2 results match your criteria: "2 Springfield College.[Affiliation]"
Positive affective responses to exercise have been linked to longer-term adherence. The dual-mode model indicates that affective responses during heavy exercise (between the ventilatory threshold and the respiratory compensation point) are subject to interindividual variability (zone of response variability). Participants (N = 48) completed measures to assess personal characteristics prior to a graded exercise test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Hum Lact
February 2018
2 Springfield College, Springfield, MA, USA.
Background: Although lactation assessment tools are consistently used in clinical practice, there is no evidence describing registered nurses' perspectives regarding the purpose and thought processes involved when conducting a breastfeeding assessment. Research aim: This study aimed to explore registered nurses' perceptions on the purpose of lactation assessment tools and the thought processes involved in completing one.
Methods: Seven focus groups were held from April 2015 through July 2015, in coordination with regional and international lactation and perinatal conferences.