Publications by authors named "Zhi Xuan"

Recent theoretical work has argued that moral psychology can be understood through the lens of "resource rational contractualism." The view posits that the best way of making a decision that affects other people is to get everyone together to negotiate under idealized conditions. The outcome of that negotiation is an arrangement (or "contract") that would lead to mutual benefit.

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What do we want from machine intelligence? We envision machines that are not just tools for thought but partners in thought: reasonable, insightful, knowledgeable, reliable and trustworthy systems that think with us. Current artificial intelligence systems satisfy some of these criteria, some of the time. In this Perspective, we show how the science of collaborative cognition can be put to work to engineer systems that really can be called 'thought partners', systems built to meet our expectations and complement our limitations.

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We summarize the recent progress made by probabilistic programming as a unifying formalism for the probabilistic, symbolic, and data-driven aspects of human cognition. We highlight differences with meta-learning in flexibility, statistical assumptions and inferences about cogniton. We suggest that the meta-learning approach could be further strengthened by considering Connectionist Bayesian approaches, rather than exclusively one or the other.

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Bismuth germanate (BiGeO, BGO) is a widely used optical sensing material with a high electro-optic coefficient, ideal for optical electric field sensors. Achieving high precision in electric field sensing requires fabricating optical waveguides on BGO. Traditional waveguide writing methods face challenges with this material.

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Background: Chronic shoulder pain is a common musculoskeletal problem associated with unreleased pain and functional dysfunction that can evolve into central sensitization. Some forms of manual therapy may exacerbate pain and central sensitization. This study investigated the impact of joint position sense therapy (JPST), a moderate joint proprioception training technique, on central sensitization, shoulder functional dysfunction, and pain in patients with chronic shoulder pain compared with more intense exercises or aggressive manual therapies.

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A previous study indicated that synergy-based functional electrical stimulation (FES) may improve instantaneous upper-limb motor performance for stroke survivors. However, it remains unclear whether the improvements will sustain over time to achieve functional gains associated with a task-oriented training (TOT). This pilot study was designed to investigate whether there is any promising sign of functional benefits.

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Human emotions unfold over time, and more affective computing research has to prioritize capturing this crucial component of real-world affect. Modeling dynamic emotional stimuli requires solving the twin challenges of time-series modeling and of collecting high-quality time-series datasets. We begin by assessing the state-of-the-art in time-series emotion recognition, and we review contemporary time-series approaches in affective computing, including discriminative and generative models.

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Objective: Recently, several studies have found that obesity had a protective effect against varicocele, but no meta-analysis has confirmed this finding. Therefore, we conducted this meta-analysis to investigate the association between body mass index (BMI) and varicocele.

Material And Methods: We searched for studies in PubMed, Science Direct and the Cochrane Library from inception until February 2018.

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Introduction: Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) play a crucial role in cancer metastasis. In this study, we introduced a novel isolation method by size of epithelial tumor cells (ISET) device with automatic isolation and staining procedure, named one-stop ISET (osISET) and validated its feasibility to capture CTCs from cancer patients. Moreover, we aim to investigate the correlation between clinicopathologic features and CTCs in colorectal cancer (CRC) in order to explore its clinical application.

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Objective: To study the chemical constituents of the chloroform and acetic ether fractions from infructescence of Platycarya strobilacea.

Methods: The compounds were isolated and purified by various chromatographic methods. Spectral analysis were taken to identify the structures.

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