The mechanisms via which inflammatory macrophages mediate intestinal inflammation are not completely understood. Herein, using merged analysis of RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics, we detected differences between proteomic and transcriptomic data in activated macrophages. Dipeptidase-2 (DPEP2), a member of the DPEP family, was highly expressed and then downregulated sharply at the protein level but not at the mRNA level in macrophages in response to inflammatory stimulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPemphigoid disorders are autoimmune bullous dermatoses with a high mortality rate of up to 40 %, associated with many complications during hospitalization, even when treated with conventional therapies such as steroids, oral antibiotics, and steroid-sparing immunosuppressants. We present a continuous case monitoring a patient with a medical history of oral diabetic medication, who was diagnosed with bullous pemphigoid on December 26, 2023. Despite treatment with an immunomodulator (hydroxychloroquine), antihistamines, injectable and oral steroids, analgesics, antibiotics, and antibiotic ointment, the patient's symptoms of blisters, erosions, and ulcerations persisted severely.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAll species must partition resources among the processes that underly growth, survival, and reproduction. The resulting demographic trade-offs constrain the range of viable life-history strategies and are hypothesized to promote local coexistence. Tropical forests pose ideal systems to study demographic trade-offs as they have a high diversity of coexisting tree species whose life-history strategies tend to align along two orthogonal axes of variation: a growth-survival trade-off that separates species with fast growth from species with high survival and a stature-recruitment trade-off that separates species that achieve large stature from species with high recruitment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPopulations of forest trees exhibit large temporal fluctuations, but little is known about the synchrony of these fluctuations across space, including their sign, magnitude, causes and characteristic scales. These have important implications for metapopulation persistence and theoretical community ecology. Using data from permanent forest plots spanning local, regional and global spatial scales, we measured spatial synchrony in tree population growth rates over sub-decadal and decadal timescales and explored the relationship of synchrony to geographical distance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a chronic steatosis of the liver associated with energy metabolism in children and adolescents, failure to intervene promptly can elevate the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the underlying mechanism of pediatric NAFLD and investigate potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
Methods: We investigated genes using the GSE185051 data set related to energy metabolism from the GeneCards database, constructed protein-protein interaction network, identified hub genes and established networks representing interactions between these hub genes and miRNA, RNA-binding proteins, transcription factors, and drugs.
Unlike the space targets such as satellites whose observation distance is about the order of 100 km, the measurement distance of long baseline (LBL) underwater positioning system is much shorter. If the noncoincidence between the multiple beacons and the target center is not considered, this systematic error will cause a little larger positioning error. Therefore, aiming at the situation that multiple beacons are installed outside the target and the distance between the beacons and the target center is significant, a multi-beacon positioning model of the LBL underwater system is constructed in this paper.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Endoscopic transnasal optic canal decompression is widely used in the treatment of traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) following head and craniofacial trauma. Intraoperative hemorrhage is a catastrophic surgical complication during optic canal decompression.
Case Description: We present two cases of patients with TON who suffered unexpected intra-operative massive bleeding during endoscopic transnasal optic canal decompression.
Background: This study aims to investigate the potential significance of mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW) in predicting surgical neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and establish the correlation between MPV/PDW levels and the severity/prognosis of NEC.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on a cohort of 372 patients diagnosed with NEC. The patients were categorized into two groups based on whether they underwent surgical therapy.
J Environ Sci (China)
August 2024
In North China, iodine-rich groundwater has been extensively studied, but few in South China. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of iodine-rich groundwater in South China and identify potential contamination sources. The results revealed that the average concentration of iodine in groundwater was 890 µg/L, with a maximum concentration of 6350 µg/L, exceeding the permitted levels recommended by the World Health Organization (5-300 µg/L).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The aim of this article was to compare the differences between Intergrowth-21st (IG-21) and Fenton growth standards in the classification of intrauterine and extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR) in eastern Chinese preterm infants, and detect which one can better relate to neonatal diseases and predict the physical growth outcomes at 3-5 years old.
Methods: Premature infants admitted to a tertiary pediatric hospital in Shanghai, China, from 2016 to 2018 were enrolled. Prenatal information, neonatal diseases during hospitalization, and anthropometric data (weight, height, and head circumference) at birth and at discharge were collected and analyzed.
