Publications by authors named "Zhan Liang-Tong"

Desiccation-induced cracks in a compacted clay liner significantly deteriorate the hydraulic barrier performance of landfill covers. The present study explores the effects of polypropylene (PP) fiber reinforcement on the hydrological response and crack resistance of compacted steel slag (SS; 90 wt%) - bentonite (10 wt%) mixtures under drying and wetting cycles. Comprehensive tests were conducted to explore the impact of different fiber lengths (6-12 mm) and contents (0-0.

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The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a novel structure comprising a geocomposite drainage layer and a thin sand layer (GDL + sand) in mitigating the rapid dumping of excavated clay and its associated issues, such as landslides. Two sets of direct shear tests were conducted to investigate the influence of sand layer thickness and compaction degree on the interface shear behavior of the GDL + sand structure. As the sand layer thickness increased, both the interface shear strength and friction angle gradually increased, first more sharply and then at a slower rate toward stability, while the interface cohesion decreased gradually.

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  • - Aeration significantly speeds up the secondary compression of municipal solid waste (MSW) in aerobic bioreactors compared to anaerobic ones, based on tests conducted under different stress conditions.
  • - The study's results indicates that up to 100% increase in secondary compression rate can be achieved with higher aeration rates, while the steady-state strain also improves but to a lesser extent.
  • - Findings highlight that the effectiveness of aeration diminishes with increased stress levels, and specific conditions like higher moisture content and composition (e.g., paper and wood) can further enhance compression characteristics.
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The municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in Hangzhou, China utilized zeolite and activated carbon (AC) as permeable reactive barrier (PRB) fill materials to remediate groundwater contaminated with MSW leachates containing ammonium, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and heavy metals. The spectral induced polarization (SIP) technique was chosen for monitoring the PRB because of its sensitivity to pore fluid chemistry and mineral-fluid interface composition. During the experiment, authentic groundwater collected from the landfill site was used to permeate two columns filled with zeolite and AC, and the SIP responses were measured at the inlet and outlet over a frequency range of 0.

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A thorough knowledge of the consolidation behavior of highly saturated soil under time-dependent stress is essential for the design and construction of abandoned-soil dump sites in the soft soil regions of China. In this study, one-dimensional consolidation analytical solutions are derived for such soil under one-way and two-way drainage conditions, accommodating the time-dependent stress created by various dumping protocols. Representative soil samples are obtained, and consolidation tests are conducted with various saturation degrees (one-way drainage) and loading protocols (two-way drainage), to verify the consolidation equation and determine its range of applicability to various saturation degrees.

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Aerobic degradation models are important tools for investigating the aerobic degradation behavior of municipal solid waste (MSW). In this paper, a first-order kinetic model for aerobic degradation of MSW was developed. The model comprehensively considers the aerobic degradation of five substrates, i.

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Mining and landfill activities can cause serious soil and groundwater contamination with lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). Loess soils are common and have been reported as effective for the removal of heavy metals. The spectral induced polarization (SIP) technique has been approved for its nondestructive ability to characterize the contaminant transport process and surface geochemical properties in porous media.

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Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are the most frequently detected heavy metals in the soil and groundwater near municipal landfill sites. Natural calcium-carbonate-based materials, such as dolomite, effectively remove metal ions and are suitable as reactive materials for permeable reactive barriers (PRBs). However, multiple heavy metals usually coexist in contaminated groundwater, the effectiveness and competitive precipitation mechanisms in the removal of Fe(III) and Mn(II) are unclear.

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Groundwater contamination with iron caused by mining and landfill activities has fueled the development of remediation strategies. Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are commonly applied in subsurface remediation because of their high removal effect and low costs. Spectral induced polarization (SIP) technique has been approved for its nondestructive ability to monitor the geochemical processes in porous media.

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The pumping performance of the traditional vertical well is often poor in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills due to the blocking effect of landfill gas on leachate migration. To improve the pumping performance, a vacuum vertical well was designed and then installed at the Tianziling landfill. When the leachate was drawn out through submersible pump, the landfill gas was simultaneously extracted through vacuum pump to form vacuum pressure in the well.

