Iron minerals in nature are pivotal hosts for heavy metals, significantly influencing their geochemical cycling and eventual fate. It is generally accepted that, vivianite, a prevalent iron phosphate mineral in aquatic and terrestrial environments, exhibits a limited capacity for adsorbing cationic heavy metals. However, our study unveils a remarkable phenomenon that the synergistic interaction between sulfide (S) and vivianite triggers an unexpected sulfidation-reoxidation process, enhancing the immobilization of heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe development of magnetic adsorbents with high capacity to capture heavy metals has been the subject of intense research, but the process usually involves costive synthesis steps. Here, we propose a green approach to obtaining a magnetic biohybrid through in situ grown anaerobic granular sludge (AGS) with the help of magnetite, constituting a promising adsorbent for sequestration and immobilization of Pb in aqueous solutions and soils. The resultant magnetite-embedded AGS (M-AGS) was not only capable of promoting methane production but also conducive to Pb adsorption because of the large surface area and abundant function groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe medicinal fungus Wolfiporia cocos colonizes and then grows on the wood of Pinus species, and utilizes a variety of Carbohydrate Active Enzymes (CAZymes) to degrades wood for the development of large sclerotia that is mostly built up of beta-glucans. Some differentially expressed CAZymes were revealed by comparisons between the mycelia cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and sclerotia formed on pine logs in previous studies. Here, different profile of expressed CAZymes were revealed by comparisons between the mycelia colonization on pine logs (Myc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIncidence and banding patterns of virus-like dsRNA elements in 215 Chinese genetically diverse Lentinula edodes strains collected from wide geographic distribution (or producing areas) were first investigated, and 17 viruses were identified including eight novel viruses. The results revealed a 63.3% incidence of dsRNA elements in the cultivated strains and a 67.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStrain abnormal browning is a common problem during cultivation of Lentinula edodes. In this study, the L. edodes strain mycelia isolated from Le-WB and cultured on MYG (Le-WP) isolated from an abnormal browning bag was compared with its normal control mycelia isolated from Le-BB and cultured on MYG (Le-BP).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to solve the great difficulties in cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, a preparation method of iridium oxide nanocomposites under the microscope was proposed in this paper. Through a retrospective analysis of an experiment, IrOx nanoparticles were prepared by direct hydrothermal hydrolysis and loaded with chemotherapy drug adriamycin to construct nanodrug-loaded complex IrOx@DOX. At the same time, IrOx, as a sound-sensitive agent, can produce ROS under US irradiation, amplify intracellular oxidative stress, accelerate tumor cell death, and finally achieve the effect of SDT chemotherapy synergistic therapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper is a summary of research that looks at the potential of fullerene-like (MO) nanoclusters (NCs) in drug-carrying systems using density functional theory. Favipiravir/ZnO (- 34.80 kcal/mol), Favipiravir/MgO (- 34.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith rising concerns in the practical application of biochar for the remediation of environment influenced by various organic contaminants, a critical review to facilitate insights the crucial role that biochar has played in wastewater and polluted soil decontamination is urgently needed. This research therefore aimed to describe different intriguing dimensions of biochar interactions with organic contaminants, which including: (i) an introduction of biochar preparation and the related physicochemical properties, (ii) an overview of mechanisms and factors controlling the adsorption of organic contaminants onto biochar, and (iii) a summary of the challenges and an outlook of the further research needs in this issue. In the light of the survey consequences, the appearance of biochar indicates the potential in substituting the existing costly adsorbents, and it has been proved that biochar is one promising adsorbent for organic pollutants adsorption removal from water and soil.