The Elastic acupuncture needle, a set of clinical device used in randomized controlled trials of acupuncture is developed, which may potentially obtain the double-blind placebo control. This kind of acupuncture device consists of a real needle and a sham one (placebo needle) with a identical appearance. Either of the needle is composed of an integrated cap-type handle and needle body, and a sterile double-sided adhesive pad is designed on the bottom for fixation. A spring with miniature low profile is built in sham needle. During operation, the real needle can be normally inserted, while the sham one be retracted because of the elasticity generated by the pressure on the skin, but can still be felt by patients whenever the force difference between the skin and the spring reaches a certain balance. The rubber pad designed in this acupuncture needle can simulate the "resistance" felt by operators during needle insertion so that the double blinding is actualized in terms of the appearance and sensations.
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