Publications by authors named "Zsolt Dubravcsik"

Background: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is essential for the minimally invasive management of biliary and pancreatic disorders. Under certain indications, performing ERCP without delay during the weekend can be important for improving outcomes.

Objectives: To compare the outcomes of ERCP performed on weekends and holidays with those of regular weekday ERCPs.

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Long-term data on ustekinumab in real-life Crohn's disease patients are still missing, though randomized controlled trials demonstrated it as a favorable therapeutic option. We aimed to evaluate ustekinumab's clinical efficacy, drug sustainability, and safety in a prospective, nationwide, multicenter Crohn's disease patient cohort with a three-year follow-up. Crohn's disease patients on ustekinumab treatment were consecutively enrolled from 9 Hungarian Inflammatory Bowel Disease centers between January 2019 and May 2020.

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In developed countries, diseases of the gallbladder and the biliary tract count as some of the most frequent gastrointestinal disorders. The inflammation of the gallbladder/biliary tree is a potentially severe, even lethal condition that requires rapid diagnosis and early multidisciplinary approach to be treated. Although the frequency of these diseases is high, the treatment is not unified in Hungary yet.

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During the more than 50-year history of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), it has become an almost exclusively therapeutic procedure from a diagnostic method. This was the result of the evolution of far less invasive diagnostic procedures and the identification of its complications. Nowadays, being aware of these complications is fundamental.

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Unlabelled: Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az epeúti kövesség meglétének valószínűsége különböző klinikai prediktorok alapján megbecsülhető, e faktorok szenzitivitása és specificitása azonban nem kielégítő. Az endoszkópos ultrahangvizsgálat az epeúti kövesség diagnosztizálásának szemiinvazív precíz eszköze.

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Nowadays, endoscopy is the cornerstone in the diagnosis and therapy of gastrointestinal diseases. Good quality endoscopy can improve outcome of the disease and patients experience. International endoscopy societies prioritized efforts improving quality of endoscopy.

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Introduction: Although efficacy of ustekinumab (UST) has been demonstrated through randomized trials, data from real-life prospective cohorts are still limited. Our aim was to evaluate clinical efficacy, drug sustainability, dose intensification and results from therapeutic drug monitoring in UST treated patients with Crohn's disease (CD) using a prospective, nationwide, multicenter cohort.

Methods: Patients from 10 Inflammatory Bowel Disease centers were enrolled between 2019 January and 2020 May.

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Background: There is an ongoing debate that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) or prophylactic pancreatic stents (PPS) are more beneficial in preventing post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis (PEP). In our present network meta-analysis, we aimed to compare PPSs to rectal NSAIDs in the prevention of moderate and severe PEP in average- and high-risk patients.

Methods: We performed a systematic search for randomized controlled trials (RCT) from MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase and Cochrane Central databases.

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Background: Health care professionals in endoscopic labs have an elevated risk for COVID-19 infection, therefore, we aimed to determine the effect of current pandemic on the workflow and infection prevention and control strategies of endoscopy units in real-life setting.

Methods: All members of Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology were invited between 7 and 17 April 2020 to participate in this cross-section survey study and to complete an online, anonymous questionnaire.

Results: Total of 120 endoscopists from 83 institutes were enrolled of which 35.

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Article Synopsis
  • Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a severe condition with no specific treatment, making early diagnosis essential for better outcomes.
  • A study analyzed data from both acute pancreatitis (AP) and chronic pancreatitis (CP) patients, revealing that experiencing three or more episodes of AP significantly increases the risk of developing CP.
  • Findings suggest that patients with three or more recurrent AP episodes could be classified as having early chronic pancreatitis (ECP), allowing for earlier diagnosis without extra healthcare costs.
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Unlabelled: Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az endoszkópos retrográd cholangiopancreatographiát (ERCP) követő pancreatitis (PEP) incidenciája a magas kockázatú betegcsoportban 14,7%. Célkitűzés: A munkacsoportunk által szerzett tapasztalatok elemzése.

