Physical engineering technology using far-infrared radiation has been gathering attention in chemical, biological, and material research fields. In particular, the high-power radiation at the terahertz region can give remarkable effects on biological materials distinct from a simple thermal treatment. Self-assembly of biological molecules such as amyloid proteins and cellulose fiber plays various roles in medical and biomaterials fields.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiological phenomena induced by terahertz (THz) irradiation are described in recent reports, but underlying mechanisms, structural and dynamical change of specific molecules are still unclear. In this paper, we performed time-lapse morphological analysis of human cells and found that THz irradiation halts cell division at cytokinesis. At the end of cytokinesis, the contractile ring, which consists of filamentous actin (F-actin), needs to disappear; however, it remained for 1 hour under THz irradiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn using the far-infrared radiation system, whether the irradiation effect is thermal or non-thermal is controversial. We irradiated amyloid peptides that are causal factors for amyloidosis by using a submillimeter wave from 420 GHz gyrotron. Fluorescence reagent assay, optical and electron microscopies, and synchrotron-radiation infrared microscopy showed that the irradiation increased the fibrous conformation of peptides at room temperature for 30 min.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGas breakdown in the millimetre-wave frequency band is an interesting phenomenon in nonlinear dynamics such as self-organized structure formation. We observed the transition between two types of filamentary plasma arrays in air discharge driven by a 303-GHz millimetre wave. Plasma is ignited at a parabolic mirror's focal point in the overcritical condition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDynamic mode interaction between fundamental and second-harmonic modes has been observed in high-power sub-terahertz gyrotrons [T. Notake et al., Phys.
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