Publications by authors named "Zhanliang Shi"

Background: MYB-CC transcription factors (TFs) genes have been demonstrated to be involved in the response to inorganic phosphate (Pi) starvation and regulate some Pi-starvation-inducible genes. However, their role in drought stress has not been investigated in bread wheat. In this study, the TaMYBsm3 genes, including TaMYBsm3-A, TaMYBsm3-B, and TaMYBsm3-D, encoding MYB-CC TF proteins in bread wheat, were isolated to investigate the possible molecular mechanisms related to drought-tolerance in plants.

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In common wheat ( L.), allelic variations of Glu-1 loci have important influences on grain end-use quality. The allelic variations in high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) were identified in 151 hexaploid wheat varieties representing a historical trend in the cultivars introduced or released inHebei province ofChina fromthe years 1970s to 2010s.

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We isolated the TaMYBsm1 genes, encoding R2R3-type MYB proteins in common wheat, aimed to uncover the possible molecular mechanisms related to drought response. The TaMYBsm1 genes, TaMYBsm1-A, TaMYBsm1-B and TaMYBsm1-D, were isolated and analyzed from the common wheat cultivar Shimai 15. Their expression patterns under PEG 6000 and mannitol were monitored by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and β-glucuronidase (Gus) assay.

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Functional markers (FMs) developed from sequence polymorphisms are present in allelic variants of a functional gene at a locus and are directly associated with phenotypic variations. In this study, FM linked to Rht-B1, Rht-D1, TaCwi-A1, TaSus2-2B, TaGW2-6A and Dreb-B1 genes conferring to yield potential and water-saving were selected to analyse the distribution in 102 wheat varieties, most of which were authorized in the past decade and adapted to grow in Zone II of China. First, the semidwarfing genes Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b (mutant alleles) conferring to grain yield were analysed.

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Background And Aims: Phosphorus deficiency is a major limiting factor for crop yield worldwide. Previous studies revealed that PHR1 and it homologues play a key role in regulating the phosphate starvation response in plants. However, the function of PHR homologues in common wheat (Triticum aestivum) is still not fully understood.

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