a glass ionomer cement (GIC) and an esthetic restorative material were prepared using silicone rings. These were exposed to a packaged orange fruit juice and then placed in a standard culture of .

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Context And Aim: The major afflictions such as odynophagia (painful swallowing) and trismus that occur in patients with oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) are well documented, but the impairment of gustatory functions has not received much consideration in the past. The present study was planned with a similar intent to assess and compare the alteration in taste perception among gutkha chewers with and without OSMF and healthy subjects.

Materials And Methods: The present study was designed as a prospective case-control study comprising 90 individuals within an age range of 15-50 years who were divided into three groups with Group A consisting of 30 patients who were gutkha chewers with OSMF, Group B consisting of 30 individuals who were gutkha chewers but without OSMF and Group C consisting of 30 healthy subjects who were included as normal controls.

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Introduction: Determination of difference between conventional and passive self-ligating brackets (SLBs) in respect of extraction space closure, patient perception and root resorption.

Material And Methods: Eighty patients were divided into four groups of 20 each with age-sex-matched control using a simple randomisation technique and allocation concealment with a closed opaque envelope method. Group 1 consisted of conventional brackets with Connecticut New Archwire (CNA) wire mushroom loop, group 2 consisted of conventional brackets with TAD (AbsoAnchor, Korea) supported retraction, group 3 consisted of passive SLB with CNA archwires (Libral Traders, India) mushroom loop and group 4 consisted of passive SLB brackets with TAD (AbsoAnchor, Korea) supported retraction.

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Background: The aim of the present study was to detect the prevalence of accidental pathological findings in asymptomatic maxillary sinuses in patients referred for head and neck cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination for varied reasons.

Methods: The present cross-sectional study included a detailed analysis of CBCT scans of 150 patients aged between 18 and 70 years reporting for varied dental complaints for detecting accidental pathological findings in maxillary sinuses while the patients did not have any complaint pertaining to sinuses.

Results: The findings of the present study revealed 58% patients to have pathological findings in maxillary sinuses while they were asymptomatic for sinuses.

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Objective: To assess and compare the immuno-expression of p53 and TP 53 gene amplification and correlate local recurrence and survival in histologically negative surgical margins of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) with normal oral mucosa.

Methods: Forty formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of HNMs of OSCC and 40 normal oral mucosa samples were analyzed for p53 immunostaining and TP 53 gene amplification by PCR.

Results: Significantly, higher positivity was noted with p53 immuno-expression, TP53 gene amplification, and combined p53 and TP53 expression in the study group compared to the control group (C0.

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Background: For porcelain fused to metal restorations, computer-aided designing (CAD) / computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems claim to provide improved marginal fit than conventional casting systems.

Aim: The present in-vitro study was conducted to compare the marginal fit of cobalt-chromium alloy copings fabricated with milled wax/lost wax, CAD/CAM milling/sintering and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) techniques.

Materials And Method: A metal die simulating a prepared tooth was fabricated and scanned using an optical scanner.

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Aim And Objective: To compare the marginal fit of Ni-Cr copings made by casting in two different states (dry and wet) with either cellulose ring liners or no ring liners.

Materials And Methods: An study was conducted on 40 patterns which were invested, and a burnout casting procedure was used, using a Ni-Cr alloy to obtain the cast copings. The cast copings were divested, cleaned, and run through a finishing procedure.

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Context: Tooth surface polishing is an integral part of periodontal therapy. Enamel and cementum show a smooth surface clinically after debridement with the naked eye, but numerous surface irregularities can be detected microscopically. Air polishing is safe and effective when used by trained professionals.

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