Hand-foot syndrome (HFS) is a widely recognized dose-limiting cutaneous toxicity effect of fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy agents that impairs clinical benefits and treatment outcomes. Even though the cause and pathophysiology of HFS are relatively widely reported, how the toxicity of fluoropyrimidine translates into persistent inflammation has not been studied. Additionally, prevention and treatment strategies for HFS based on its mechanistic occurrence and development are scarce.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNegaprion acutidens (sicklefin lemon shark) is distributed in the Indo-Pacific and in close association with coral reefs. Under the protection of the Dongsha Atoll National Park, a small but well-established juvenile population of N. acutidens inhabiting coastal areas of Dongsha Island was recently observed to display site fidelity by using acoustic telemetry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe variegated cardinalfish Fowleria variegata produces grunt and hoot calls during agonistic and courtship interactions. Both sounds are tonal and occur as single and multiunit calls. Grunts are of short duration with variable frequency spectra.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Hand-foot syndrome (HFS) is a serious dose-limiting cutaneous toxicity of capecitabine-containing chemotherapy, leading to a deteriorated quality of life and negative impacts on chemotherapy treatment. The symptoms of HFS have been widely reported, but the precise molecular and cellular mechanisms remain unknown. The metabolic enzyme of capecitabine, thymidine phosphorylase (TP) may be related to HFS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
March 2022
Background: This study aimed to clarify the effect of music tempo on runners’ perception of fatigue at different exercise intensities and while listening to music of different tempos through running experiments. Methods: This study used a within-subject two-factor experimental design with music tempo (fast music, slow music, no music) and exercise intensity (high intensity, low intensity) as independent variables and the time to fatigue perception (TFP), the difference in heart rate (HR) and the difference in the median frequency (MF) of surface electromyography (sEMG) signals as observation indexes. Eighteen participants completed a total of 108 sets of running experiments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHand-foot skin reaction (HFSR) is the most debilitating and prevalent side effect caused by multikinase inhibitors (MKIs) that share vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) as the common inhibition target, such as sorafenib, regorafenib, axitinib, etc. Though not life-threatening, HFSR can significantly deteriorate patients' quality of life and jeopardize the continuity of cancer therapy. Despite years of efforts, there are no FDA-approved treatments for HFSR and the understanding of the precise pathogenic mechanism is still limited.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe growth and survival of individual trees determine the physical structure of a forest with important consequences for forest function. However, given the diversity of tree species and forest biomes, quantifying the multitude of demographic strategies within and across forests and the way that they translate into forest structure and function remains a significant challenge. Here, we quantify the demographic rates of 1961 tree species from temperate and tropical forests and evaluate how demographic diversity (DD) and demographic composition (DC) differ across forests, and how these differences in demography relate to species richness, aboveground biomass (AGB), and carbon residence time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdentifying biomarkers is important for assessment of disease progression, prediction of symptom development, and determination of treatment effectiveness. While unbiased analyses of differential gene expression using next-generation sequencing methods are now routinely conducted, proteomics studies are more challenging because of traditional methods predominantly being low throughput and offering a limited dynamic range for simultaneous detection of hundreds of proteins that drastically differ in their intracellular abundance. We utilized a sensitive and high-throughput proteomic technique, reverse phase protein array (RPPA), to attain protein expression profiles of primary fibroblasts obtained from patients with Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) and unaffected controls (CTRLs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, a Fe-Ni-S/NF hybrid electrode with a hierarchical structure was fabricated via a simple hydrothermal and ion exchange method, and it exhibited remarkable OER performance in an alkaline solution at an ultralow overpotential (1000 mA cm-2@384 mV) and outstanding operational stability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe distribution and ecological risks of 11 phenolic compounds were studied in Weihe River, Northwest China. The concentrations of phenolic compounds were determined by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). The total concentration of 11 phenolic compounds (∑PC) ranged from 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhenolic compounds have caused different degrees of negative impacts in aquatic environment. Amino acids, humic acids and carbohydrates are the three dominant types of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) in natural water bodies. In this research, the influences of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) on the adsorption behaviors of phenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) in Weihe River suspended sediment were studied by using DL-alanine, fulvic acid and glucose as the representatives of the three types of DNOM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHere, we report highly dispersed small ruthenium nanoparticles (NPs) anchored onto a porous carbon (Ru/PC) with a clean catalytic surface and explore their excellent peroxidase-like activity for 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine oxidation mediated by HO, which allows sensitive colorimetric detection of HO with a low detection limit of 3.8 μM. Moreover, it is also found that the Ru/PC has a high nitroreductase-like activity for 4-nitroaniline reduction triggered by NaBH.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Brief assessments of functional status for community-dwelling older adults are needed given expanded interest in the measurement of functional decline.
Methods: As part of a 2015 prospective cohort study of older adults aged 60-89 years in Jiangsu Province, China, 1506 participants were randomly assigned to two groups; each group was administered one of two alternative 20-item versions of a scale to assess activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) drawn from multiple commonly-used scales. One version asked if they required help to perform activities (ADL-IADL-HELP-20), while the other version provided additional response options if activities could be done alone but with difficulty (ADL-IADL-DIFFICULTY-20).