A new technique for endolaryngeal microsurgery is proposed. It based on the irradiation of benign laryngeal tumours using Ho:YAG and potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) lasers. A total of 198 patients of either sex aged from 2 to 77 years with a variety of benign laryngeal neoplasms were treated by this method between 2004 and 2007.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
October 2007
It is shown that staged individual special respiratory exercises targeted at nervous-muscular apparatus of the pharynx and trachea improve external respiration function, activate blood flow and venous-lymphatic outflow in the neck area with stimulation of reparative processes in combined postoperative treatment of patients with cicatricial stenoses of the pharynx and trachea.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Otorinolaringol
October 2007
An original method of wedge dehydration of biological fluids assessing the ability for separation of organic and mineral constituents was for the first time used in patients with different forms of chronic tonsillitis (CT). The method was used in 102 patients aged 8-68 years with chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils out of exacerbation. A dehydrated drop of tonsillar lacuna discharge (TLD), facia, was studied morphologically under microscope at small magnification (x10--x50).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: CD69 is a surrogate marker of T-cell responsiveness to mitogen and Ag stimulus and can be used as a measure of T-lymphocyte activation. Quantitative flow cytometric determination of CD69 expression on T lymphocytes has several advantages over traditional lymphocyte proliferation assays, but this method has not yet been standardized for clinical applications.
Methods: We qualified a commercially available assay using the manufacturer's procedures for measurement of T-cell response to a mitogen (PHA), superantigen (Staphylococcus endotoxin B; SEB) and Ca(2+) ionophore (phorbyl myristate acetate; PMA) with peripheral blood from healthy volunteers.
The authors analyse long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of congenital defects of the floor of the auricle. They came to the conclusion that surgical techniques used in the correction of the defects need some modification. In the presence of a wide, elastic ascending crus of the helix, when creating the anthelix, the crus should be made finer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNew Zealand black (NZB) mice with autoimmune and B lymphoproliferative disease (B-LPD) are a model for human chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A genomewide linkage scan of the NZB loci associated with lymphoma was conducted in F1 backcrosses of NZB and a control strain, DBA/2. Of 202 mice phenotyped for the presence or absence of LPD, surface maker expression, DNA content, and microsatellite polymorphisms, 74 had disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Tuberk Bolezn Legk
July 2006
Based on their 40 years' clinical experience in treating patients with laryngeal and cervical tracheal stenoses of various etiology, the authors consider that circular trachectomy, by anastomosing laryngeal cartilages, may be performed by highly skilled specialists only at specialized and well-equipped institutions. In cases of chondroperichondritis of cartilages of the larynx or trachea in the presence of paralysis of the vocal folds, it is necessary to make stepwise reparative and plastic operations that can be performed at the ENT clinics having experience in laryngeal surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe anatomy of the tip of the nose is reviewed with description of clinical manifestations in different variants of anatomical structures of the tip of the nose. Thick skin problem and specific features of surgical treatment of nasal tip deformities in thick, porous skin are considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Otorinolaringol
February 2006
The analysis of different posttraumatic deformities of the nasal tip gave evidence for a close correlation of internal nose deformities with nasal breathing ranging from common changes in the internal nose (hypertrophy of the inferior turbinated bone) to atresia when nasal breathing is completely blocked. Because of tissue edema, respiration improved and normalized only 1 and 3 months after surgery. It is concluded that functional examinations before and after surgery are beneficial for patients and warrant optimal terms of surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Ross Akad Med Nauk
September 2005
135 patients aged 18 to 55 years with cicatrical alterations in the larynx were under observation. The treatment included phonophoresis of contractubex, colitin and elastolytin. The study found the necessity to take into account the age of cicatrical deformations when treating them.
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