2185-5323142023Japanese journal of comprehensive rehabilitation scienceJpn J Compr Rehabil SciMeasurement instruments to assess basic functional mobility in Parkinson's Disease: A systematic review of clinimetric properties and feasibility for use in clinical practice.162516-2510.11336/jjcrs.14.16Taniguchi S, Yamamoto A. Measurement instruments to assess basic functional mobility in Parkinson's Disease: A systematic review of clinimetric properties and feasibility for use in clinical practice. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2023; 14: 16-25.To systematically review the evaluation of clinimetric properties and feasibility of the "Modified Parkinson Activity Scale (M-PAS)" and the "Lindop Parkinson's Disease Mobility Assessment (LPA)," which are Parkinson's Disease (PD)-specific measurement instruments to assess basic functional mobility, and to discuss their considerations for use in clinical practice.A systematic review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A risk of bias assessment was also performed.Eleven studies were included: five studies used M-PAS (45%), five studies used LPA (45%), and one study used M-PAS and LPA (13%). The risk of bias was low for all evaluated studies.M-PAS and LPA showed adequate reliability, validity, and responsiveness in detecting intervention changes. M-PAS has more detailed qualitative scoring options, a lack of ceiling effect, and can be used by a non-expert in PD.In contrast, the drawback of M-PAS is that it is time-consuming to apply in everyday clinical practice. On the other hand, LPA with greater simplicity may lead to lower burdens for both patients and raters in situations with strict time limitations. Further research is required to identify new resources.©Kaifukuki Rehabilitation Ward Association 2023.TaniguchiSeiraSDepartment of Neurology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka, Japan.YamamotoArikoADivision of ward management, Tekiju Rehabilitation Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.engSystematic Review20230331
JapanJpn J Compr Rehabil Sci99185565850066762185-5323Lindop Parkinson's Disease Mobility Assessment (LPA)Modified Parkinson Activity Scale (M-PAS)Parkinson's diseasebasic functional mobilityliterature review studymeasurement instruments
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