Publications by authors named "Zhao-hua Ji"

Background: Patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) lose part of their working or living ability due to illness, and bring burden to caregivers. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors related to caregivers' disease family burden for MG patients in Northwest China.

Methods: The study utilized our Myasthenia Gravis database and distributed online questionnaires to both MG patients and their caregivers.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study examined the differences in implant drill abrasion and postoperative reactions between improved and traditional surgical methods for preparing immediate implant beds, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • - Thirty-two implant drills were analyzed in four groups, showing significant differences in surface roughness and surgery time; improved surgery was faster (5.63 min) compared to traditional surgery (33.63 min).
  • - Results indicated that the improved surgery method led to less postoperative swelling, pain, and trismus, and that fear of COVID-19 was correlated with these postoperative reactions.
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Hintergrund Und Ziele: Ziel dieser Studie war die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Vitiligo und dem metabolischen Syndrom (MetS) sowie dessen relevanten Komponenten.

Material Und Methoden: Die Datenbanken PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library und Embase wurden von deren Beginn bis zum 30. März 2021 nach relevanten Studien durchsucht.

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Background And Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the association of vitiligo with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its relevant components.

Material And Methods: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Embase databases from inception to March 30, 2021, for relevant studies. Cross-sectional and case-control studies that reported either the prevalence or odds ratio [OR] of MetS or its components in vitiligo patients were included.

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This was a long-term retrospective study, aiming to understand the temporal and spatial trend of cirrhosis in Wuwei from 1995 to 2016, explore its spatio-temporal aggregation, and find out the high incidence areas. To provide theoretical basis for the formulation of comprehensive prevention and treatment strategy of cirrhosis in Wuwei. Herein, we extracted data of cirrhosis patients who were treated in 12 sentinel hospitals in Wuwei from their medical records.

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Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection mainly present with respiratory issues and related symptoms, in addition to significantly affected digestive system, especially the intestinal tract. While several studies have shown changes in the intestinal flora of patients with COVID-19, not much information is available on the gut virome of such patients. In this study, we used the viromescan software on the latest gut virome database to analyze the intestinal DNA virome composition of 15 patients with COVID-19 and investigated the characteristic alternations, particularly of the intestinal DNA virome to further explore the influence of COVID-19 on the human gut.

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Background: Working in an underground tunnel environment is unavoidable in professions such as miners and tunnel workers, and there is a concern about the health of these workers. Few studies have addressed alterations in the intestinal microbiome of workers within that environment.

Results: Fecal samples were collected from the workers before they entered the tunnel (baseline status, BS) and after they left the tunnel (exposed status, ES), respectively (a time period of 3 weeks between them).

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Objective: Despite the remarkable progress in efforts to control disease spread, the nationwide elimination of hepatitis B in China is still hindered by the persistently high rate of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Western China. This study aimed to evaluate the strategy of hepatitis B prevention and control in Western China and identify potential areas and strategies for improvement.

Methods: Susceptible population vaccination, health education, professional training of doctors, and other prevention and control measures have been implemented in Wuwei city since 2010.

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The prevalence of hepatitis B is high in China. Based on the National Disease Supervision Information Management System of China, the mean reported incidence of hepatitis B was 84.3 per 100,000 in China between 2005 and 2010.

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Objective: To evaluate the quality of life and influencing factors on patients with multiple myeloma (MM).

Methods: 227 MM cases were selected at 5 hospitals in Xi'an from August, 2010 to March, 2013. QLQ-C30 was used to evaluate the quality of life of MM patients, and their norms were as control.

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Objectives: The prevalence of infectious diseases is increasing in developing countries, and this may threaten the biological safety of donated blood. This study analyzed trends in the prevalence of transfusion-transmissible infectious pathogens among Chinese, first-time, voluntary blood donors from 1999 to 2009 to evaluate the potential for disease transmission.

Methods: From 1999 to 2009, all first-time donors at the Xi'an Blood Service (XBS) were screened for hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and syphilis infections using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA); results were confirmed using alternative commercial kits.

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