Peroxisomes are vital but often overlooked metabolic organelles. We found that excessive interferon signaling remodeled macrophage peroxisomes. This loss of peroxisomes impaired inflammation resolution and lung repair during severe respiratory viral infections.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHyperpolarized xenon-129 MRI (XeMRI) has emerged as a powerful tool in the identification, evaluation, and assessment of disease endotyping and in response to interventions for a myriad of pulmonary diseases. Growing investigative efforts ranging from basic science to application in translational research have employed XeMRI in the evaluation of pulmonary conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), asthma, and cystic fibrosis (CF). The novel feature of XeMRI is its ability to generate anatomic and physiologic readouts of the lung with resolution from the whole lung down to the lobar level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe long-term physiological consequences of respiratory viral infections, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic-termed post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC)-are rapidly evolving into a major public health concern. While the cellular and molecular aetiologies of these sequelae are poorly defined, increasing evidence implicates abnormal immune responses and/or impaired organ recovery after infection. However, the precise mechanisms that link these processes in the context of PASC remain unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActivation of the aminopeptidase (AP) activity of leukotriene A hydrolase (LTAH) presents a potential therapeutic strategy for resolving chronic inflammation. Previously, ARM1 and derivatives were found to activate the AP activity using the alanine-p-nitroanilide (Ala-pNA) as a reporter group in an enzyme kinetics assay. As an extension of this previous work, novel ARM1 derivatives were synthesized using a palladium-catalyzed Ullmann coupling reaction and screened using the same assay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a morbid fibrotic lung disease with limited treatment options. The pathophysiology of IPF remains poorly understood, and elucidation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of IPF pathogenesis is key to the development of new therapeutics. B-1 cells are an innate B cell population which play an important role linking innate and adaptive immunity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvestigations into the mechanisms of injury and repair in fibroproliferative disease require consideration of the spatial heterogeneity inherent in the disease. Most scoring of fibrotic remodeling in preclinical animal models relies on the modified Ashcroft score, which is an ordinal rubric of macroscopic resolution. The obvious limitations of manual histopathologic scoring have generated an unmet need for unbiased, repeatable scoring of fibroproliferative burden in tissue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Individuals with asthma can vary widely in clinical presentation, severity, and pathobiology. Hyperpolarized xenon-129 (Xe129) MRI is a novel imaging method to provide 3-D mapping of both ventilation and gas exchange in the human lung.
Purpose: To evaluate the functional changes in adults with asthma as compared to healthy controls using Xe129 MRI.
The long-term physiological consequences of SARS-CoV-2, termed Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), are rapidly evolving into a major public health concern. The underlying cellular and molecular etiology remain poorly defined but growing evidence links PASC to abnormal immune responses and/or poor organ recovery post-infection. Yet, the precise mechanisms driving non-resolving inflammation and impaired tissue repair in the context of PASC remain unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The existing tools to quantify lung function in interstitial lung diseases have significant limitations. Lung MRI imaging using inhaled hyperpolarized xenon-129 gas (Xe) as a contrast agent is a new technology for measuring regional lung physiology. We sought to assess the utility of the Xe MRI in detecting impaired lung physiology in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP).
View Article and Find Full Text PDF3D Single-breath Chemical Shift Imaging (3D-SBCSI) is a hybrid MR-spectroscopic imaging modality that uses hyperpolarized xenon-129 gas (Xe-129) to differentiate lung diseases by probing functional characteristics. This study tests the efficacy of 3D-SBCSI in differentiating physiology among pulmonary diseases. A total of 45 subjects-16 healthy, 11 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), 13 cystic fibrosis (CF), and 5 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)-were given 1/3 forced vital capacity (FVC) of hyperpolarized Xe-129, inhaled for a ~7 s MRI acquisition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aminopeptidase activity (AP) of the leukotriene A hydrolase (LTAH) enzyme has emerged as a therapeutic target to modulate host immunity. Initial reports focused on the benefits of augmenting the LTAH AP activity and clearing its putative pro-inflammatory substrate Pro-Gly-Pro (PGP). However, recent reports have introduced substantial complexity disconnecting the LTAH modulator 4-methoxydiphenylmethane (4MDM) from PGP as follows: (1) 4MDM inhibits PGP hydrolysis and subsequently inhibition of LTAH AP activity, and (2) 4MDM activates the same enzyme target in the presence of alternative substrates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To reduce scan duration in hyperpolarized Xe 1-point Dixon gas exchange imaging by utilizing flip angle (FA)/TR equivalence.
