An incriase has been shown in the blood content of lactate, NADH2, pyruvate, activity of lactatedehydrogenase in hypoxic newborn infants, which fact is believed to have a positive character. Under conditions of deficient supply of tissues with oxygen activization of glycolysis is of compensatory character. The results obtained should be regarded as a positive factor aimed to make up for the fund of NADH2, a potential energy product securing ATP synthesis through aerobic mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUkr Biokhim Zh (1978)
January 1995
Instability of the system of detoxication of peroxidative products and system of generation of free-radical oxidation of membrane lipids in placenta, funic blood, in amniotic water of mothers with diabetes mellitus and in newborns blood has been found. It is shown, that the exhaustion of antioxidative status of fetoplacental complex connected with the depression of antioxidative activity in blood of the newborns reflects the frustration of adaptation reaction of the newborn's organism, that may increase the risk of perinatal diseases or mortality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is found that antioxidative activity (AOA) and activity of glutathione-transferase in postmitochondrial placenta fraction of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus is lowered. Depression of AOA in placenta associated with a decrease of UDA and ceruloplasmin amount in blood of the newborns shows the exhaustion of the antioxidative protection system. A decrease of enzyme activity at the sorbitol way of glucose exchange (sorbitol-dehydrogenase and aldose reductase) in placenta reflects accumulation of sorbitol in tissue, which intensifies the damage of membrane structures in placenta.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Gematol Pereliv Krovi
January 1978
Cumulative and toxic properties of lincomycin evident from increased numbers of pathological mitosis were found on three-fold treatment of various cell lines with the antibiotic in concentrations of 100 or 200 Units/ml for 1.5 years. The toxicity level was not high since the other indices of the mitotic regimen remained unchanged.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
January 1972
Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
December 1971
Probl Gematol Pereliv Krovi
June 1968
Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
October 1968
Probl Gematol Pereliv Krovi
July 1966
Probl Gematol Pereliv Krovi
August 1965
Probl Gematol Pereliv Krovi
April 1962
Probl Gematol Pereliv Krovi
May 2002