IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst
June 2024
In the last few decades, DNA-based self-assembly tiles has become a hot field in research due to its special applications and advantages. The regularity and strong design methods comprise other DNA-based digital circuit design methods. In addition to the obvious advantages of this method, there are challenges in performing computations based on self-assembly tiles, which have hindered the development and construction of large computing circuits with this method.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIET Nanobiotechnol
May 2020
Deregulation of microRNAs expression is symptomatic of cancer disease and occurs before the awareness of cancer signs. Early detection of cancer disease can improve or drop the disease entirely. DNA computing is an emerging field of detecting microRNAs based on toehold-mediated strand displacement reactions, which is a more efficient method than the commonly used method like real-time PCR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst
October 2017
DNA is known as the building block for storing the life codes and transferring the genetic features through the generations. However, it is found that DNA strands can be used for a new type of computation that opens fascinating horizons in computational medicine. Significant contributions are addressed on design of DNA-based logic gates for medical and computational applications but there are serious challenges for designing the medium and large-scale DNA circuits.
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