To design a warm-acupuncture teaching instrument to train and evaluate its manipulation. We refer to the principle and technical operation characteristics of traditional warm-acupuncture, as well as the mechanical design and single-chip microcomputer technology. The device is consisted of device noumenon, universal acupoints simulator, vibration reset system and circuit control system, including frame, platform framework, the swing framework, universal acupoints simulator, vibration reset outfit, operation time circuit, acupuncture sensation display, and vibration control circuit, etc. It can be used to train needle inserting with different angles and moxa rubbing and loading. It displays whether a needle point meets the location required. We determine whether the moxa group on a needle handle is easy to fall off through vibration test, and operation time is showed. The device can objectively help warm-acupuncture training and evaluation so as to promote its clinical standardization manipulation.
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