Aim: To examine whether precuneus subserves the attentive control of finger movement or whether it mediates the movement preparation and motor inhibition.
Methods: In the Preparation Stage, subjects were shown with a 5-number string in which each number stood for a key-pressing response, the number strings included a complex pattern (eg, 4-1-4-2-3), or a simple one (eg, 2-2-2-2-2), or a null one (ie, x-x-x-x-x). In the Execution Stage, five reaction signs were presented one by one and subjects were required to press the corresponding key to each sign sequentially (eg, in the 4-1-4-2-3 preparation example, subjects press key 4 to the first sign, press key 1 to the second sign, key 4 to the third sign and so on).