1 results match your criteria: "ANMCO Center of Research[Affiliation]"
Diabetes Ther
January 2020
ANMCO Center of Research, Florence, Italy.
Introduction: Three Italian scientific associations of different specialties (AMD, Associazione Medici Diabetologi-for diabetologists; ANMCO,Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri-for cardiologists; SIMG, Società Italiana di Medicina Generale-for General Practitioners) designed this study to assess whether an integrated care organization comprising three different specialists can improve adherence and can achieve the guidelines targets in a population of individuals with type 2 diabetes, without established cardiovascular disease but at high risk (≥ 20% at 10 years according to the CUORE.ISS risk cards) compared with the current standards of care provided by the Italian National Health Service.
Methods: Thirty primary care centers (general practitioners, GPs), 30 cardiology centers and 30 diabetes centers have been selected by the scientific associations, disseminated in the national territory, on the basis of proven previous cooperation in other studies.