Publications by authors named "robertis E"

Aim: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive therapy for pulmonary malignant cancers in patients with medical co-morbidities or refusal of surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate a conscious analgosedation protocol for RFA of lung neoplasm.

Methods: Ten RFAs were performed.

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Aim: Microbes commonly involved in ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) are difficult to eradicate: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii are often resistant to piperacillin, aztreonam and ceftazidim while Klebsiella pneumoniae and other Enterobacteriaceae are resistant to third generation cephalosporins. Physicians need to tailor their therapeutic approach depending on individual patients and clinical setting, firmly based on local epidemiology. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of VAP caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria in our ICU.

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In 1924, Spemann and Mangold demonstrated the induction of Siamese twins in transplantation experiments with salamander eggs. Recent work in amphibian embryos has followed their lead and uncovered that cells in signalling centres that are located at the dorsal and ventral poles of the gastrula embryo communicate with each other through a network of secreted growth-factor antagonists, a protease that degrades them, a protease inhibitor and bone-morphogenic-protein signals.

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Here we report an unexpected role for the secreted Frizzled-related protein (sFRP) Sizzled/Ogon as an inhibitor of the extracellular proteolytic reaction that controls BMP signaling during Xenopus gastrulation. Microinjection experiments suggest that the Frizzled domain of Sizzled regulates the activity of Xolloid-related (Xlr), a metalloproteinase that degrades Chordin, through the following molecular pathway: Szl -| Xlr -| Chd -| BMP --> P-Smad1 --> Szl. In biochemical assays, the Xlr proteinase has similar affinities for its endogenous substrate Chordin and for its competitive inhibitor Sizzled, which is resistant to enzyme digestion.

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Aim: The aim of this study was to compare serum S100B levels and EEG findings as prognostic indexes in comatose (GCS<8) patients after cardiac arrest.

Methods: S100B serum levels were assessed 12 h after the event and EEG findings were recorded within 24 h in comatose cardiac arrest survivors. At hospital discharge, patients were divided into groups according the Glasgow-outcome scale (GOS): group 1 with bad neurological outcome and group 2 with good neurological outcome (GOS 4-5).

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Embryos have the ability to self-regulate and regenerate normal structures after being sectioned in half. How is such a morphogenetic field established? We discovered that quadruple knockdown of ADMP and BMP2/4/7 in Xenopus embryos eliminates self-regulation, causing ubiquitous neural induction throughout the ectoderm. ADMP transcription in the Spemann organizer is activated at low BMP levels.

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Background: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy (PRES) is characterized by acute-onset headache, altered mental status, cortical blindness and seizures, with parietal-occipital involvement. We report all cases of PRES diagnosed in our intensive care unit during the last 4 years, and evaluate their outcome in terms of the different medical treatments used. Even if usually reversible, PRES can sometimes result in death or irreversible neurological deficit, such as chronic epilepsy.

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Secreted proteins play a crucial role in intercellular communication during embryogenesis and in the adult. We recently described a novel method, designated as secretion cloning, that allows identifying extracellular proteins exclusively based on their ability to be secreted by transfected cells. In this paper, we present the results of a large-scale screening of more than 90,000 clones from three cDNA expression libraries constructed from early Xenopus embryos.

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To address the patterning function of the Bmp2, Bmp4 and Bmp7 growth factors, we designed antisense morpholino oligomers (MO) that block their activity in Xenopus laevis. Bmp4 knockdown was sufficient to rescue the ventralizing effects caused by loss of Chordin activity. Double Bmp4 and Bmp7 knockdown inhibited tail development.

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In Xenopus, two signaling systems, maternal beta-Catenin and Nodal-related, are required for induction of the Spemann organizer and establishment of the body plan. By screening cDNA macroarrays for genes activated by these two signaling pathways, we identified Xenopus xBtg-x, a novel member of the Btg/Tob gene family of antiproliferative proteins. We show that xBtg-x is expressed in the dorsal mesendoderm (Spemann organizer tissue) of gastrula stage embryos and that its expression is regulated by both beta-Catenin and Nodal-related signals.

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Xenopus embryonic ectodermal cells dissociated for three or more hours differentiate into neural tissue instead of adopting their normal epidermal fate. This default type of neural induction occurs in the absence of Spemann's organizer signals and is thought to be caused by the dilution of endogenous BMPs into the culture medium. Unexpectedly, we observed that BMP ligands continue to signal in dissociated cells.

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Sirenomelia or mermaid-like phenotype is one of the principal human congenital malformations that can be traced back to the stage of gastrulation. Sirenomelia is characterized by the fusion of the two hindlimbs into a single one. In the mouse, sirens have been observed in crosses between specific strains and as the consequence of mutations that increase retinoic acid levels.

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The aim of the paper was to describe an unusual case of non lactic metabolic acidosis connected to hypophosphatemia and refractory to infusion of bicarbonate. A 37 year old man was admitted to Intensive Care Unit with a severe metabolic acidosis. On admission the arterial gas analysis showed non lactic metabolic acidosis (pH 7.

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The growing incidence of infections due to Gram-positive multiresistant germs has stimulated research into new drugs endowed with broader activity, that are useful in case of infections unresponsive to common antibiotics. The case of a 28-year-old man infected with a methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus non responder to therapy with glycopeptide antibiotics is reported. At admission the patient presented a septic condition and required mechanical ventilation.

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We review the current status of research in dorsal-ventral (D-V) patterning in vertebrates. Emphasis is placed on recent work on Xenopus, which provides a paradigm for vertebrate development based on a rich heritage of experimental embryology. D-V patterning starts much earlier than previously thought, under the influence of a dorsal nuclear -Catenin signal.

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Convergent extension movements occur ubiquitously in animal development. This special type of cell movement is controlled by the Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Here we show that Xenopus paraxial protocadherin (XPAPC) functionally interacts with the Wnt/PCP pathway in the control of convergence and extension (CE) movements in Xenopus laevis.

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The possibility of tissues and organs transplantation is nowadays an ordinary surgical procedure for patients that do not have other way of treatment. Today the principal objective of the National Health Care System is the improvement in the transplantation activities. To achieve this objective it is necessary to sustain and promote donation, which is still the principal resource that can be used to satisfy the needs of the patients in waiting list for transplantation.

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The origin of the signals that induce the differentiation of the central nervous system (CNS) is a long-standing question in vertebrate embryology. Here we show that Xenopus neural induction starts earlier than previously thought, at the blastula stage, and requires the combined activity of two distinct signaling centers. One is the well-known Nieuwkoop center, located in dorsal-vegetal cells, which expresses Nodal-related endomesodermal inducers.

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The understanding of vertebrate development has greatly benefited from the study of gastrulation in the Xenopus embryo. Over the years, the molecular dissection of the Spemann organizer has proven to be a very fruitful source for gene discovery. Here, we report a comprehensive screen of gene expression in the Xenopus gastrula using cDNA macroarrays.

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Twisted Gastrulation (Tsg) is a secreted molecule which regulates BMP signalling in the extracellular space as part of an evolutionarily conserved network of interacting proteins. In Xenopus, maternal xTsg mRNA can be found throughout the early embryo. After gastrulation, xTsg is expressed as part of the BMP4 synexpression group until late tadpole stages.

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