2168-34923442012Alcohol research : current reviewsAlcohol ResResilience to meet the challenge of addiction: psychobiology and clinical considerations.506515506-15Acute and chronic stress-related mechanisms play an important role in the development of addiction and its chronic, relapsing nature. Multisystem adaptations in brain, body, behavioral, and social function may contribute to a dysregulated physiological state that is maintained beyond the homeostatic range. In addition, chronic abuse of substances leads to an altered set point across multiple systems. Resilience can be defined as the absence of psychopathology despite exposure to high stress and reflects a person's ability to cope successfully in the face of adversity, demonstrating adaptive psychological and physiological stress responses. The study of resilience can be approached by examining interindividual stress responsibility at multiple phenotypic levels, ranging from psychological differences in the way people cope with stress to differences in neurochemical or neural circuitry function. The ultimate goal of such research is the development of strategies and interventions to enhance resilience and coping in the face of stress and prevent the onset of addiction problems or relapse.AlimTanja NTNDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Howard University, Washington, DC, USA.LawsonWilliam BWBFederAdrianaAIacovielloBrian MBMSaxenaShireenSBaileyChristopher RCRGreeneAllison MAMNeumeisterAlexanderAengR21 AA-018329AANIAAA NIH HHSUnited StatesRL1 AA-017540AANIAAA NIH HHSUnited StatesRL1 AA-017540-S1AANIAAA NIH HHSUnited StatesJournal ArticleResearch Support, N.I.H., Extramural
United StatesAlcohol Res1015944752168-34920Endocannabinoids0Neuropeptide Y333DO1RDJYSerotoninVTD58H1Z2XDopamineX4W3ENH1CVNorepinephrineIMAdaptation, PsychologicalphysiologyDopaminephysiologyEndocannabinoidsphysiologyHumansHypothalamo-Hypophyseal SystemphysiologyNeuropeptide YphysiologyNorepinephrinephysiologyPituitary-Adrenal SystemphysiologyResilience, PsychologicalSerotoninphysiologyStress, PsychologicalpsychologySubstance-Related Disorderspsychology
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