Publications by authors named "Zeitlin A"

To test whether countermarketing messages for sugary drinks lead to lower intentions to consume sugary drinks and less perceived weight stigma than health education messages. In August 2023, we conducted an online randomized controlled trial with US adults (n = 2169). We assessed the effect of countermarketing messages, health education messages, and neutral control messages on intentions to consume sugary drinks and perceived weight stigma.

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Prior research shows that adopting simple dietary substitutions (e.g., replacing beef with poultry or plant-based entrees) can improve dietary quality and reduce the negative environmental consequences of food production, but little is known about how to encourage people to adopt these substitutions.

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Importance: Increasing evidence suggests that, compared with an omnivorous diet, a vegan diet confers potential cardiovascular benefits from improved diet quality (ie, higher consumption of vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds).

Objective: To compare the effects of a healthy vegan vs healthy omnivorous diet on cardiometabolic measures during an 8-week intervention.

Design, Setting, And Participants: This single-center, population-based randomized clinical trial of 22 pairs of twins (N = 44) randomized participants to a vegan or omnivorous diet (1 twin per diet).

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Bare metal stent infections complicating peripheral endovascular stenting are rare but can be associated with devastating morbidities. The current standard of care necessitates explantation and extra-anatomical bypass of the affected limb. We report the case of a patient presenting with a right groin abscess with draining sinuses secondary to an infected common femoral and right external iliac artery bare metal stent.

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We report the successful treatment of poxvirus lesions in two juvenile American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) with experimental low-dose intralesional ribavirin injection. In the first flamingo, the size and location of a beak verrucosity interfered with feeding, and after multiple surgical interventions, an experimental therapy of low-dose intralesional ribavirin was implemented with close blood parameter monitoring to minimize any potential side effects due to systemic antiviral administration. The second flamingo had a poxvirus lesion on the tibiotarsus, which recurred after unsuccessful conservative medical treatment and surgical intervention and a course of intralesional ribavirin therapy was implemented.

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Introduction: The uptake of HIV testing and linkage to care remains low among men, contributing to high HIV incidence in women in South Africa. We conducted the "Home-Based Intervention to Test and Start" (HITS) in a 2x2 factorial cluster randomized controlled trial in one of the World's largest ongoing HIV cohorts in rural South Africa aimed at enhancing both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for HIV testing.

Methods: Between February and December 2018, in the uMkhanyakude district of KwaZulu-Natal, we randomly assigned 45 communities (clusters) (n = 13,838 residents) to one of the four arms: (i) financial incentives for home-based HIV testing and linkage to care (R50 [$3] food voucher each); (ii) male-targeted HIV-specific decision support application, called EPIC-HIV; (iii) both financial incentives and male-targeted HIV-specific decision support application and (iv) standard of care (SoC).

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Background: The poor engagement of men with HIV care is attributed to a number of factors: fear of stigma, masculine representations, concerns related to confidentiality, and the time commitment needed to visit public health clinics. Digital technologies are emerging as an approach to support the engagement of men with care.

Objective: This study aims to deliver a usable and engaging tablet-based app, called EPIC-HIV 2 (Empowering People through Informed Choices for HIV 2), to support men in making informed decisions about engaging with HIV care in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

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Background: Human Placenta-Derived Adherent Cells (PDAC®) are a novel mesenchymal-like cell population derived from normal human placental tissue. PDA-001 is a clinical formulation of PDAC® developed for intravenous administration. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of PDA-001 treatment in a rat model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) in young adult (2-3 month old) and older rats (10-12 months old).

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Unlabelled: Human placenta-derived adherent (PDA001) cells are mesenchymal-like stem cells isolated from postpartum placenta. In this study, we tested whether intravenously infused PDA001 improves neurological functional recovery after stroke in rats. In addition, potential mechanisms underlying the PDA001-induced neuroprotective effect were investigated.

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Human placenta has emerged as a valuable source of transplantable cells of mesenchymal and hematopoietic origin for multiple cytotherapeutic purposes, including enhanced engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells, modulation of inflammation, bone repair, and cancer. Placenta-derived adherent cells (PDACs) are mesenchymal-like stem cells isolated from postpartum human placenta. Multiple myeloma is closely associated with induction of bone disease and large lytic lesions, which are often not repaired and are usually the sites of relapses.

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Among the many cell types that may prove useful to regenerative medicine, mounting evidence suggests that human term placenta-derived cells will join the list of significant contributors. In making new cell therapy-based strategies a clinical reality, it is fundamental that no a priori claims are made regarding which cell source is preferable for a particular therapeutic application. Rather, ongoing comparisons of the potentiality and characteristics of cells from different sources should be made to promote constant improvement in cell therapies, and such comparisons will likely show that individually tailored cells can address disease-specific clinical needs.

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Graves' disease (GD) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) represent the commonest forms of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) each presenting with distinct clinical features. Progress has been made in determining association of HLA class II DRB1, DQB1 and DQA1 loci with GD demonstrating a predisposing effect for DR3 (DRB1(*)03-DQB1(*)02-DQA1(*)05) and a protective effect for DR7 (DRB1(*)07-DQB1(*)02-DQA1(*)02). Small data sets have hindered progress in determining HLA class II associations with HT.

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The identification of genes placing individuals at an increased risk for the development of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) has been a slow process. However, over the last 20 years or so real progress has been made with the mapping of novel loci, via a number of different approaches. First, through the use of traditional immunological methods, Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA)/Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) was the first gene region to be associated with AITD and consistent replications have been reported.

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Objective: The protein-tyrosine-phosphate nonreceptor 22 gene (PTPN22) has recently been identified as a susceptibility locus for a number of autoimmune diseases including Graves' disease (GD). PTPN21 is another member of the PTPN family and its gene PTPN21 maps to the first reported region of genetic linkage to GD, GD-1, on chromosome 14q31. The aim of this study was to determine whether PTPN21 is acting as a GD susceptibility locus in UK Caucasian subjects.

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Irinotecan is the only accepted second-line treatment for colorectal cancer in the USA. Doses are, however, frequently limited by associated late-onset diarrhoea. Thalidomide has antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory properties and is being investigated as an antineoplastic.

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Objective: An elevated homocysteine level in the blood has been identified as an independent risk factor for vascular disease, including coronary atherosclerosis and venoembolic disease. A deficiency of vitamins B ( 6 ), B ( 12 ), or folate in the blood can cause increased blood levels of homocysteine. We set out to determine whether there was a relationship between blood levels of folate and B ( 12 ) and the subsequent development of cardiovascular disease and mortality in old old ambulatory men and women.

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A 25-year-old woman developed a basal-cell carcinoma in the skin over the right scapula. The histopathology of the lesion revealed elements of typical basal-cell carcinoma as well as adenoid, trichoepitheliomatous, and ductal differentiation. Hamartomatous basal-cell carcimoma is a rare variant of ordinary basal-cell carcinoma as well as adenoid, trichoepitheliomatous, and viduals.

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