Microperforate hymen presenting with incomplete abortion: A case report.

J Obstet Gynaecol Res

Department of Radio-diagnosis, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha, India.

Published: August 2017

A 20-year-old patient with 3 months of amenorrhea presented in the labor room with bleeding per vaginum and having experienced lower abdominal pain for 2 h. She had a history of difficult intercourse and prolonged menstrual flow. Inspection revealed a bleeding point over an obstructing membrane at the level of the vaginal introitus. Subsequent vaginal examination confirmed the diagnosis of microperforate hymen. Her urine pregnancy test was positive and an ultrasound examination revealed the presence of retained products of conception in the endometrial cavity. Hymenectomy was carried out to evacuate the retained products of conception and the margins of the hymen were sutured to prevent restenosis. The outcome was uneventful. This case study suggests that even though subocclusive hymenal anomalies, such as microperforate hymen, can interfere with normal vaginal intercourse, it does not lead to infertility and can permit pregnancy. Hence, awareness about this rare entity may lead to early detection and improvement in the patient's quality of life.

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