The use of telemetry techniques to better understand the behavior and survival of juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima), as they migrate through hydropower systems, has been challenging because shad are widely known to be particularly sensitive to handling. The goal of this study was to develop a tagging protocol using a new, acoustic micro transmitter that minimizes the detrimental effects of the tagging process and maximizes post-tagging survival of juvenile American shad. Limiting out-of-water handling and the use of brackish saltwater (7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFish may experience injuries and mortality when they pass through hydraulic conveyances at hydropower dams, even if these conveyances are designed to be fish-friendly, such as downstream bypass systems, modified spillways and turbines. The main methods used to study fish passage conditions in hydraulic structures involve direct, in situ testing using Sensor Fish technology and live fish. Sensor Fish data helps identify physical stressors and their locations in the fish passage environment, while live fish are assessed for injuries and mortality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe potential effects of underwater anthropogenic sound and substrate vibration from offshore renewable energy development on the behavior, fitness, and health of aquatic animals is a continuing concern with increased deployments and installation of these devices. Initial focus of related studies concerned offshore wind. However, over the past decade, marine energy devices, such as a tidal turbines and wave energy converters, have begun to emerge as additional, scalable renewable energy sources.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Little is known about the transformer stage of the parasitic lampreys, a brief but critical period that encompasses juvenile out-migration from rivers to lakes or oceans to begin parasitic feeding. Information about this life stage could have significant conservation implications for both imperiled and invasive lampreys. We investigated tag retention, survival, wound healing, and swim performance of newly transformed sea lamprey () implanted with a new micro-acoustic transmitter, the eel-lamprey acoustic transmitter (ELAT), in a controlled laboratory environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo evaluate the efficiency of tagging juvenile European eels with implanted 12 mm passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags or Eel/Lamprey acoustic transmitters (ELATs), the authors studied tag retention, survival and growth of eels (7-25 g). Experimental eels were obtained from an eel farm, tagged and then released in a series of shallow dug-out ponds with a surface area of c. 200 m .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn animal tracking applications, smaller transmitters can reduce the impact of the transmitter on the tagged animal and thus provide more accurate data about animal behavior. By combining a novel circuit design and a newly developed micro-battery, we developed frequency-programmable and more powerful radio frequency transmitters that are about 40% smaller and lighter in weight than the smallest commercial counterpart for animal monitoring at the time of development. The new radio frequency transmitter has a miniaturized form factor for studying small animals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcoustic telemetry has been used extensively to study the behavior of aquatic animals. The Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) is one such system; it was developed for studying juvenile salmonids but has been used to study numerous species. A recent innovation of the JSATS system is an acoustic transmitter that is small enough to be implanted through injection or small incision that doesn't require sutures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effect of the fish body on the source level and beam pattern of an acoustic fish tag signal was investigated through laboratory experiments and an analytical method. In laboratory experiments, the source level and beam pattern were measured in both a tag-only group and a tag-in-fish group. In the analytical method, both forward and backward scattering were calculated by assuming the acoustic tag was a point source and the swimbladder was an air-filled prolate spheroid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMachine learning classification and regression algorithms were applied to calibrate the localization errors of a time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA)-based acoustic sensor array used for tracking salmon passage through a hydroelectric dam on the Snake River, Washington, USA. The locations of stationary and mobile acoustic tags were first tracked using the approximate maximum likelihood algorithm. Next, ensembles of classification trees successfully identified and filtered data points with large localization errors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo acquire 3-D tracking data on juvenile salmonids, Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) cabled hydrophone arrays were deployed in the forebays of two dams on the Snake River and at a mid-reach reservoir between the dams. The depth distributions of fish were estimated by statistical analyses performed on large 3-D tracking data sets from ~33,500 individual acoustic tagged yearling and subyearling Chinook salmon and juvenile steelhead at the two dams in 2012 and subyearling Chinook salmon at the two dams and the mid-reach reservoir in 2013. This research investigated the correlation between vertical migration behavior and passage routes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe electrolyte is an indispensable component in all electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices with batteries being a prime example. While most research efforts have been pursued on the materials side, the progress for the electrolyte is slow due to the decomposition of salts and solvents at low potentials, not to mention their complicated interactions with the electrode materials. The general properties of bulk electrolytes such as ionic conductivity, viscosity, and stability all affect the cell performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcoustic telemetry is the primary method to actively track aquatic animals for behavioral studies. However, the small storage capacities of the batteries used in the transmitters limit the time that the implanted animals can be studied. In this research, we developed and implemented a battery-free acoustic transmitter that uses a flexible piezoelectric beam to harvest energy from fish swimming as the power source.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLocating the position of fixed or mobile sources (i.e., transmitters) based on measurements obtained from sensors (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA fundamental understanding of electrochemical reaction pathways is critical to improving the performance of Li-S batteries, but few techniques can be used to directly identify and quantify the reaction species during disharge/charge cycling processes in real time. Here, an in situ (7)Li NMR technique employing a specially designed cylindrical microbattery was used to probe the transient electrochemical and chemical reactions occurring during the cycling of a Li-S system. In situ NMR provides real time, semiquantitative information related to the temporal evolution of lithium polysulfide allotropes during both discharge/charge processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLittle is known about the three-dimensional depth distributions in rivers of individually marked fish that are in close proximity to hydropower facilities. Knowledge of the depth distributions of fish approaching dams can be used to understand how vulnerable fish are to injuries such as barotrauma as they pass through dams. To predict the possibility of barotrauma injury caused by pressure changes during turbine passage, it is necessary to understand fish behaviour relative to acclimation depth in dam forebays as they approach turbines.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPZT ceramics have been widely used in underwater acoustic transducers. However, literature available discussing the design parameters of a miniaturized PZT-based low-duty-cycle transmitter is very limited. This paper discusses some of the design parameters--the backing material, driving voltage, PZT material type, power consumption and the transducer length of a miniaturized acoustic fish tag using a PZT tube.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFishes and marine mammals may suffer a range of potential effects from exposure to intense underwater sound generated by anthropogenic activities such as pile driving, shipping, sonars, and underwater blasting. Several underwater sound recording (USR) devices have been built to acquire samples of the underwater sound generated by anthropogenic activities. Software becomes indispensable for processing and analyzing the audio files recorded by these USRs.
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