Under the guidance of traditional acupuncture theory and modern medical knowledge, with long-term clinical practice, professor SHI Xue-min, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has made new recognitions on the concept of Shen (mind or vitality, a general term for life processes of the human body, referring to mentality, consciousness and thinking) and the brain, established the ideas of "Xingshen" (to cause resuscitation), "Tiaoshen" (to regulate the function of mental activity) and "Anshen" (to tranquilize the mind), promoted the application of the above ideas into acupuncture treatment on acute syndromes and intractable diseases, which is approved to have significant effect. The article dedicats to introduce professor SHI's experiences of using his idea of mental regulation with the combination of standard quantitative manipulations to treat acute, severe and intractable diseases such as stroke, central respiratory failure, angina pectoris, temporary syncope, pseudobular palsy, vascular dementia and dysuria.
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