Rapid growth is an innovative trait of woody bamboos that has been widely studied. However, the genetic basis and evolution of this trait are poorly understood. Taking advantage of genomic resources of 11 representative bamboos at different ploidal levels, we integrated morphological, physiological, and transcriptomic datasets to investigate rapid growth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEfficient separation of acetylene (CH) from carbon dioxide (CO) and ethylene (CH) is a significant challenge in the petrochemical industry due to their similar physicochemical properties. Pore space partition (PSP) has shown promise in enhancing gas adsorption capacity and selectivity by reducing pore size and increasing the density of guest binding sites. Herein, we firstly employ the 2D→3D polycatenation strategy to construct a PSP metal-organic framework (MOF) Ni-dcpp-bpy, incorporating functional N/O sites to enhance CH purification.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWoody bamboos (Bambusoideae) are renowned for its polyploidy and rare flowering. is one of the bamboo species with the highest chromosome count (104) in the subfamily and has the highest heterozygosity of all sequenced bamboo genomes so far. Compared with other bamboo species, it can efficiently utilize exogenous hormones to regulate flowering, providing valuable insights into the hormonal regulation of bamboo flowering.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(Poaceae: Bambusoideae) is a temperate woody bamboo species endemic to South-central China with a narrow distribution. Previous phylogenetic studies revealed an unexpected, isolated phylogenetic position of . Here we conducted phylogenomic analysis by sampling populations of and its sympatric species and reflecting different genomic signals, by deep genome skimming.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolyploidy (genome duplication) is a pivotal force in evolution. However, the interactions between parental genomes in a polyploid nucleus, frequently involving subgenome dominance, are poorly understood. Here we showcase analyses of a bamboo system (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) comprising a series of lineages from diploid (herbaceous) to tetraploid and hexaploid (woody), with 11 chromosome-level de novo genome assemblies and 476 transcriptome samples.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBrassicaceae represents an important plant family from both a scientific and economic perspective. However, genomic features related to the early diversification of this family have not been fully characterized, especially upon the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, which was followed by increasing aridity in the Asian interior, intensifying monsoons in Eastern Asia, and significantly fluctuating daily temperatures. Here, we reveal the genomic architecture that accompanied early Brassicaceae diversification by analyzing two high-quality chromosome-level genomes for Meniocus linifolius (Arabodae; clade D) and Tetracme quadricornis (Hesperodae; clade E), together with genomes representing all major Brassicaceae clades and the basal Aethionemeae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlowering transition is tightly coordinated by complex gene regulatory networks, in which AGAMOUS-LIKE 16 (AGL16) plays important roles. Here, we identified the molecular function and binding properties of AGL16 and demonstrated its partial dependency on the SUPPRESSOR OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1) function in regulating flowering. AGL16 bound to promoters of more than 2,000 genes via CArG-box motifs with high similarity to that of SOC1 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYing Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao
October 2022
The planting effect and the planting potential of 12 cover crops (Leguminous: alfalfa, smooth vetch, hairy vetch, red clover, white clover, common vetch; non-leguminous: sudangrass, green radish, Nitro radish, rape, kale, endive) in the Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China were comprehensively evaluated by soil penetration resistance, pre-winter biomass, root characteristics, and plant nitrogen accumulation. The results showed that all the 12 cover crops grew normally during the experimental sowing period. Compared with the control, all the cover crops successfully reduced soil compactness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCG and CHG methylation levels in the rapid shoot growth stages (ST2-ST4) of woody bamboos were obviously decreased, which might regulate the internode elongation during rapid shoot growth, while CHH methylation was strongly associated with shoot developmental time or age. DNA methylation plays a critical role in the regulation of plant growth and development. Woody bamboos have a unique trait of rapid stem growth resulted from internode elongation at the shooting period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently, the development of porous absorbents for efficient CO and I capture has attracted considerable attention because of severe global climate change and environmental issues with the nuclear energy. Hence, a unique porous metal-organic framework (MOF), {[Co(L)]·DMF·2HO} (, DMF = ,-dimethylformamide) with uncoordinated N atoms was rationally constructed via using a heterofunctional 4,6-bis(4'-carboxyphenyl)pyrimidine (HL) linker. Interestingly, exhibits exceptional properties for I sorption, CO capture, and catalytic conversion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeveral new isostructural lanthanide metal-organic frameworks (Ln-MOFs), {[Ln(L)DMA]·2DMA} (, where Ln = Eu, Tb, or EuTb), were first constructed via the solvothermal reactions of 4,6-di(4-carboxyphenyl)pyrimidine and Ln ions. exhibits a 4-connected two-dimensional framework endowed with uncoordinated Lewis base sites. An exploration of luminescence sensing demonstrated can be used for the selectivity detection of dimetridazole and metronidazole antibiotics in other antibiotics, blood plasma, and urine, acting as an exceptional recyclable luminescent probe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe key to successful in vitro embryo production (IVEP) is to mimic the natural in vivo oviductal microenvironment. Although the chemically defined media in extensive use for the in vitro culture of mammalian embryos is based on the composition of oviductal fluid, the IVEP systems in current use must still bypass the oviduct to produce embryos in vitro. