In 1996, a cadaver in adipocere condition was discovered in a bay of the Brienzer See in Switzerland. The torso was named "Brienzi" following the "Iceman" Ötzi. Several outer parts of the body were incrusted; the incrustation was in blue color.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe examination of a deceased person is an important duty for physicians. It comprises the certification of death, the certification of the identity of the deceased, a thorough examination of the body, an estimation of the moment of death and ends with the decision, if death was caused by a certain or possible violent cause in which case it must be reported to the authorities. Problems and pitfalls are discussed on the basis of practical case presentations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn outwardly mummified and inwardly badly decomposed body was found in a garage. At autopsy, no injuries were detected. Apart from coronary heart disease, with an old myocardial scar and a hepatic steatosis, the most striking finding was a large intracranial epidural hemorrhage situated at the left frontal lobe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Forensic Med Pathol
December 2006
A 51-year-old man was struck by the tip of a broomstick weighing 1000 g at the left side of the neck, upon which he collapsed. Intense but delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation restored the circulation roughly 30 minutes after the incident. Upon admittance to a nearby hospital, an extensive hypoxic cerebral damage was diagnosed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBy a retrospective analysis of all survived strangulation cases examined at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Berne, Switzerland between 1987 and 2002, the authors tried to find out, if findings and symptoms of victims could be related to the fierceness of the assault and the mode of strangulation and if general evaluation criteria could be established on the basis of objective findings. One hundred and thirty-four survived strangulation cases were analysed on the basis of written reports, photographies and schematical sketches. Findings and symptoms reflected the fierceness of the assault in 71% of all cases by displaying a continuum of findings from minor injuries to severe traumatisation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe examination of living victims of physical and sexual assault as well as the documentation of injuries are tasks of the emergency physician. His observations and the documentation by photography, diagrams and description of findings are the basis for further legal proceedings. This article addresses the duties and responsibilities as well as the practical procedures of the physician regarding the announcement of incidents indicating crimes against the corporal and sexual integrity of patients to the authorities and the documentation of findings in general and addresses some special situations likely to occur in any medical emergency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe emergeny physician summoned to a sudden, unexpected death is confronted by various uncommon problems such as the certification of death on the "frontline" without destroying important evidence, the estimation of time since death, deciding whether the death must be reported to the authorities as well as taking care of mourning relatives. To all this questions the authors offer answers and practical advices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPraxis (Bern 1994)
June 2005
In case of a possible or certain lethal case of medical malpractice the following procedure is recommended: 1. Scrutinize every death of a patient during or after a medical treatment. Address the following questions: "Did everything proceed correctly?", "Could death have been prevented?", "This should not have been happened".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMalaria remains the most important parasitic disease worldwide. Falciparum malaria is a medical emergency and requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. Cerebral malaria is a rapidly progressive, potentially fatal complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFForensic Sci Int
December 2003
The goal of this study was the reproduction of shape and pattern of gunshot residues in near contact and contact gunshot wounds by a series of experimental gunshots on a skin and soft tissue model. The aim was to investigate the shape and direction of soot deposits with regard to the muzzle according to different muzzle-target angles, firing distances, type of ammunition and weapon and barrel length. Based on a review of the literature and on the results of the experiments the authors could make the following statements of gunshot residues in angled contact and close contact gunshot: (1) gunshot residues on the target surface can be differentiated in a "inner" and "outer powder soot zone"; (2) the outer powder soot zone is much less visible than the inner powder soot zone and may lack on human skin; (3) with increasing muzzle target distance both inner and outer powder soot halo increase in size and decrease in density; (4) in angled shots the inner powder soot halo shows an eccentric, elliptic shape which points towards the muzzle, regardless of ammunition, calibre and barrel length; (5) the outer powder soot points away from the muzzle in angled contact and close contact shots.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBite mark identification is based on the individuality of a dentition, which is used to match a bite mark to a suspected perpetrator. This matching is based on a tooth-by-tooth and arch-to-arch comparison utilising parameters of size, shape and alignment. The most common method used to analyse bite mark are carried out in 2D space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiologic and nonbiologic traces on the hands are of particular importance for the forensic reconstruction of shooting incidents; gunpowder residue analysis in particular helps determine whether the gunshot is close range or distant. In crime scene investigation, knowledge about the morphology of bloodstain patterns-including gunshot-related back spatter-has increased since various experimental examinations have been performed in the last years; nowadays, these traces are frequently used for forensic crime scene reconstruction. The goal of this study was to deduce the position and orientation of the hands, and therefore the firearm, according to the bloodstain patterns on the hands of the deceased.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExperimenting upon a synthetic, non-biological Skull-Brain Model, our goal was to document and study the bullet-body interaction of grazing (glancing, tangential) gunshots. Thanks to the high-speed study of the dynamic bullet-body interaction it was possible to document the glancing behavior of projectiles with a resolution of 50 million pictures per second. It was possible to demonstrate the differing deformation and fragmentation patterns between the 9mm Luger full metal jacketed projectile and the 38 Smith & Wesson (S & W) lead round nose projectile.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Forensic Med Pathol
December 2002
Relatives of deceased persons, on whose body a forensic autopsy had been performed at the Institute of Forensic Science, Bern, Switzerland, were interrogated by a questionnaire. The aim was to investigate the attitude of relatives toward medicolegal investigation procedures in general and toward forensic autopsy in particular. A great majority of the relatives showed a positive or indifferent attitude toward a forensic autopsy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany contact gunshots produce a muzzle imprint in the skin of the victim. Different mechanisms have been discussed in literature as being responsible for the creation of the muzzle imprint. Experimenting upon the synthetic non biological skin-skull-brain model, our goal was to document and study the creation of the muzzle imprint with the aid of high-speed photography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe goal of this study was to document the dynamic effects created within, and the developing mechanisms of a gunshot entrance wound to the skin utilizing high-speed photography and the "skin-skull-brain model". The high-speed photography was taken with an Imacon 468/Hadland-Photonics camera. Full metal jacketed, 9 mm Luger projectiles were fired at the target model from a distance of 10 m.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFForensic Sci Int
February 2002
In order to create and study wound morphology, a "skin-skull-brain model" had to be designed which would make the laboratory reproduction of a real ballistic injury possible. To simulate the human skin, an artificial skin (a silicon cap) is used. This silicon scalp contains synthetic fibers (artificial leather) to simulate the collagen and fat of the scalp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFForensic science uses substitutes to reconstruct injury patterns in order to answer questions regarding the dynamic formation of unusual injuries. Using a case study, an experimental simulation of a finger was designed, for the first time with a combination of hard wood and glycerin soap. With this model as an intermediate target simulation, it was possible not only to demonstrate the "bullet-body (finger) interaction", but also to recreate the wound pattern found in the victim.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to study the conditions for the formation of so-called rustmarks on the skin after contact with weapon steel tests to provoke rustmarks were performed on corpses and living bodies. These tests were only successful under the condition of a firm contact with the weapon steel and a certain minimum contact time between the weapon and the skin. The experiments showed that the critical parameters for the appearance of rustmarks are, first, the humidity of the skin and the environment, respectively, as well as the contact time, and second, the state of the weapon surface (greased or ungreased).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSchweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed
November 2000
On October 5, 1994, 48 members of the Sect of the Solar Temple were found dead at two different locations in Switzerland: 23 victims in Cheiry and 25 victims in Salvan. Our Institute was commissioned to solve the forensic problems presented by this tragedy. Our goals were to establish the time of death, determine its causes, help elucidate the surrounding circumstances and identify the victims.
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