Aralia elata is an Araliaceae woody plant species found in Northeastern Asia. To understand how genetic pools are distributed for A.elata clones, we were to analyze the population structure of A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMost scholarly attention to vanishing cities is fairly recent so, to guide future research, a comprehensive evaluation of prior findings is required. This study is a network analysis of 333 publications authored in English, published over the last two decades. The findings are as follows: (1) shrinking city research has increased significantly since 2016; (2) the key themes are planning, decline, depopulation, policy, regeneration, vacant land, green infrastructure, and case studies such as Detroit; and (3) major academic groups have not yet collaborated effectively on the subject.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Public Health
December 2022
Particulate matter (PM) is a hazardous airborne pollutant that encompasses all airborne particles with diameters ranging from 0.001 to 100 μm. It is composed of total suspended particles (TSPs), consisting of two main particle sizes: PM10 and PM2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs the national flower of Korea, the L. (Rose of Sharon) is symbolic in its abundance and is a prominent feature of Korean culture. has played an important role in Korea, not only as an ornamental plant but also as an essential ingredient in folk remedies through its various parts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the past decade, there has been an increased interest in veganism in several nations across the world. In 2021, there were around 79 million vegans. While veganism is growing, it still covers only 1% of the global population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
September 2021
Increasingly detrimental effects of fine particulate matter (PM) have been observed in Northeast Asia owing to its rapid economic development. Previous studies have found that dust, combustion, and chemical reactions are the major sources of PM; nevertheless, the spatial configuration of land use and land cover, which is of most interest to planners and landscape architects, also influences the PM levels. Here, we attempted to unveil the relationship between PM and different types of land use cover (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated the effect of hotel water conservation management and waste reduction measures on customers' social and personal norms, willingness to pay more, and revisit intention, with cost consciousness as a moderating variable. A total of 311 valid samples were obtained by conducting a survey on customers who have used hotels for the past year. To perform the empirical analysis, SPSS 22.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe active compounds of medicinal plants vary in composition and content depending on environmental factors, such as light, temperature, and soil. According to the Korean Pharmacopoeia standards for herbal medicine, the sum of nodakenin, decursin, and decursinolangelate, which are the marker components of Korean Angelica, should be at least 6.0 g/100 g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHousing vacancies have become a major issue in depopulating, or shrinking, cities. All urban areas, however, are subject to some degree of vacant housing. A small percentage is necessary to allow mobility and sufficient space for growth, and is an indicator of healthy urbanization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeighborhood decline is a critical issue in shrinking cities. Components of sustainable urbanism such as mixed land uses have risen as possible urban planning-based approaches to help mitigate urban and neighborhood decline. This research identifies examines if mixed land uses can help mitigate urban decline by using the tax delinquent status of single family houses as a proxy for decline in Dayton, Ohio, USA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvery city seeks opportunities to spur economic developments and, depending on its type, vacant land can be seen as a potential threat or an opportunity to achieve these developments. Although vacant land exists in all cities, the causes and effects of changes in vacant land can differ. Growing cities may have more vacant land than shrinking cities because of large scale annexation.
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