Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi
November 2004
Objective: To investigate the biological characters of human skin fibroblasts in fibroblast populated collagen lattice (FPCL).
Methods: The human fibroblasts were cultured in 3D and the collagen of the rat tail was also prepared. They were examined with the comprising cell cycle and apoptosis, mRNA expression of TGF beta1, and fibronectin, and cell morphology.
Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi
January 2002
Objective: To search an ideal carrier of transferred keratinocytes for transplantation.
Methods: The transferred keratinocytes were seeded on the surfaces of the artificial dermis and the silicone membrane and cultured in vitro for 2 weeks. The growth of the keratinocytes was observed by microscope and scanning electron microscope.