1945-71039232022May01The Angle orthodontistAngle OrthodRoot resorption in relation to a modified piezocision technique.347352347-35210.2319/121520-1009.1To evaluate root resorption of lower incisors and canines quantitatively in a group of patients who underwent orthodontic treatment with piezocision and/or a collagen reinforcement technique with a fully resorbable three-dimensional (3D) collagen xenograft matrix compared with a control group.The study sample of this secondary analysis consisted of 32 periodontally healthy patients with angle Class I malocclusion or mild Class II or III malocclusion and moderate irregularity index scores who underwent orthodontic treatment and had before (T0) and after treatment (T1) cone-beam computed tomography scans. Root resorption of lower incisors and canines was assessed quantitatively in the following four groups: the control group received orthodontic treatment without piezocision, experimental group 1 received orthodontic treatment with piezocision, experimental group 2 received orthodontic treatment with piezocision and a 3D collagen matrix, and experimental group 3 received orthodontic treatment with a 3D collagen matrix.An overall statistically significant decrease in root length from T0 to T1 for all groups was observed (P < .05). However, there was no significant difference among the groups in the amount of root length decrease from T0 to T1.Orthodontic treatment combined with piezocision does not increase the risk of root resorption of lower incisors and canines when compared with orthodontic treatment without acceleration techniques. More studies with larger samples should be undertaken to confirm these results.© 2022 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.AranaJuliana GómezJGReyDiegoDRíosHéctorHÁlvarezMaría AntoniaMACevidanesLuciaLRuellasAntonio CACAristizábalJuan FernandoJFengJournal Article
United StatesAngle Orthod03705500003-3219IMCone-Beam Computed TomographyHumansIncisordiagnostic imagingsurgeryMalocclusion, Angle Class IetiologyRoot Resorptiondiagnostic imagingetiologyTooth Movement Techniquesadverse effectsCorticotomiesPiezocisionRoot resorptionTooth resorption
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