Acupoint is the initial response site of acupuncture stimulus and also the source link of the effect onset of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a mechanical physical stimulus. How is the mechanical force of acupuncture transduced into neuroelectrical and biochemical signals at acupoint? How does the physiochemical information of acupoint launch acupuncture effect? All of these remain the common and crucial questions in the study of acupuncture effect mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe indication of bloodletting therapy was determined based on the multi-dimensional evidence assessment, which could provide guidance for the clinical application of bloodletting therapy. The literature of bloodletting therapy was comprehensively collected by retrieval in CNKI, Wanfang and VIP databases (until February 23, 2019), modern books in Library of Tianjing University of TCM and the (Fifth Edition). The disease spectrum of bloodletting therapy was determined by self-designed questionnaire survey e-mailed to relevant experts.
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