18 results match your criteria: "Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute[Affiliation]"
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
May 2019
Psychiatric Hospital #7, Krasnodar, Russia.
Aim: To study the phenomena of visual-hemispatial neglect in healthy people and patients with brain diseases of different genesis.
Material And Methods: Eighty-eight patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, 68 patients with exogenous organic brain diseases and 240 healthy adults of different age were included in the study. The digit cancellation test modified by the authors was used.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
March 2019
Centre for Clinical Research in Neuropsychiatry, University of Western Australia, Perth, Avstralia.
Objectives: The Diagnostic Interview for Psychoses (DIP) was developed to enhance the quality of diagnostic assessment of psychotic disorders. The aim of the study was the adaptation of the Russian language version and evaluation of its validity and reliability.
Material And Methods: Ninety-eight patients with psychotic disorders (89 video recordings) were assessed by 12 interviewers using the Russian version of DIP at 7 clinical sites (in 6 cities of the Russian Federation).
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
April 2019
Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute, Moscow, Russia.
The newest antiepileptic drug (AED) brivaracetam (Briviac, UCB Pharma) (BRV) was approved in the Russian Federation in 2017 as an adjuvant therapy for the treatment of partial seizures with/without secondary generalization in adults and adolescents over 16 years old with epilepsy. This review contains the data of BRV preclinical studies, pharmacokinetic profile and the results of comparative study of BRV and LEV. The results of main studies of efficacy and tolerability with pooled analysis as well as data from meta-analysis are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
March 2018
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia.
This article presents the review of the most significant studies of the efficacy and tolerability of lacosamide (LCM) in treatment of patients with focal epilepsy. The review includes the results of the main studies which preceded the official approval of LCM use in mono- and polytherapy. Results on the efficacy of LCM in long-term use and treatment retention in clinical practice, most effective LCM combinations, tolerability, an influence on cognitive and mental functions, advantages in treatment of elderly patients are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
August 2017
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Aim: Patients with epilepsy (PE) develop persistent mental disorders identified as significant personal and affective disorders, especially of depressive and anxiety spectrum, observed in the interictal period of the disease. To study the frequency of non-psychotic mental disorders in patients with epilepsy, to specify the clinical features of non-psychotic affective disorders and to analyze the association of different variants of affective disorders with symptoms of drug-resistance in epilepsy (DRE).
Material And Methods: One hundred and sixty patients with epilepsy, including 80 patients with DRE and 80 patients with controlled epilepsy (CE), were studied using a battery of psychometric scales.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
September 2018
Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg.
Aim: Learning cycle «sleep-wake» is of great theoretical and practical importance because it allows to understand the general patterns of adaptive mechanisms of human interaction with the environment (neuroplasticity), violations of which are the basis of many diseases of the CNS, including epilepsy.
Material And Methods: Complex clinical and electroencephalographic (video-EEG monitoring with mandatory recording of sleep) study was carried out before and after prolonged sleep deprivation (for at least 1 day) of 178 patients with locally due to epilepsy (LEi). 45 healthy volunteers were examined in the control group as well as the patients with epilepsy.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
July 2018
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg.
Objective: To reveal an impact of specific motivation structures on the compliance in psychiatric inpatients.
Material And Methods: The Treatment Motivation Questionnaire and the Medication Compliance Scale have been administered to 104 patients, including 67 patients with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, 15 with affective disorders, 13 with personality and neurotic disorders and 9 with organic disorders, of the department of integrative pharmaco- and psychotherapy.
Results: A motivational mechanism based on the subjective suffering from disease plays a key role in the formation of overall score of compliance.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 2018
Bekhterev St.-Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia.
