Objective: To study the relationship of per-capita tobacco consumption and lung cancer mortality in Henan province, and to provide evidence for policy development on tobacco control and reduction of lung cancer mortality.
Methods: Data regarding lung cancer mortality and per-capita tobacco consumption among household residents from 1992 to 2011, was collected from published almanacs in Henan and Henan Tumor Institutes. Trend Method was used to analyze the development of lung cancer in Henan province and the trend of per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household. 'Spearman rank correlation' was used to analyze the correlation between per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household from 1992 to 2001 and the lung cancer mortality rates from 2002 to 2011, with the lag time unite as 10 years in this study. Cure Estimation was used to fit the model regarding the relationship between per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household and lung cancer.
Results: Lung cancer mortality among those permanent residents in Henan province increased from 14.75/100 000 in 1992 to 27.00/100 000 in 2011, with an increase of 83.05%. Both the trend of per-capita tobacco consumption among the permanent residents and the lung cancer mortality were uprising, with the tobacco consumption showing a lag effect to the lung cancer mortality. Correlation coefficient between the per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household from 1992 to 2001 and the lung cancer mortality from 2002 to 2011 was rs = 0.770, P = 0.009 < 0.05, with statistically significant difference. Along with the uprising trend of lung cancer mortality, the per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household was also parallelly rising with the equation of relevance between per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household in Henna province and lung cancer as ŷ = 2.60 x(0.46) (F = 576.483) and the R(2) was 0.667.
Conclusion: Per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household in Henan province appeared a factor that influencing the lung cancer mortality and an association between the per-capita tobacco consumption of residents in the household and lung cancer was noticed. Tobacco consumption had a lag trend to the mortality of lung cancer.
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