38269778 2024 01 26 2024 02 06 1879-8365 310 2024 Jan 25 Studies in health technology and informatics Stud Health Technol Inform Automatic Speech Recognition System to Record Progress Notes in a Mobile EHR: A Pilot Study. 124 128 124-128 10.3233/SHTI230940 Creating notes in the EHR is one of the most problematic aspects for health professionals. The main challenges are the time spent on this task and the quality of the records. Automatic speech recognition technologies aim to facilitate clinical documentation for users, optimizing their workflow. In our hospital, we internally developed an automatic speech recognition system (ASR) to record progress notes in a mobile EHR. The objective of this article is to describe the pilot study carried out to evaluate the implementation of ASR to record progress notes in a mobile EHR application. As a result, the specialty that used ASR the most was Home Medicine. The lack of access to a computer at the time of care and the need to perform short and fast evolutions were the main reasons for users to use the system. Vargas Carolina Paula CP Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gaiera Alejandro A Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Brandán Andres A Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Renato Alejandro A Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Benitez Sonia S Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Luna Daniel D Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. eng Journal Article Netherlands Stud Health Technol Inform 9214582 0926-9630 Humans Pilot Projects Speech Recognition Software Documentation Health Personnel Hospitals Speech recognition software electronic health records mobile applications 2024 1 26 6 43 2024 1 25 6 43 2024 1 25 5 46 ppublish 38269778 10.3233/SHTI230940 SHTI230940 trying2... trying...
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automatic "automatable"[All Fields] OR "automatic"[All Fields] OR "automatical"[All Fields] OR "automatically"[All Fields] OR "automaticities"[All Fields] OR "automaticity"[All Fields] OR "automatics"[All Fields] OR "automatism"[MeSH Terms] OR "automatism"[All Fields] OR "automatisms"[All Fields] OR "automatization"[All Fields] OR "automatize"[All Fields] OR "automatized"[All Fields] OR "automatizes"[All Fields] OR "automatizing"[All Fields] speech "speech"[MeSH Terms] OR "speech"[All Fields] OR "speech's"[All Fields] OR "speeches"[All Fields] ("automatable"[All Fields] OR "automatic"[All Fields] OR "automatical"[All Fields] OR "automatically"[All Fields] OR "automaticities"[All Fields] OR "automaticity"[All Fields] OR "automatics"[All Fields] OR "automatism"[MeSH Terms] OR "automatism"[All Fields] OR "automatisms"[All Fields] OR "automatization"[All Fields] OR "automatize"[All Fields] OR "automatized"[All Fields] OR "automatizes"[All Fields] OR "automatizing"[All Fields]) AND ("speech"[MeSH Terms] OR "speech"[All Fields] OR "speeches"[All Fields])
trying2... trying...
39721154 2024 12 25 1873-7838 256 2024 Dec 24 Cognition Cognition Beat gestures and prosodic prominence interactively influence language comprehension. 106049 106049 10.1016/j.cognition.2024.106049 S0010-0277(24)00335-4 Face-to-face communication is not only about 'what' is said but also 'how' it is said, both in speech and bodily signals. Beat gestures are rhythmic hand movements that typically accompany prosodic prominence in conversation. Yet, it is still unclear how beat gestures influence language comprehension. On the one hand, beat gestures may share the same functional role of focus markers as prosodic prominence. Accordingly, they would drive attention towards the concurrent speech and highlight its content. On the other hand, beat gestures may trigger inferences of high speaker confidence, generate the expectation that the sentence content is correct and thereby elicit the commitment to the truth of the statement. This study directly disentangled the two hypotheses by evaluating additive and interactive effects of prosodic prominence and beat gestures on language comprehension. Participants watched videos of a speaker uttering sentences and judged whether each sentence was true or false. Sentences sometimes contained a world knowledge violation that may go unnoticed ('semantic illusion'). Combining beat gestures with prosodic prominence led to a higher degree of semantic illusion, making more world knowledge violations go unnoticed during language comprehension. These results challenge current theories proposing that beat gestures are visual focus markers. To the contrary, they suggest that beat gestures automatically trigger inferences of high speaker confidence and thereby elicit the commitment to the truth of the statement, in line with Grice's cooperative principle in conversation. More broadly, our findings also highlight the influence of metacognition on language comprehension in face-to-face communication. Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Ferrari Ambra A Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, Wundtlaan 1, 6525 XD Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, 6525 EN Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Electronic address: Hagoort Peter P Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, Wundtlaan 1, 6525 XD Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, 6525 EN Nijmegen, The Netherlands. eng Journal Article 2024 12 24 Netherlands Cognition 0367541 0010-0277 IM Beat gestures Language comprehension Metacognition Multimodal communication Pragmatics Prosody Declaration of competing interest The authors declare no competing interests. 2024 2 2 2024 10 24 2024 12 13 2024 12 26 0 20 2024 12 26 0 20 2024 12 25 18 2 aheadofprint 39721154 10.1016/j.cognition.2024.106049 S0010-0277(24)00335-4 39717516 2024 12 24 2589-871X 9 2024 Forensic science international. Synergy Forensic Sci Int Synerg The AI Act in a law enforcement context: The case of automatic speech recognition for transcribing investigative interviews. 100563 100563 100563 10.1016/j.fsisyn.2024.100563 Law enforcement agencies manually transcribe thousands of investigative interviews per year in relation to different crimes. In order to automate and improve efficiency in the transcription of such interviews, applied research explores artificial intelligence models, including Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing. While AI models can improve efficiency in criminal investigations, their successful implementation requires evaluation of legal and technical risks. This paper explores the legal and technical challenges of applying ASR models to investigative interviews in the context of the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). The AIA provisions are discussed in the view of domain specific studies for interviews in the Norwegian police, best practices, and empirical analyses in speech recognition in order to provide law enforcement with a practical code of conduct on the techno-legal requirements for the adoption of such models in their work and potential grey areas for further research. © 2024 The Authors. Stoykova Radina R University of Groningen, Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP Grongingen, Netherlands. Porter Kyle K Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Teknologivegen 22, 2815 Gjøvik, Norway. 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Automatic Speech Recognition System to Record Progress Notes in a Mobile EHR: A Pilot Study. | LitMetric
Creating notes in the EHR is one of the most problematic aspects for health professionals. The main challenges are the time spent on this task and the quality of the records. Automatic speech recognition technologies aim to facilitate clinical documentation for users, optimizing their workflow. In our hospital, we internally developed an automatic speech recognition system (ASR) to record progress notes in a mobile EHR. The objective of this article is to describe the pilot study carried out to evaluate the implementation of ASR to record progress notes in a mobile EHR application. As a result, the specialty that used ASR the most was Home Medicine. The lack of access to a computer at the time of care and the need to perform short and fast evolutions were the main reasons for users to use the system.
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