J Manag Care Spec Pharm
November 2017
Background: Previous work has documented the considerable economic burden associated with opioid abuse, dependence, and overdose/poisoning (hereafter, "abuse"). Recent analyses have provided insights into the trajectory and drivers of the excess costs of abuse both before and after diagnosis, showing the important role of other substance abuse, mental health issues, and painful conditions.
Objective: To build on the recently published study by Kirson et al.
Objectives: To replicate and extend a recently published analysis of the drivers of excess costs of opioid abuse.
Study Design: Retrospective data analysis using de-identified claims data from the Truven MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounter database.
Methods: Medical and prescription drug claims from beneficiaries covered by large self-insured US companies were used to select patients with incident diagnoses of opioid abuse between 2012 and 2015.