Publications by authors named "Yuri G Rubo"

We report the experimental observation of trembling quantum motion, or Zitterbewegung, of exciton polaritons in a perovskite microcavity at room temperature. By introducing liquid-crystal molecules into the microcavity, we achieve spinor states with synthetic Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling and tunable energy splitting. Under a resonant excitation, the polariton fluid exhibits clear trembling motion perpendicular to its flowing direction, accompanied by a unique spin pattern resembling interlocked fingers.

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We propose a novel photonic device, the polariton polarization rectifier, intended to transform polariton pulses with arbitrary polarization into linearly polarized pulses with controllable orientation of the polarization plane. It is based on the interplay between the orbital motion of the polariton wave packet and the dynamics of the polariton pseudospin governed by the spatially dependent effective magnetic field. The latter is controlled by the TE-TM splitting in a harmonic trap.

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We study the spin vortices and skyrmions coherently imprinted into an exciton-polariton condensate on a planar semiconductor microcavity. We demonstrate that the presence of a polarization anisotropy can induce a complex dynamics of these structured topologies, leading to the twist of their circuitation on the Poincaré sphere of polarizations. The theoretical description of the results carries the concept of generalized quantum vortices in two-component superfluids, which are conformal with polarization loops around an arbitrary axis in the pseudospin space.

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Practical challenges to extrapolating Moore's law favour alternatives to electrons as information carriers. Two promising candidates are spin-based and all-optical architectures, the former offering lower energy consumption, the latter superior signal transfer down to the level of chip-interconnects. Polaritons-spinor quasi-particles composed of semiconductor excitons and microcavity photons-directly couple exciton spins and photon polarizations, combining the advantages of both approaches.

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We propose a physical mechanism which enables permanent Rabi oscillations in driven-dissipative condensates of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities subjected to external magnetic fields. The method is based on stimulated scattering of excitons from the incoherent reservoir. We demonstrate that permanent non-decaying oscillations may appear due to the parity-time symmetry of the coupled exciton-photon system realized in a specific regime of pumping to the exciton state and depletion of the reservoir.

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Exciton-polaritons are mixed light-matter quasiparticles. We have developed a statistical model describing stochastic exciton-photon transitions within a condensate of exciton polaritons. We show that the exciton-photon correlator depends on the rate of incoherent exciton-photon transformations in the condensate.

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Bosons with finite lifetime exhibit condensation and lasing when their influx exceeds the lasing threshold determined by the dissipative losses. In general, different one-particle states decay differently, and the bosons are usually assumed to condense in the state with the longest lifetime. Interaction between the bosons partially neglected by such an assumption can smear the lasing threshold into a threshold domain--a stable lasing many-body state exists within certain intervals of the bosonic influxes.

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Vortex dynamics in coherent ensembles of exciton polaritons (condensates) is studied in the framework of the polarization-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Vortex lattices can be resonantly excited in the polariton field by the interference of three or more optical pumps. Vortex-antivortex pairs can also appear in polariton condensates due to scattering with disorder.

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It is shown that vortices in linearly polarized polariton condensates in planar semiconductor microcavities carry two winding numbers (k, m). These numbers can be either integer or half-integer simultaneously. Four half-integer vortices (1/2, 1/2), (-1/2, -1/2), (1/2, -1/2), and (-1/2, 1/2) are anisotropic, possess the smallest energy, and define the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature.

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New effects of polarization multistability and polarization hysteresis in a coherently driven polariton system in a semiconductor microcavity are predicted and theoretically analyzed. The multistability arises due to polarization-dependent polariton-polariton interactions and can be revealed in polarization resolved photoluminescence experiments. The pumping power required to observe this effect is 4 orders of magnitude lower than the characteristic pumping power in conventional bistable optical systems.

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With the use of the generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation it is shown that exciton polaritons in semiconductor microcavities form a linearly polarized condensate having two branches of the excitation spectrum. The splitting between these branches is strongly anisotropic. This anisotropy noticeably affects the real-space dynamics of polariton condensates.

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We present the theory of the dynamics of the polariton amplifier in the region of small polariton densities. We give an analytical solution for the polariton condensate density matrix and show that the formation of a coherent quantum state is possible. Once the condensate is formed, the coherence becomes macroscopically long living.

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