Publications by authors named "Zhongyang Huo"

Soil salinization is an important factor that limits crop production. The effects of spraying salicylic acid (SA) during the grain-filling stage on the salt tolerance of progeny seeds in wheat ( L.) were investigated in this study.

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  • Rational nitrogen application can boost rice yield and eating quality, but too much can harm both and pollute the environment.
  • Reduced nitrogen application with dense planting (RNDP) is beneficial for maintaining rice yield and improving nitrogen efficiency, yet its effects on grain quality were previously unclear.
  • A two-year study found that while reduced nitrogen alone decreased yield, RNDP maintained yield and significantly improved rice eating quality due to changes in starch structure and properties.
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Monitoring winter wheat Soil-Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) values using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is an effective and non-destructive method. However, predicting SPAD values during the booting stage is less accurate than other growth stages. Existing research on UAV-based SPAD value prediction has mainly focused on low-altitude flights of 10-30 m, neglecting the potential benefits of higher-altitude flights.

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Freezing stress in spring often causes the death and abnormal development of young ears of wheat, leading to a significant reduction in grain production. However, the mechanisms of young wheat ears responding to freezing are largely unclear. In this study, the role of the ascorbic acid-glutathione cycle (AsA-GSH cycle) in alleviating freezing-caused oxidative damage in young wheat ears at the anther connective tissue formation phase (ACFP) was investigated.

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Late spring frost is an important meteorological factor threatening the safe production of winter wheat in China. The young ear is the most vulnerable organ of the wheat plant to spring frost. To gain an insight into the mechanisms underpinning young wheat ears' tolerance to freezing, we performed a comparative proteome analysis of wheat varieties Xumai33 (XM33, freezing-sensitive) and Jimai22 (JM22, freezing-tolerant) under normal and freezing conditions using label-free quantitative proteomic techniques during the anther connective tissue formation phase (ACFP).

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Nitrogen (N) rate reduction and simplified fertilization can mitigate environmental impacts and reduce the involvement of manual labor in rice ( L.) production. Controlled-release urea (CRU) has been recommended as an effective alternative technique to conventional urea fertilization, and it can improve rice yield and N use efficiency (NUE) and reduce labor costs.

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Rice false smut (RFS), caused by Ustilaginoidea virens, is an important fungal disease of rice. In China, Methyl Benzimidazole Carbamates (MBCs), including carbendazim, are common fungicides used to control RFS and other rice diseases. In this study, resistance of U.

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The development of stimuli-responsive controlled release formulations is a potential method of improving pesticide utilization efficiency and alleviating current pesticide-related environmental pollution. In this study, a self-destruction redox-responsive pesticide delivery system using biodegradable disulfide-bond-bridged mesoporous organosilica (DMON) nanoparticles as the porous carriers and coordination complexes of gallic acid (GA) and Fe(III) ions as the capping agents were established for controlling prochloraz (PRO) release. The GA-Fe(III) complexes deposited onto the surface of DMON nanoparticles could effectively improve the light stability of prochloraz.

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Rice false smut (RFS) caused by has been one of the most severe rice diseases. Fungicide-based chemical control is a significant measure to control RFS. In the sensitivity determination of quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) fungicide in vitro, salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) has been commonly added to artificial culture media in order to inhibit alternative oxidase of phytopathogenic fungi.

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Multimodal antimicrobial technology is regarded as a promising strategy for controlling plant diseases because it enhances antimicrobial efficacy by blocking multiple pesticide-resistance pathways. In this work, a pH-responsive multimodal antimicrobial system was constructed based on ZIF-90 for the controlled release of kasugamycin (KSM). A series of physicochemical characterizations confirmed the successful fabrication of ZIF-90-KSM.

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Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most destructive fungal diseases of rice worldwide. Stimulatory effects of low doses of fungicides on pathogens are closely relevant to disease management. In the present study, in potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with carbendazim at a dose range from 0.

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Encapsulation of active ingredients into intelligent response controlled release carriers has been recognized as a promising approach to enhance the utilization efficiency and reduce the environmental risks of pesticides. In this work, an intelligent redox and pectinase dual stimuli-responsive pesticide delivery system was constructed by bonding pectin with metal-organic frameworks (FeMOF nanoparticles) which were loaded with pyraclostrobin (PYR@FeMOF-pectin nanoparticles). The successful fabrication of PYR@FeMOF-pectin nanoparticles was proved by a series of physicochemical characterizations.

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Nitrogen fertilizer is essential for rice growth and development, and topdressing nitrogen fertilizer at panicle stage has a huge impact on rice grain quality. However, the effect of panicle nitrogen fertilizer (PNF) on starch physicochemical properties and fine structure remain unclear. In this study, four PNF levels (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N ha) were grown with the same basal and tiller fertilizer (150 kg N ha).

