Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi
October 2009
Objective: To investigate the chest CT manifestations of paragonimiasis at different clinical phases.
Methods: Forty-eight cases of paragonimiasis confirmed by laboratory studies were retrospectively analyzed. There were 30 males and e18 females ageing 9 - 66 years (average, 31.
Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi
April 2008
Objective: To investigate the CT features of pulmonary sarcoidosis and to follow the changes after glucocorticoid therapy.
Methods: CT scans and clinical data of 90 patients with histologically confirmed pulmonary sarcoidosis were retrospectively reviewed. CT follow-up was carried out 5-30 d following therapy in 43 cases.
Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi
December 2006
Objective: To study the signs of subclavian artery angiography for hemoptysis due to pulmonary tuberculosis and to evaluate its clinical use in artery embolization.
Methods: Thirty-nine patients with hemoptysis due to pulmonary tuberculosis underwent subclavian artery angiography after artery embolization performed in the hemorrhagic branches of descending aorta. Of the 39 cases, 25 had severe pulmonary fibrosis or were complicated with cavity formation, aspergilloma, pleural thickening and postoperative thorax.
Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi
October 2006
Objective: To study the CT manifestations of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP) after glucocorticoid treatment.
Methods: The diagnosis of COP was made based on clinical and radiological features and confirmed by lung biopsy and pathological examination in 21 cases from 2001 to 2005. CT follow-up was carried out 5 - 75 days following therapy.
Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi
January 2003
Objective: To analyze the clinical and radiological manifestations of primary pulmonary schwannoma in order to improve the diagnosis of this rare disease.
Methods: Seven cases of primary pulmonary schwannoma which was confirmed by pathology of surgical specimens were retrospectively analyzed.
Results: Three cases were benign (1 of pulmonary parenchymal origin and 2 of bronchial origin) and 4 were malignant (3 of pulmonary parenchymal origin and 1 of bronchial origin).