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious research has established that Lentinula edodes mycovirus HKB (LeV-HKB) and L. edodes partitivirus 1(LePV1) are major mycoviruses identified in L.edodes germplasm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBioinformatics and RT-PCR analysis of RNA from four Lentinula edodes samples identified 22 different virus-like contigs comprising 15 novel and 3 previously reported viruses. We further investigated the Lentinula edodes negative-stranded RNA virus 1 (LeNSRV1) isolated from a symptomatic sample, whose virion is a filamentous particle with a diameter of ~15 nm and a length of ~1200 nm. RT-PCR analysis detected LeNSRV1 in 10 of the 56 Chinese L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe primitive biochar (BC) and NiFeO/biochar composites (NFBC), biological adsorbents prepared from vinasse wastes, possess the environmental application in levofloxacin (LEV) removal. In this study, the efficient adsorption of LEV onto biochar synthesized by pyrolysis of vinasse wastes from aqueous environment was investigated. The influencing factors (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF, a precious mushroom with a long history as an edible food and Asian traditional medicine, remains unclear in the genetic mechanism underlying the formation of large sclerotia. Here, two complete circular mitogenomes (BL16, 135,686 bp and MD-104 SS10, 124,842 bp, respectively) were presented in detail first. The salient features in the mitogenomes of include an intron in the tRNA (trnQ-UUG), and an obvious gene rearrangement identified between the two mitogenomes from the widely geographically separated strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenetic transformation methods reported for Wolfiporia cocos are limited. In this study, we describe an efficient RNA interference (RNAi) system based on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation approach in W. cocos for the first time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis present study reported the synthesis and characterization of a low-cost, environment friendly and high efficient biochar, ferromanganese modified biochar (Fe/Mn-BC) for the removal of levofloxacin (LEV) from aqueous medium. Fe/Mn-BC was synthesized through the facile co-precipitation of Fe, Mn with vinasse wastes and then pyrolysis under controlled conditions. The characterization of Fe/MnBC was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction patterns (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the development of the removal of organic pollutants in the soil and water environment, antibiotics have been considered as emerging pollutants and received considerable attention among the scientific community. Thus, there is a need for an effective, economical, fast, operational feasible and environmental-friendly technology to remove antibiotics. Adsorption technology would be one of the most promising option on the basis that it best meets the criteria we set out above.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLentinus tigrinus is a species of wood-decaying fungi (Polyporales) that has an agaricoid form (a gilled mushroom) and a secotioid form (puffball-like, with enclosed spore-bearing structures). Previous studies suggested that the secotioid form is conferred by a recessive allele of a single locus. We sequenced the genomes of one agaricoid (Aga) strain and one secotioid (Sec) strain (39.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLentinula edodes partitivirus 1 (LePV1), a new mycovirus possibly responsible for serious morphological deformities during L. edodes cultivation, is widespread in the Chinese L. edodes germplasm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new partitivirus named Lentinula edodes partitivirus 1 (LePV1) was isolated from a diseased L. edodes strain with severe degeneration of the mycelium and imperfect browning in bag cultures. The nucleotide sequences of LePV1 dsRNA-1 and dsRNA-2 were determined; they were 2,382 bp and 2,245 bp in length, and each contained a single ORF encoding RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and coat protein (CP), respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLentinula edodes, one of the most popular, edible mushroom species with a high content of proteins and polysaccharides as well as unique aroma, is widely cultivated in many Asian countries, especially in China, Japan and Korea. As a white rot fungus with lignocellulose degradation ability, L. edodes has the potential for application in the utilization of agriculture straw resources.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWolfiporia cocos is a well-known medicinal mushroom, and its dried sclerotia has been widely used as a traditional medicine in China, Japan, and other Asian countries for centuries. However, long-term asexual reproduction of the breeding system in W. cocos results in a current universal degeneration of cultivated strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWolfiporia extensa is a basidiomycetous brown rot fungus and is of well-known medicinal import in China, Japan, and other Asiatic countries. Fruiting body induction is of major relevance for basic biological research and for their use in industrial applications. Based on the evaluation of the effects of temperature, time in the dark before induction and culture, and wounding treatment on fruiting, this report describes the most efficient protocol for inducing fruiting of W.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWolfiporia cocos is a well-known medicinal mushroom widely used in China, Japan and other Asiatic countries for its various therapeutic effects. 'Revulsive cultivation' is a newly developed method for promoting sclerotia growth in W. cocos field cultivation in China.
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