Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
July 2013
Multiple sclerosis is a classic multifactorial disease in which etiology interaction of external factors and structural features of a large number of genes plays an important role. Identifying risk factors for multiple sclerosis and creating an integrated model of pathogenesis are urgent tasks of neurology. Revealing true risk factors is possible only in studies with sufficient statistical power, so with a large amount of samples.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFResults of the comparative analysis of the complex investigation of rodent population state caught at areas with different levels of contamination in the accident zone of the Chernobyl NPP during 1986-1993 and 2007, at areas with a practically normal radiation background in the neighborhood of the Kiev City in 1993 and at areas with the normal and increased radiation background in Ukhta region of Komi Republic in 1993-2008 are presented. It is shown that the absence of the linear dependence in changes of the lipid peroxidation (LPO) regulatory system parameters in rodent tissues on the dose of the external gamma-radiation at areas of their trap persists for a long time. Different ability to normalization of the studied indices and nonlinearity of their dose dependences allow us to suggest that changes of the scale and direction of interrelations between the reciprocal parameters of the LPO regulatory system in norm in tissues of rodents which were caught in the accident zone and at areas with an increased radiation background should be the information signal determining selection of the strategy of adaptation to the chronic radiation factor action.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfluence of the environment radioactive contamination on the age changes of the lipid peroxidation state in the Microtus oeconomus tissues (rodents caught in the Komi Republic areas and in the Chernobyl accident zone) was studied. The data show that action extent depends on the external y-radiation level in the trapping areas, the animal sex and the supply of the tissue lipids by antioxidants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere was performed a comparative analysis of phospholipids and of lipid physicochemical characteristics in spleen, blood erythrocytes, and liver of the root voles caught in the natural environmental habitation at different phases of the population cycle, as well as of the animals born and raised throughout the entire life in vivarium, depending on the animals' sex and age. The age-related changes in the phospholipid composition have been established to correlate with lipid physicochemical characteristics, while the scale and direction of the changes depend on the tissue functional role, the initial level of the antioxidative activity (AOA) of its lipids, and sex of the animals. In the process of the organism aging, parameters of the system of regulation of lipid peroxidation change not unidirectionally; in group of animals of the same age, individuals with different biochemical characteristics can be present.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere has been studied the response of antioxidant (AO) reaction of the tissue system of the root voles Microtus oeconomus Pall. whose parents belonged to the populations long inhabiting the Republic Komi regions with different degrees of radioactive contamination on an additional radiation action at low doses. Differences have been revealed in the phospholipid content, activities of AO defense, intensities of processes of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in tissues of the vole offspring caught in the control and contaminated regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe comparative analysis of the phospholipid composition and the physics-chemical characteristics of the spleen, blood erythrocytes and liver lipids of wild rodents of different age (Microtus oeconomus Pall.) was carried out. The interrelation between the age changes of the phospholipid composition in spleen and/or the antiperoxide activity and the content of peroxides in lipids was shown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiats Biol Radioecol
December 2007
The antiradiation properties of the ecdysteroid-containing preparations ("serpisten" and inokosterone) are studied under their application before or after the 22.6 cGy chronic low intensity gamma-irradiation of mice. It is shown that the antiradiation of these compounds depend on the dose of preparations and time of the application before or after irradiation of mice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is shown that the effect of the low intensity gamma-irradiation at the dose of 5.5 cGy during the 4 months including the antenatal period causes the most substantial changes of the peroxide content in the liver and in brain lipids and of TBA-reactive substances amount in organs and blood plasma of tundra vole F2 which are reproduced from parents during long-term inhabiting on the Ra-contaminated area in the Komi Republic. The consequences of the chronic gamma-irradiation at the doses of 4 cGy (the dose rate is 5 mR/h) and 31 cGy (the dose rate is 40 mR/h) are studied by the morphophysiological and by biochemical parameters in organs of mice CBA (males) within 3 months after exposure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of the investigations of the radioactive contamination consequences on the lipid peroxidation (LPO) processes in organs and tissues of wild rodents which were caught in the Chernobyl NPP accident 30-km zone during 1986-1993 are generalized. The behaviors of the technogenic contamination effect on dynamic of changes of the LPO physico-chemical regulatory system parameters and the generalized parameters of the phospholipid composition in organs of the different radioresistance wild rodents are revealed in dependence on the radioactive contamination level and the duration of the radiation factor exposure. Different sensitivity of the LPO regulatory system parameters in wild rodent tissues to the radioactive contamination of their environment and the unequal ability to normalization of the antioxidant status and the energy exchange in tissues result in