trying... 2235566920130909202110212045-232212011Scientific reportsSci RepThe elementary events underlying force generation in neuronal lamellipodia.15315315310.1038/srep00153We have used optical tweezers to identify the elementary events underlying force generation in neuronal lamellipodia. When an optically trapped bead seals on the lamellipodium membrane, Brownian fluctuations decrease revealing the underlying elementary events. The distribution of bead velocities has long tails with frequent large positive and negative values associated to forward and backward jumps occurring in 0.1-0.2 ms with varying amplitudes up to 20 nm. Jump frequency and amplitude are reduced when actin turnover is slowed down by the addition of 25 nM Jasplakinolide. When myosin II is inhibited by the addition of 20 μM Blebbistatin, jump frequency is reduced but to a lesser extent than by Jasplainolide. These jumps constitute the elementary events underlying force generation.AminLadanLNeurobiology Sector, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), IT-34136 Trieste, Italy.ErcoliniErikaEShahapureRajeshRBissonGiacomoGTorreVincentVengJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov't20111111EnglandSci Rep1015632882045-23220Actins0Depsipeptides0Heterocyclic Compounds, 4 or More Rings102396-24-7jasplakinolide20WC4J7CQ6blebbistatinEC 3.6.1.-Myosin Type IIIMActinsantagonists & inhibitorsmetabolismAnimalsBiomechanical PhenomenaBiophysical PhenomenaCell Movementdrug effectsphysiologyDepsipeptidespharmacologyGanglia, SpinalcytologyphysiologyHeterocyclic Compounds, 4 or More RingspharmacologyMyosin Type IIantagonists & inhibitorsmetabolismNeuronsdrug effectsphysiologyOptical TweezersPseudopodiadrug effectsphysiologyRatsRats, Wistar20115132011101420122236020122236020122236120111111ppublish22355669PMC324097310.1038/srep00153srep00153Pollard T. D. & Borisy G. G. 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trying2... trying... trying2...
The elementary events underlying force generation in neuronal lamellipodia. | LitMetric
We have used optical tweezers to identify the elementary events underlying force generation in neuronal lamellipodia. When an optically trapped bead seals on the lamellipodium membrane, Brownian fluctuations decrease revealing the underlying elementary events. The distribution of bead velocities has long tails with frequent large positive and negative values associated to forward and backward jumps occurring in 0.1-0.2 ms with varying amplitudes up to 20 nm. Jump frequency and amplitude are reduced when actin turnover is slowed down by the addition of 25 nM Jasplakinolide. When myosin II is inhibited by the addition of 20 μM Blebbistatin, jump frequency is reduced but to a lesser extent than by Jasplainolide. These jumps constitute the elementary events underlying force generation.