Publications by authors named "Zhuoying Liu"

Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the whitening efficacy and removal of extrinsic tooth stain of sodium phytate-containing whitening toothpaste, as well as to evaluate participant satisfaction.

Methods: A total of eighty participants were recruited for this randomized, triple-blind controlled trial and were randomly assigned to either the test group (toothpaste containing 0.875% sodium phytate, ST) or the control group (toothpaste without sodium phytate, CT).

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Adipose tissues (AT) are an important endocrine organ that secretes various functional adipokines, peptides, non-coding RNAs, and acts on AT themselves or other distant tissues or organs through autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine manners. An accumulating body of evidence has suggested that many adipokines play an important role in liver metabolism. Besides the traditional adipokines such as adiponectin and leptin, many novel adipokines have recently been identified to have regulatory effects on the liver.

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Background: Heat tolerance is a distinct abiotic factor affecting the distribution and abundance of insects. Gut microbiota can contribute to host fitness, thereby increasing resistance to abiotic stress conditions. In this study, Sarcophaga peregrina is closely associated with human life in ecological habits and shows remarkable adaptability to daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations.

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() is one of the major cariogenic bacteria of dental caries owing to its ability to adhere to tooth surfaces and biofilm formation. Berberine chloride hydrate (BH), a quaternary ammonium salt alkaloid, has diverse pharmacological efforts against microorganisms. However, the effect of BH on biofilm has not been reported.

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Given the inevitable exposure of Eriocheir sinensis (E. sinensis) to fungicides in rice-crab co-culture systems, understanding the potential effect of fungisides is important for practical application. Molting is a crucial development process of E.

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Background: The excessive and frequent intake of refined sugar leads to caries. However, the relationship between the amount of sugar intake and the risk of caries is not always consistent. Oral microbial profile and function may impact the link between them.

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The prevalent use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has increased exponentially in recent years, especially in youth who are attracted to flavored e-cigarettes. Indeed, e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) cases started to emerge in the United States in August 2019, resulting in 2807 hospitalized cases and 68 deaths as of 18 February 2020. In the present study, we investigated, for the first time, whether flavored and nicotine containing e-cigarettes induce endothelial dysfunction to result in impaired angiogenesis and wound healing particularly under diabetic condition.

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Many flies of Diptera are common entomological evidence employed in forensic investigation. Exploring the existence of inter- and intra-species genomic differences of forensically relevant insects is of great importance. Aldrichina grahami is a common blow fly species of forensic importance.

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(TbCSV) belongs to the genus of the family , and causes leaf curling and curly shoot symptoms in tobacco and tomato crops. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are pivotal modulators of plant development and host-virus interactions. However, the relationship between TbCSV infection and miRNAs accumulation has not been well investigated.

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As the sexual minority in China, transpersons remain faced with various realistic challenges. In recent years, however, there has been a significant progress made in the protection given to the rights that transpersons deserve. Currently, the citizens who have changed their gender through sex reassignment surgery can make applications to the local police station for changing their gender registration and get issued a new ID card.

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(Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) is recognized as an important forensically beetle species. In this study, we report the mitogenome of The total length of the mitogenome was 17,830bp (GenBank accession no. MW415274).

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Background: The time-length between the first colonization of necrophagous insect on the corpse and the beginning of investigation represents the most important forensic concept of minimum post-mortem inference (PMImin). Before colonization, the time spent by an insect to detect and locate a corpse could significantly influence the PMImin estimation. The olfactory system plays an important role in insect food foraging behavior.

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The minimum postmortem interval (PMImin) could be evaluated from the developmental stage of forensically important insects colonize a corpse, such as blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Unlike larvae, the developmental stage of which is well established according to their morphology, estimating the age of pupae is proven to be challenging. Recently, several studies reported the regulation of special genes during the development of blow fly pupae.

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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding but functional RNA molecules of 21-25 nucleotides in length. MiRNAs play significant regulatory roles in diverse plant biological processes. In order to decipher the relationship between nbe-miR1919c-5p and the accumulations of tobacco curly shoot virus (TbCSV) and its betasatellite (TbCSB) DNAs, as well as viral symptom development, we investigated the function of nbe-miR1919c-5p during TbCSV and TbCSB co-infection in plants using a PVX-and a TRV-based short tandem target mimic (STTM) technology.

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Background: Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are the most commonly found entomological evidence in forensic investigations. Distinguished from other blowflies, Aldrichina grahami has some unique biological characteristics and is a species of forensic importance. Its development rate, pattern, and life cycle can provide valuable information for the estimation of the minimum postmortem interval.

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Background: Aldrichina grahami (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a forensically important fly, which has been widely applied to practical legal investigations. Unlike other necrophagous flies, A. grahami exhibits cold tolerance which helps to maintain its activity during low-temperature months, when other species are usually not active.

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APPLs (adaptor proteins containing the pleckstrin homology domain, phosphotyrosine binding domain and leucine zipper motif) are multifunctional adaptor proteins that bind to various membrane receptors, nuclear factors and signaling proteins to regulate many biological activities and processes, such as cell proliferation, chromatin remodeling, endosomal trafficking, cell survival, cell metabolism and apoptosis. APPL1, one of the APPL isoforms, was the first identified protein and interacts directly with adiponectin receptors to mediate adiponectin signaling to enhance lipid oxidation and glucose uptake. APPLs also act on insulin signaling pathways and are important mediators of insulin sensitization.

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