Publications by authors named "Zavalic M"

Exposure to allergens at workplace is more frequent nowadays. The most common occupational allergic diseases with proven association of the disease and occupational exposure determining damage to function and/or morphology and confirming the disease by diagnostic workup are occupational allergic rhinitis, occupational asthma, allergic alveolitis and allergic contact dermatitis. This paper describes diagnostic algorithms of differential diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis of occupational disease and to take measures for preserving functional capacity of the employees.

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New regulations on the protection and rights of workers occupationally exposed to asbestos were introduced in Croatia in 2007 and 2008. They have been harmonised with the European Union (EU) and International Labour Organization (ILO) regulations, and make a step forward in safety at work, health protection, social rights, and pension schemes for Croatian workers occupationally exposed to asbestos. The 2007 Croatian regulation on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work defines and describes activities in which workers can be occupationally exposed to asbestos, defines the threshold value of asbestos in the air at work, defines valid methods for measurement of asbestos concentrations in the air, and establishes measures to reduce asbestos exposure at work or protect the exposed workers.

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The definition of occupational health has changed significantly over time to cover broader aspects of health care and to promote worker's health. Over the centuries, the relationship between workplace hazards and occupational health care has been influenced by the character of work, social evolution and changes in manufacture, economy and demographics of the working populations. Numerous old civilizations showed deep prejudice towards human work.

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Characteristics of aging as a normal physiological process are presented. The main indicators of increased the number of older population in the world as well as problems related to society and particularly to public health are listed. The difference between gerontology and geriatrics is described.

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Background: A medical surveillance program of benzene-exposed workers has to be established in such a way as to observe early signs of benzene-induced cytopenia, pancytopenia, or leukemia. This study evaluates the utility of routine medical survey applied to benzene-exposed workers by analyzing the hematological, immunological, and cytogenetic assay results.

Methods: The results of a previous study of hematological, immunological, and cytogenetic assays in benzene-exposed workers (up to 15 ppm) are used to discuss medical surveillance program by defining the relationship between various benzene exposure concentrations and toxic endpoints.

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The research of benzene and toluene toxic effects has been carried out in the Republic of Croatia. The paper presents the results. The research of early indicators of benzene hematotoxicity, immunotoxicity and genotoxicity and toluene neurotoxicity has been conducted on the level of methods applicable in the occupational medicine preventive activities.

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Occupational diseases, work-related diseases and occupational stigma in professional musicians are discussed. Predominant diseases and symptoms related to various organic systems, such as musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, respiratory system, skin, mouth and teeth diseases, as well as the effect of noise and psychological stress, have been listed. The preventive measures in order to promote health of musicians are described in particular.

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The basic parameters of work capacity as well as difference to temporary work capacity are described. Separately listed are principles of assessment of work capacity before employment, during employment as well as for determination of invalidity. Differences between impairment and disability are stressed.

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Artists' activities such as sculptures, paintings, graphic designs, photography, restoration, glassblowing, glass cutting and ceramics are described. The hazards the artists are exposed to during their professional activities with potential dangerous effects on their health are listed. Diseases which can develop as a consequence of exposure to specific noxious agents in such in environment are described.

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Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the immunotoxicity of benzene exposure, to establish the correlation between the exposure biomarkers and some immunological parameters, and to assess the possible influence of confounding factors on the results of immunological assay applicable in routine medical surveillance of benzene-exposed workers.

Methods: Forty-nine female workers in the shoemaking industry who were exposed to solvent mixtures and 27 nonexposed controls were examined. Workers were exposed to benzene concentrations of up to 15 ppm, and to toluene of up to 50 ppm.

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The aim of the study was to determine whether and to what extent changes in the electrocardiograms occurred in released prisoners of war (POWs) from Serbian detention camps and whether the frequency of occurrence differed from similar changes in a control group. An electrocardiogram was recorded and medical examinations conducted on 182 randomly selected ex-POWs. The subjects were male with a mean age of 35.

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Characteristics and specificities of diagnostic procedures as a basis of diagnosis of occupational diseases are explained. The aforementioned include working history, clinical, laboratory and functional tests and evaluation of working environment. Examples of practical application of such procedures are listed.

