The Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research and Care (Busse, Buckley, Couban, Craigie and Wang), Department of Anesthesia (Busse and Buckley), Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (Busse, Carrasco-Labra, Iorio and Guyatt), McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.; University Hospitals of Geneva (Agoritsas), Geneva, Switzerland; American University of Beirut (Akl), Beirut, Lebanon; Canadian Pain Coalition (Cooper), Oshawa, Ont.; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry (Carrasco-Labra), University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; Inspire by Example, Canada (Cull); Institute of Primary Health Care (da Costa), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System (Frank), Denver, Colo. and University of Colorado School of Medicine (Frank), Aurora, Colo.; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia (Grant), Halifax, NS; Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics (Juurlink), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Persaud), St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ont.; Argus Medical Centre (Stern), Oakville, Ont.; Department of Medicine (Tugwell), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.; Innlandet Hospital Trust-Division Gjøvik (Vandvik), Norway.
Published: May 2017