Publications by authors named "Yury Yasyukevich"

For decades, GNSS code measurements were much noisier than phase ones, limiting their applicability to ionospheric total electron content (TEC) studies. Ultra-wideband AltBOC signals changed the situation. This study revisits the Galileo E5 and BeiDou B2 AltBOC signals and their potential applications in TEC estimation.

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Scientists and engineers use data utilize global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) for a multitude of tasks: autonomous navigation, transport monitoring, construction, GNSS reflectometry, GNSS ionosphere monitoring, etc [...

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Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) provide a great data source about the ionosphere state. These data can be used for testing ionosphere models. We studied the performance of nine ionospheric models (Klobuchar, NeQuickG, BDGIM, GLONASS, IRI-2016, IRI-2012, IRI-Plas, NeQuick2, and GEMTEC) both in the total electron content (TEC) domain-i.

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Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) allow estimating total electron content (TEC). However, it is still a problem to calculate absolute ionosphere parameters from GNSS data: negative TEC values could appear, and most of existing algorithms does not enable to estimate TEC spatial gradients and TEC time derivatives. We developed an algorithm to recover the absolute non-negative vertical and slant TEC, its derivatives and its gradients, as well as the GNSS equipment differential code biases (DCBs) by using the Taylor series expansion and bounded-variable least-squares.

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