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Sensitization to latex and rubber additives has been acknowledged during the last 10 years as a major occupational health problem among health-care workers. In sensitized persons, respiratory and/or skin symptoms may be present. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of senzitisation involve allergic reactions types I and IV (Coombs and Gell).

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We investigated colour vision impairment in 45 male workers occupationally exposed to toluene (mean value of toluene concentration in ambient air = 119.96 ppm) and in 53 controls. Colour vision was evaluated by Lanthony-D-15 desaturated test and expressed as Age and Alcohol Intake Adjusted Colour Confusion Score (AACDS) or types of dyschromatopsia.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether toluene, like many other organic solvents and solvent mixtures, could impair color vision.

Subjects And Methods: We investigated color vision impairment in three groups of workers, two groups occupationally exposed to toluene and a nonexposed group. The first exposed group, group E1, comprised 41 workers (median value of toluene in air 35.

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Color vision was examined by the Lanthony-D-15 desaturated test in two groups of workers occupationally exposed to toluene and in a control group. Biological parameters of toluene exposure were analyzed: toluene in air and in venous blood, orthocresol, and hippuric acid in urine after workshift. The first exposed group, Group E1, comprised 41 workers (toluene exposure ranged from 11.

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Forty-nine female workers in the shoemaking industry, exposed to a solvent mixture containing benzene and twenty-seven non-exposed controls, were investigated. Concentrations of benzene and toluene in the working atmosphere, as well as benzene and toluene in blood and phenols in pre- and post-shift urine as parameters of biological monitoring, were determined. In order to assess hematotoxic risk, a complete blood cell count with differential, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, reticulocytes, serum iron, alkaline phosphatase in neutrophils and red blood cell glycerol lysis time were determined in all subjects.

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The aim of the study was to establish a correlation between biomarkers of exposure and cytogenetic test results in workers occupationally exposed to benzene and toluene, with special reference to confounding factors influencing the outcome of the cytogenetic test. The incidence of structural chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges was studied in the peripheral blood lymphocytes cell genome of 49 female shoe-makers, mean age 38 years, mean length of occupational exposure 17 years and in a group of 27 well-matched controls. Workers were exposed to concentrations of benzene up to 15 ppm and of toluene up to 50 ppm.

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Colour vision was examined by the Lanthony-D-15 desaturated test in 41 women exposed to toluene and in 29 non-exposed referents. Toluene exposure was evaluated by methods of environmental and biological monitoring. In the exposed group the median value of toluene in air was 35 ppm (range 11.

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The criteria for acknowledgement of occupational parenchymal asbestosis were set out in the List of Occupational Diseases of 1983, under paragraph 26. In spite of this, some occupational health specialists and invalidity committees acknowledge the disease only when it meets the criteria recommended in the Conclusions of a Workshop on Asbestosis, held in former Yugoslavia, although such criteria were never legally implemented. According to these criteria asbetosis of the lung is recognized only when parenchymal profusion is subcategory profusion is subcategory 2/1 and higher, or at least subcategory 1/1 with visible pleural plaques and/or bilateral calcifications.

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The paper presents th results of an investigation of haematotoxicity in workers exposed to low benzene concentrations. Forty-seven female workers in the shoemaking industry, exposed to solvent mixture and twenty-seven non-exposed controls were examined. Benzene concentrations in the working atmosphere ranged from 1.

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Digital photoplethysmography and skin thermometry are both measures of circulation in the skin of the fingers. These methods and a cold provocation test were performed on 29 chain-saw workers grouped in stages 0, 1, 2, or 3 according to the Stockholm Workshop scale of hand-arm vibration syndrome, and on 16 controls. The reduction of photoplethysmographic amplitude after the cold test reflects the degree of vasoconstriction, and the recovery rate demonstrates passive vasodilatative capacity.

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Body mass was examined in the defenders of Vukovar (n = 71) from eastern Slavonia, Republic of Croatia, immediately on release from enemy concentration camps. The sample consisted of a group of 33 male smokers who had been imprisoned for (mean +/- SD) 127.4 +/- 18.

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