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Numerous papers studied the relations between nitrogen rate and rice yield in saline soils, whereas the rice root morphological and physiological characteristics mediating nitrogen rates in yield formation under varied salinity levels remain less concerns. Through a field experiment applied with five nitrogen rates (0, 210, 255, 300, 345, and 390 kg ha) in saline land, we found that rice yield peaked at 7.7 t ha under 300 kg ha nitrogen, and excessive N was not conductive for increasing yield.

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Yield is an important indicator in evaluating rice planting, and it is the collective result of various factors over multiple growth stages. To achieve a large-scale accurate prediction of rice yield, based on yield estimation models using a single growth stage and conventional spectral transformation methods, this study introduced the continuous wavelet transform algorithm and constructed models under the premise of combined multiple growth stages. In this study, canopy reflectance spectra at four important stages of rice elongation, heading, flowering and milky were selected, and then, a rice yield estimation model was constructed by combining vegetation index, first derivative and wavelet transform based on random forest algorithm or multiple stepwise regression.

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The grain filling of rice depends on photoassimilates from leaves and stems. Phloem loading is the first crucial step for the transportation of sucrose to grains. However, phloem loading mechanisms in rice leaves and stems and their response to nitrogen (N) remain unclear.

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Rice false smut caused by the filamentous fungus is a devastating grain disease in rice. Fungicides have been an important measure for the control of this disease. In this study, baseline sensitivities of 179 isolates of to the quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) fungicides azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin were established.

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In order to improve the quality of the gluten free rice bread (GFRB), pre-gelatinised rice flour (PGRF) was made and used to partially replace natural rice flour in the production of GFRB. The pre-gelatinisation parameters were optimised and the effects of PGRF on the quality of the GFRB and its batter were studied. The results showed that optimal PGRF was obtained when 50% total water was mixed with 1.

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Herein, a pH-independent interpenetrating polymeric networks (Fe-SA-C) were fabricated from graphitic biochar (BC) and iron-alginate hydrogel (Fe-SA) for removal of Cr(VI) and Pb(II) in aqueous solution. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM) results demonstrated that graphitic BC interpenetration increased surface porosity and distorted surfaces of Fe-SA, which boosted availability of hydroxyl (-OH) group. Fe as a cross-linking agent of the alginate endowed Fe-SA-C with positive surfaces (positive zeta potential) and excellent pH buffering capacity, while excessive Fe was soldered on Fe-SA-C matrix as FeO(OH) and FeO.

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In this work, a pH-responsive pesticide delivery system using mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) as the porous carriers and coordination complexes of Cu ions and tannic acid (TA-Cu) as the capping agent was established for controlling pyraclostrobin (PYR) release. The results showed the loading capacity of PYR@MSNs-TA-Cu nanoparticles for pyraclostrobin was 15.7 ± 0.

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Long-term herbicide application may facilitate the adaptive evolution of weed populations. With var population A from a rice field used for the experiment of effectiveness of herbicide in Nanling County, Anhui Province, we conducted common garden experi-ments with seeds of population A and three control populations collected from normal rice fields. Compared with the three control populations, population A had significantly lower seed production for individual plant, but higher 1000-seed weight.

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Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is one of the most important vegetation indices in crop remote sensing. It features a simple, fast, and non-destructive method and has been widely used in remote monitoring of crop growing status. Beer-Lambert law is widely used in calculating crop leaf area index (LAI), however, it is time-consuming detection and low in output.

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This study investigates the effects of field pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) on the morphological structure and physicochemical properties of starches from four rice varieties during the rice harvesting period. The results of the study showed that PHS significantly affected the grain characteristics, starch structure, and physicochemical properties of the four rice varieties. Moreover, PHS led to a significant decrease in the grain processing quality and protein content of the four varieties, pitting and unevenness on the surface of the starch granules, and smaller starch granules.

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This study investigates the effect of chilling stress, over a period of three days after anthesis, on the physicochemical properties of starches derived from six rice cultivars. Chilling stress significantly affected the grain characteristics and physicochemical properties of rice starches, except for those of two varieties, NJ 9108 and ZD 18. In the other four rice cultivars subjected to chilling stress, the content of medium, and large sized granules showed a decrease, and an increase, respectively.

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Nitrogen management (nitrogen application ratio at transplanting, tillering, and panicle initiation growth stages) is an important parameter in crop cultivation and is closely associated with rice yield and grain quality. The physicochemical and structural properties of starches separated from two rice varieties grown under three different nitrogen management ratios (9:1; 7:3; 6:4) were investigated. As the percentage of nitrogen used in the panicle initiation stage increased, the content of small starch granules improved, whereas the content of large granules decreased.

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