Genetic studies have shown that binge eating disorder (ВЕD) aggregates in families, heritability was estimated as about 60% and additive genetic influences on BED up to 50%. Using a genetic approach has proved useful for verifying the diagnostic categories of BED using DSM-IV criteria and supporting the validity of considering this pathology as a separate nosological category. The results confirmed the genetic and pathogenic originality of BED as a separate psychopathological phenomenon, but not a subtype of obesity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
October 2018
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Genetic risk of binge eating disorder (ВЕD) is a consequence of joint participation of many genes, the contribution of each one is small, but the total (additive) effect is significant and greatly influences the age at onset, clinical dynamics and the level of treatment resistance. It is assumed that the carriers of different polymorphic variants of genes and their combinations have different levels of genetic risk. No Genom Wide Association studies of ВЕD has been performed and the analysis of the results of candidate genes studies gives reason to believe that pathogenetically substantiated panel of genes, including serotonin system, BDNF and, especially dopamine and endogenous opioid system, would be most useful, taking into account the mechanism of action of drugs for the ВЕD treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
December 2015
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg; Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg.
Current literature on a role of dopamine in the development of mental and neurological disorders suggests that the discovery of endogenous dopamine in peripheral blood lymphocytes gave rise to a new line of research. Dopamine receptors are not only found on cells of the innate immune response (nonspecific), but also on cells of adaptive immune response (specific): T and B lymphocytes. These facts bring a new evidence of interrelationships between the peripheral immune system, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration and suggest new ways for investigation of the pathogenesis of different mental and neurological disorders, in particular Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
March 2016
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg.
Objective: To assess the clinical efficacy, tolerability and safety of prolonged treatment with paliperidone in adolescents with the exacerbation of psychotic schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
Material And Methods: Thirty-six adolescents at the age from 14 to 18 years with ICD-10 diagnosis F20-21, F25 were examined by clinical/psychopathological method (PANSS and CGI scale). The duration of the disease was from 1 to 3 years.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 2015
Polenov Russian Neurosurgical Research Institute, St. Petersburg.
Aim: To optimize drug treatment in early (6 months) and late (up to 3 years) stages of postoperative period and to study its efficacy.
Material And Methods: There were selected 72 patients with resistant epilepsy and epileptic encephalopathy symptoms from 467 patients operated for epilepsy.
Results: By the end of a 3-year follow-up observation, we found the reduction in seizure frequency and seizure control in 66.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
January 2015
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Aim: To develop a clinical classification of pathological fantasies (fantasy syndrome) in children and adolescents regardless of nosological attribution.
Material And Methods: We examined 109 patients, aged 3-16 years, using psychopathological and instrumental (EEG and MRI) methods.
Results And Conclusion: Authors developed the clinical typology of pathological fantasies in children with different mental diseases and disorders.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 2015
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg; Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg.
"Typical" antipsychotics remain the wide-prescribed drugs in modern psychiatry. But these drugs are associated with development of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). Preventive methods of EPS are actively developed and they concentrate on personalized approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 2015
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg.
Acute symptomatic seizures (ASS) are the seizures of different etiology that occur in close temporary relationship to acute damage of the central nervous system arising simultaneously due to metabolic, toxic, infectious and inflammatory factors and structural brain damage. At the time of its origin, ASS is often not distinguished from epileptic seizures in the clinical and electrophysiological parameters, although represent a fundamentally different state from the point of view of pathogenesis, therapy and prognosis. Tactics in the ASS and symptomatic epileptic status of any nature provides for the immediate carrying out differential diagnosis and differential treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
January 2015
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg.
In the present article, we describe different staging models of therapy resistant depression (TRD). Their advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. Also the possibilities of using various TRD staging models in clinical practice are considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
January 2015
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Objective: A complex neuropsychological and neuroimaging study of deep brain structures in depression with cognitive impairment.
Material And Methods: We studied 73 patients with endogenous depression and 86 patients with depressive syndrome in temporal epilepsy. MRI and neuropsychological methods were used to study brain structures.
Biochemistry (Mosc)
September 2010
Bekhterev St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, 192019, Russia.
The role of lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (4-HNE) in functional activity of cells under normal and different pathological conditions is discussed. Different pathways of 4-HNE metabolism in tissues are analyzed, with particular focus on the role the glutathione system in this process. 4-HNE is implicated in regulation of cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.
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