the change of the scale and character of interrelations between the reciprocal parameters in norm and have an influence on the development of qualitatively new subpopulations of wild rodents due to the transition of the cell regulatory system to the another level of the function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe parameters of the lipid peroxidation regulatory system (the antioxidative and antiperoxidant activities, the peroxide content, the lipid peroxidation intensity) in the tissues and the activities of the antioxidative defence enzymes (the peroxidase activity in blood, the superoxide dismutase activity in the blood erythrocytes) are studied in progeny of tundra vole which are reproduced from parent inhabiting areas with different radioecological environment during a long time. The progeny had the preservation of the changed antioxidant status. The scale of the changing of the investigating parameters depend on the state of radionucleoids contamination of areas where tundra voles are caught, sex of rodents, the content of antioxidants in lipids of tissues of parents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe data of complex examinations of morphophysiological state of Tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus Pall.), the lipid peroxidation (LPO) processes and the energy exchange in their organs, the cytogenetic analysis of marrow cells and the process of multiplication in populations inhabiting areas with increased natural radiation background more 50 years are generalized. The data obtained support the existence of qualitative differences of Tundra vole subpopulations inhabiting control and radioactive nuclide contaminating areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effect of the increased natural radiation background (within some areas in Komi Republic) and man-caused radioactive contamination in the Chernobyl NPP accident zone on the composition of liver phospholipids in Microtus oeconomus inhabiting these areas was studied. The significant changes in the liver lipid composition in rodents inhabiting both the Chernobyl accident zone and the areas with the increased natural radiation background were found. The maximal changes in the liver phospholipid composition were revealed during the first year after the accident.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe estimation of the degree of the radioactive contamination effect on the antioxidative status in tissues of rodents from natural populations is done by means of biometric methods. It is shown, that the character of distribution and variability of the lipids antioxidant activity (AOA) differs significantly depending of species and age of animals, the degree of contamination on areas where wild rodents were caught and time during which the radioactive factor affected. The change in character of the animals distribution in AOA of the brain lipids for the more radioresistant Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb, occurs the later than for the more radiosensitive Apodemus agrarius and especially for Microtus oeconomus Pall.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
January 1997
In experiments on white rat males it was established that infrared laser radiation (frequency 500 Hz) was more potent in stimulating repair of skin wounds than 3000 Hz radiation. This manifested in enhanced proliferative activity of fibroblasts and epithelial cells, decreased areas of the wound.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeviations in lipid peroxidation parameters and in activity of dehydration enzymes in the brain of the tundra voles inhabiting areas with higher level of technogenic contamination (the 30-km zone of the Chernobyl NPP and the Republic of Komi) have been analyzed. During the first years after the disaster a decrease in the lipid antioxidative status of the brain and dehydrogenase activity, changes in the lipid composition of voles trapped in the disaster zone in comparison with control ones were more significant. Relative stabilization of the phospholipid composition with low antioxidizing activity of lipids and slight activity of succinate and piruvate dehydrogenases has been observed in a distant period of analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
August 1996
The authors' experiments have shown that a course intake of sulfate mineral water after total radiation (1 and 5 Gy) can prevent and minimize dystrophic and necrobiotic changes in the liver, stimulate intracellular regeneration, reduce pathological mitoses in the small intestine. The response depended on radiation dose and time of crenotherapy start after radiation. Sulfate mineral water is also a weak radioprotector.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
April 1996
It is shown that both natural and dissolved iodine-bromine water given in courses to animals preexposed to 1 Gy gamma radiation promotes recovery of the damaged processes in the body. The therapeutic action of natural mineral water proved more beneficial because such water contains more iodine and minerals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
September 1996
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
March 1995
A study was made of the morphological status of hepatocytes, the antioxidant activity of lipids and composition of phospholipids, and dehydrogenase activity in the liver of field mice taken from seven regions of the Chernobyl A.P.S.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
March 1992
Radon experiments have established that oral courses of water containing either radon or its decay products in optimal doses can promote healing of gastric ulcer. The speed of such healing is believed to depend on the dose absorbed by a thin layer (about 100 microM) of gastric mucosa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
December 1989
A variety of the Chinese gymnastics was studied in relation to performance status of essentially healthy subjects. Thirty-three office workers exercised twice a week during 5 months. A positive trend was observed in nervous and emotional status, cardiovascular adaptation to muscular loads, external respiration, fatigue after 5 working days.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
March 1987