The paper describes a wide-range practical application of the potentiometric multisensor system (MS) (1) for integral safety evaluation of a variety of natural waters at multiple locations, under various climatic conditions and anthropogenic stress and (2) for close to real consistency evaluation of waste water purification processes at urban water treatment plants. In total, 25 natural surface water samples were collected around St. Petersburg (Russia), analyzed as is, and after ultrasonic treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFToxicity is one of the key parameters of water quality in environmental monitoring. However, being evaluated as a response of living beings (as their mobility, fertility, death rate, etc.) to water quality, toxicity can only be assessed with the help of these living beings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndications, contraindications, mortality and complication rates in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) are discussed in age-related aspects especially devoted to elderly. Own results of over 10-year-long experience (1998-2008) in interventional cardiology (coronary angiography, percutaneous coronary transluminal angioplasty, stenting) with 192 patients over 75 years of age (from 75 to 93 y. o.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe toxicity of a series of GABAlytics (11 drugs) representing different pharmacological groups was evaluated in comparative experiments on Daphnia magna Straus and white mice. A high degree of correlation was established between the toxicity of GABA antagonists studied in daphnia and mice. The pharmacological analysis of the interaction of agonists and antagonists of GABA/benzodiazepine/ionophore-receptor complex--the competitive ligands for various binding sites--was carried out.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPublished data and original experimental results are summarized to justify biochemically the use of Daphnia magna Straus as an additional or alternative test object for the study of cholinotropic substances. The data of radioligand analysis provide direct evidence that the organism of Daphnia contains M-cholinoreceptors identical (with respect to pharmacodynamic parameters) to those in the human and animal organism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntermediatory relationships between the cholinergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission systems were analyzed using published data and the original experimental results obtained on Daphnia magna Straus, a new test object. Based on these results, the antihaloperidol activity of a series of M- cholinoblocking agents with different receptor selectivities were studied in comparison to the new cholinoblocker pentifin exceeding in the activity the classical antiparkinsonian drugs such as cyclodol, amedin, and norakin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHaloperidol and dimethpromide exhibit the properties of dopamine antagonists in the experiments on Daphnia magna Straus (Crustaceae family). Haloperidol, in contrast to dimethpromide, does not significantly influence the toxic effect of apomorphine. It is suggested that acetylene aminoalcohol derivatives are selective ligands for one of the subtypes of dopamine receptors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExperiments on rodents showed that pentifin, a muscarine antagonist belonging to the group of acetylene amines, possesses a pronounced antiparkinsonian activity. Pentifin is superior in the breadth of therapeutic action and tolerance characteristics to the conventional agents used for Parkinson's disease treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of study of the selectivity of the effects of cholinonegative and cholinopositive agents obtained on Daphnia magna hydrobionts were compared with the results of investigations on rats. This allowed Daphnia to be recommended as an alternative test object for studying the selectivity of the effect of cholinotropic agents in relation to some subtypes of muscarine receptors in an intact organism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe time, when the first villi appear, is defined. Quantitative composition, percent content, height of the villi of the mucous membrane in all parts of the small intestine during various periods of the intrauterine development are presented. In 17-week-old embryos at the level of the duodenum the first villi are noted and their formation in the middle part of the intestinal tube is revealed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe changes in the ultrastructure of myelinic fibers of branchial plexus muscular branches have been studied during exposure to acupuncture of different duration. The studies were performed using muscular branches obtained from the forelegs of sexually mature white rats, weighing 150-170 g. The nerves were processed for electron microscopy according to a conventional technique.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
November 1986
Development of blood capillaries in the human intraorganic nerves has been studied. The intramuscular nerves of fetuses, newborns, children and mature persons (88 cases in all) make the object of the investigation. Combination of light optic methods and electron microscopy is used.
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September 1985
Myelinization of the neural cell processes begins on the third month. At 4-5 months mesaxons appear. Then, together with increasing diameter of the neural fibers, formation of new myelin transmitters is going on.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the human intraorganic nerves of the thoracic muscles amyelin fibers make 62% and myelin ones--38%. In transversal sections ultrastructure of the myelin and amyelin fibers varying in their diameters has been studied. In the myelin and amyelin fibers the amount of various organells is not equal: in the amyelin fibers the arrangement density of microtubules is greater than that of neurofilaments, there is a reverse dependence between the amount of the microtubules and the neurofilaments on the one hand, and the fibrilar diameter, on the other hand.
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January 1985
The m. extensor carpi radialis longus and m. flexor carpi in newborns are richly saturated in terminal sensitive apparatuses and are presented as peculiar reflexogenic zones.
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August 1984
Myelogenesis and blood supply of the intraorganic nerves have been studied in 4-6- and 7-9-month-old human fetuses. At first, the intramuscular nerves are presented as very thick fasciculi (the diameter is more than 90), thick (the diameter is from 50 up to 90) and single muddle neural fasciculi (the diameter is from 30 up to 50 mcm). The microcirculatory blood bed is formed at the expense of branches of the blood vessel-satellites and the blood vessels of the surrounding tissues and is carried out, without any interruption, along the whole extent.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
April 1984
Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol
November 1983
Twenty-two corpses of children (1-6 years of age) have been investigated. During the first year of life, certain manifested morphological changes take place in the innervation apparatus of the child hand muscles. The nerves are intensively growing in length, surpassing the muscles growth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe intraorganic nerves of the fetus hand muscles in the second half of the prenatal development (beginning from the 4.5th month of the intrauterine development) have a conductive part in the nerve system with certain signs of immaturity: weak branching of the neural trunks, abundant perineural cells, great amount of the intratrunkal plexuses, various forms of the neural fibre transversal section. By the time of birth, in the fetal neural trunclets fine fibres predominate, percent of the middle one increases.
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October 1982
The data on formation and construction principles of the blood supply system in the terminal sensitive apparatuses of the human forearm muscles during embryogenesis and early postnatal period are presented. During the intrauterine development, the formation of the vascular-receptor relations takes place in the sequence corresponding to the anlage of the receptors. The first blood vessels appear in the area of the nonencapsulated sensitive terminals and only after in the encapsulated receptors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
September 1982
The superficial human digital flexor and extensor are rich in terminal sensitive apparatuses and they present peculiar reflexogenic zones. There is not any essential difference between these muscle-antagonists according to the topography of the receptors, but functionally different muscle areas (both in the superficial digital flexor and in the digital extensor) are not equally provided with the receptory apparatuses. In the course of development, the number of sensitive terminals in the proximal and distal portions of the muscles is increasing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
March 1982
Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol
October 1980
The data on the vascular bed formation and construction of intraorganic nerves of the human forearm muscles in embryogenesis are presented. It is stated that in the process of development the following stages can be revealed in microvessels of the neural fasciculi: a) prevascular (up to 3 months of the intrauterine development, b) initial stage of formation of neuromuscular connections (3--5 months of embryogenesis), c) developed stage (the second half of embryogenesis). In the intraorganic nerves, microvessels are arranged in several layers.
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