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The methane emission in a loess-gravel capillary barrier cover (CBC) in winter and summer was investigated by constructing a full-scale testing facility (20 m × 30 m) with a slope angle of 14.5° at a landfill in Xi'an, China. Weather conditions, methane emission, gas concentration, temperature, and volumetric water content (VWC) in the CBC were measured.

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Loess is widely distributed in Northwest China where the rainy season coincides with the warm and vegetation growth period. The use of loess as a capillary barrier cover (CBC) material is promising. However, how the loess/gravel CBC perform as a capillary barrier and landfill gas emissions controller remains elusive.

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  • - Three types of municipal solid waste (MSW) were tested for their compression behavior: high-food-waste-content (HFWC), no-food-waste-content (NFWC), and decomposed (D).
  • - Results showed that HFWC-MSW had the highest immediate compression ratio and a significant contribution from intra-particle water, while mechanical creep was more influential in NFWC-MSW.
  • - A predictive model for compression behavior was developed, highlighting differences in settlement trends between HFWC and NFWC landfills, which can aid in designing more efficient landfills.
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Vertical wells are conventionally used to lower leachate levels or pressures in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. However, they are not always efficient or even effective, and in some circumstances retro-fitted horizontal wells represent a potential alternative. However, horizontal wells can be difficult to install and there is a lack of data on their performance.

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A newly developed static chamber method with a laser methane detector and a biogas analyser was proposed to measure the landfill gas emissions and methane (CH) oxidation rates in landfill covers. The method relied on a laser methane detector for measuring CH concentration, avoiding gas samplings during test and hence the potential interference of gas compositions inside the chamber. All the measurements could be obtained on site.

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CH oxidation in landfill cover soils plays a significant role in mitigating CH release to the atmosphere. Oxygen availability and the presence of co-contaminants are potentially important factors affecting CH oxidation rate and the fate of CH-derived carbon. In this study, microbial populations that oxidize CH and the subsequent conversion of CH-derived carbon into CO, soil organic C and biomass C were investigated in landfill cover soils at two O tensions, i.

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  • Gaseous emissions from waste disposal plants can cause bad smells and health problems for people nearby.
  • The study looked at different ways of disposing waste, like landfilling and other methods, and found some smelly chemicals that can be harmful.
  • Some of these harmful chemicals can increase the risk of cancer for workers at the waste sites, so it's important to protect them from these risks.
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In this study, integrate electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) tests were carried out in a large-scale (5.0 × 4.0 × 7.

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The high food waste content (HFWC) MSW at a landfill has the characteristics of rapid hydrolysis process, large leachate production rate and fast gas generation. The liquid-gas interactions at HFWC-MSW landfills are prominent and complex, and still remain significant challenges. This paper focuses on the liquid-gas interactions of HFWC-MSW observed from a large-scale bioreactor landfill experiment (5m×5m×7.

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Bio-stability is a key feature for the utilization and final disposal of biowaste-derived residues, such as aerobic compost or vermicompost of food waste, bio-dried waste, anaerobic digestate or landfilled waste. The present paper reviews conventional methods and advanced techniques used for the assessment of bio-stability. The conventional methods are reclassified into two categories.

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Municipal solid waste (MSW) specimens were created from synthetic fresh MSW degraded in a laboratory scale enhanced degradation reactor. The degree of degradation and saturated hydraulic conductivity k were measured to study the effects of compression and degradation on k of MSW. The degree of degradation was characterized through the ratio of cellulose content to lignin content (i.

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A large-scale bioreactor experiment lasting for 2years was presented in this paper to investigate the biochemical, hydrological and mechanical behaviors of high food waste content (HFWC) MSW. The experimental cell was 5m in length, 5m in width and 7.5m in depth, filled with unprocessed HFWC-MSWs of 91.

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The amount of leachate generation rate in MSW landfills is often underestimated during design phase in China. A water balance model of a valley landfill, whose size is 400 m long, 500 m wide and 50 m thick, is created to investigate the influences of initial moisture content of waste on source and production of leachate. The 50 m thick waste mass is assumed to be 5 layers.

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