The value of the "touching-bone" acupuncture technique in clinical application was explained through the investigation on the origin of the theory of the "touching-bone" acupuncture technique, the analysis on the characteristics of acupoint selection, the introduction of clinical characteristics and the discussion on the mechanism of acupuncture in treatment. The "touching-bone" acupuncture technique refers to deep needling method, originated from the short needling and needling of the ancient needling methodslisted in the . The target points are the reaction sites on meridian near to bone and the attachments of soft tissues on bone. During the needle insertion, the needle tip is thrust deeply to the bone or the needle body is closely attached to the bone so as to stimulate periosteum specifically. This needling technique contributes to the satisfactory effect on spasmodic, deep-located and intractable pain disorder, motor system diseases, mental diseases and cerebral diseases, etc. Hence, this acupuncture technique deserves to be promoted in clinical application and explored in research.
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