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Article Synopsis
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a crucial procedure for treating acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP) and cholangitis, particularly when there's a blockage in the bile duct.
  • A study compared the difficulties of ERCP in 240 ABP patients versus 250 patients with acute cholangitis (AC) without ABP; results showed that accessing the bile duct was more complex in ABP cases.
  • Findings indicated that ABP patients experienced longer cannulation times and required more advanced techniques, suggesting that these cases necessitate the skill of an experienced endoscopist.
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Objectives: Linked color imaging (LCI) is a new endoscopic technology that may increase colorectal adenoma detection rate (ADR) and polyp detection rate (PDR) by virtual chromoendoscopy. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of LCI in ADR and PDR compared to the HD white-light colonoscopy (WLC) technique.

Materials And Methods: Between October 2016 and June 2018, we enrolled consecutive outpatients prospectively.

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Background: Hypertriglyceridemia is the third most common cause of acute pancreatitis (AP). It has been shown that hypertriglyceridemia aggravates the severity and related complications of AP; however, detailed analyses of large cohorts are contradictory. Our aim was to investigate the dose-dependent effect of hypertriglyceridemia on AP.

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To analyze risk factors of post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) in high risk patients in whom prophylactic pancreatic stents (PPSs) were intended to use to prevent endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP)-related complications. Three hundred and seventeen high-risk patients for developing PEP were considered for preventive pancreatic stent placement in our endoscopy unit over 5 years. 5 Fr, 3-5 cm long PPSs were used.

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Background: Pancreatic ductal HCO3(-) secretion is critically dependent on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator chloride channel (CFTR) and the solute-linked carrier 26 member 6 anion transporter (SLC26A6). Deterioration of HCO3(-) secretion is observed in chronic pancreatitis (CP), and CFTR mutations increase CP risk. Therefore, SLC26A6 is a reasonable candidate for a CP susceptibility gene, which has not been investigated in CP patients so far.

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Background: The outcome of the most common biliary form of acute pancreatitis has not changed even with the better described indications for early endoscopic intervention. It may be due to the fact that this intrevention theoretically can cause further pancreatic injury or cannot always relieve the pancreatic duct obstruction. We hypothesize that maintaining the outflow of the pancreatic duct with preventive pancreatic stents at the early ERCP improves the outcome of acute biliary pancreatitis.

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Pancreatic cancer is a disease with a poor prognosis usually diagnosed at a late stage. Therefore, screening, diagnosis, treatment and palliation of pancreatic cancer patients require up-to-date and evidence based management guidelines. The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group proposed to prepare an evidence based guideline based on the available scientific evidence and international guidelines.

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Pediatric pancreatitis is a rare disease with variable etiology. In the past 10-15 years the incidence of pediatric pancreatitis has been increased. The management of pediatric pancreatitis requires up-to-date and evidence based management guidelines.

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Autoimmune pancreatitis is a rare disease which can even mimic pancreatic tumor, however, unlike the latter, it requires not surgical but conservative management. Correct diagnosis and differential diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis and treatment of these patients requires up-to-date and evidence based management guidelines. The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group proposed to prepare an evidence based guideline based on the available international guidelines and evidences.

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Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease associated with structural and functional damage of the pancreas. In most cases pain, maldigestion and weight loss are the leading symptoms, which significantly worsen the quality of life. Correct diagnosis and differential diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and treatment of these patients requires up-to-date and evidence based treatment guidelines.

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Acute pancreatitis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with significant morbidity and mortality that requires up-to-date and evidence based treatment guidelines. The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group proposed to prepare evidence based guideline for the medical and surgical management of acute pancreatitis based on the available international guidelines and evidence. The preparatory and consultation task force appointed by the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group translated and, if it was necessary, complemented and/or modified the international guidelines.

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Endoscopic ultrasound is one of those diagnostic methods in gastrointestinal endoscopy which has developed rapidly in the last decade and has became exceedingly available to visualize the walls of the internal organs in details corresponding to histological layers, or analyze the adjacent structures. Fine needles and other endoscopic accessories can be introduced into the neighbouring tissues under the guidance of endoscopic ultrasound, and diagnostic and minimally invasive therapeutic interventions can be performed. The endoscopic ultrasound became more widely available in Hungary in recent years.

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