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the oviduct are versatile intercellular delivery vehicles for maternal-embryo communication, and a lack of them can be associated with failed early embryonic development under in vitro culture conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe grass family (Poaceae) includes all commercial cereal crops and is a major contributor to biomass in various terrestrial ecosystems. The ancestry of all grass genomes includes a shared whole-genome duplication (WGD), named rho (ρ) WGD, but the evolutionary significance of ρ-WGD remains elusive. We sequenced the genome of Pharus latifolius, a grass species (producing a true spikelet) in the subfamily Pharoideae, a sister lineage to the core Poaceae including the (Panicoideae, Arundinoideae, Chloridoideae, Micrairoideae, Aristidoideae, and Danthonioideae (PACMAD) and Bambusoideae, Oryzoideae, and Pooideae (BOP) clades.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a genus of temperate bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) endemic to China, but little is known about its phylogenetic position and interspecific relationships. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationship of the bamboo genus , we performed genome-scale phylogenetic analysis of all seven species and one variety of the genus using double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq) and whole plastid genomes generated using genome skimming. Our phylogenomic analyses based on ddRAD-seq and plastome data congruently recovered as monophyletic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolyploidization is a major driver of speciation and its importance to plant evolution has been well recognized. Bamboos comprise one diploid herbaceous and three polyploid woody lineages, and are members of the only major subfamily in grasses that diversified in forests, with the woody members having a tree-like lignified culm. In this study, we generated four draft genome assemblies of major bamboo lineages with three different ploidy levels (diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Heterogeneous rates of molecular evolution are universal across the tree of life, posing challenges for phylogenetic inference. The temperate woody bamboos (tribe Arundinarieae, Poaceae) are noted for their extremely slow molecular evolutionary rates, supposedly caused by their mysterious monocarpic reproduction. However, the correlation between substitution rates and flowering cycles has not been formally tested.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing technology (ddRAD-seq) is a reduced representation sequencing technology by sampling genome-wide enzyme loci developed on the basis of next-generation sequencing. ddRAD-seq has been widely applied to SNP marker development and genotyping on animals, especially on marine animals as the original ddRAD protocol is mainly built and trained based on animal data. However, wide application of ddRAD-seq technology in plant species has not been achieved so far.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Rosids is one of the largest groups of flowering plants, with 140 families and ∼70,000 species. Previous phylogenetic studies of the rosids have primarily utilized organelle genes that likely differ in evolutionary histories from nuclear genes. To better understand the evolutionary history of rosids, it is necessary to investigate their phylogenetic relationships using nuclear genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this paper we investigate the biogeography of the temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae) using a densely-sampled phylogenetic tree of Bambusoideae based on six plastid DNA loci, which corroborates the previously discovered 12 lineages (I-XII) and places Kuruna as sister to the Chimonocalamus clade. Biogeographic analyses revealed that the Arundinarieae diversified from an estimated 12 to 14Mya, and this was followed by rapid radiation within the lineages, particularly lineages IV, V and VI, starting from c. 7-8Mya.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAsian-Australas J Anim Sci
December 2015
The in vitro maturation (IVM) efficiency of porcine embryos is still low because of poor oocyte quality. Although brilliant cresyl blue positive (BCB+) oocytes with low glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity have shown superior quality than BCB negative (-) oocytes with high G6PDH activity, the use of a BCB staining test before IVM is still controversial. This study aimed to shed more light on the subcellular characteristics of porcine oocytes after selection using BCB staining.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCloning efficiency in mammalian systems remains low because reprogramming of donor cells is frequently incomplete. Nuclear factors in the oocyte are removed by enucleation, and this removal may adversely affect reprogramming efficiency. Here, we investigated the role of porcine oocyte nuclear factors during reprogramming.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany transgenes are silenced in mammalian cells (donor cells used for somatic cell nuclear transfer [SCNT]). Silencing correlated with a repressed chromatin structure or suppressed promoter, and it impeded the production of transgenic animals. Gene transcription studies in live cells are challenging because of the drawbacks of reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn flowering plants, three genomes (nuclear, mitochondrial, and plastid) coexist and intracellular horizontal transfer of DNA is prevalent, especially from the plastid to the mitochondrion genome. However, the plastid genomes are generally conserved in evolution and have long been considered immune to foreign DNA. Recently, the opposite direction of DNA transfer from the mitochondrial to the plastid genome has been reported in two eudicot lineages.
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