Methods: Images were acquired in 12 subjects (n = 3 radiation therapy, n = 1 unexplained dyspnea, n = 8 healthy) using both standard (TR = 15 ms, FA = 20°, duration = 15 s, 998 projections) and "fast" (TR = 5.4 ms, FA = 12°, duration = 11.
Purpose: To characterize the differences between histogram-based and image-based algorithms for segmentation of hyperpolarized gas lung images.
Methods: Four previously published histogram-based segmentation algorithms (ie, linear binning, hierarchical k-means, fuzzy spatial c-means, and a Gaussian mixture model with a Markov random field prior) and an image-based convolutional neural network were used to segment 2 simulated data sets derived from a public (n = 29 subjects) and a retrospective collection (n = 51 subjects) of hyperpolarized 129Xe gas lung images transformed by common MRI artifacts (noise and nonlinear intensity distortion). The resulting ventilation-based segmentations were used to assess algorithmic performance and characterize optimization domain differences in terms of measurement bias and precision.
Background: Hyperpolarized gas with helium (HHe-3) MR (magnetic resonance) is a noninvasive imaging method which maps and quantifies regions of ventilation heterogeneity (VH) in the lung. VH is an important feature of asthma, but little is known as to how VH informs patient phenotypes.
Purpose: To determine if VH indicators quantified by HHe-3 MR imaging (MRI) predict phenotypic characteristics and map to regions of inflammation in children with problematic wheeze or asthma.
Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis
February 2021
Purpose: Heterogeneous nature of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) must be comprehensively addressed. It is unclear if integrative multidisciplinary disease management (IMDM) can optimize clinical outcomes of patients with COPD.
Methods: A single-center, retrospective cohort observational study with a historical intervention was conducted in a clinic specialized for COPD care.
Activation of the leukotriene A hydrolase (LTAH) aminopeptidase (AP) activity with 4-methoxydiphenylmethane (4MDM) promoted resolution of neutrophil infiltration in a murine cigarette smoke-induced model for emphysematous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recently, 4-(4-benzylphenyl)thiazol-2-amine (ARM1) was published as a ligand for LTAH with potential anti-inflammatory properties. To investigate the effect of modifier structure on enzyme kinetics of LTAH, a series of analogues bearing structural features of ARM1 and 4MDM were synthesized using trifluoroborate Suzuki coupling reactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) is characterized by severe, sometimes life-threatening reactions to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Mechanisms driving the disease include overproduction of leukotrienes and loss of anti-inflammatory prostaglandin E (PGE) production. Many cell types contribute to the disease; however, eosinophils are markedly elevated and are important drivers of pathologic findings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is expected to climb on the podium of the leading causes of mortality worldwide in the upcoming decade. Clinical diagnosis of COPD has classically relied upon detecting irreversible airflow obstruction on pulmonary function testing as a global assessment of pulmonary physiology. However, the outcome is still not favorable to decrease mortality due to COPD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Respir Cell Mol Biol
April 2019
Asthma is associated with the overproduction of leukotrienes (LTs), including LTB4. Patients with severe asthma can be highly responsive to 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) inhibition, which blocks production of both the cysteinyl LTs and LTB4. Production of LTB4 has traditionally been ascribed to neutrophils, mononuclear phagocytes, and epithelial cells, and acts as a chemoattractant for inflammatory cells associated with asthma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdministrative claims studies do not adequately distinguish pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) from other forms of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Our aim is to develop and validate a set of algorithms using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes and electronic medical records (EMR), to identify patients with PAH. From January 2012 to August 2015, the EMRs of patients with ICD-9-CM codes for PH with an outpatient visit at the University of Texas Medical Branch were reviewed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProfessional phagocytes (such as macrophages) and non-professional phagocytes (such as epithelial cells) clear billions of apoptotic cells and particles on a daily basis. Although professional and non-professional macrophages reside in proximity in most tissues, whether they communicate with each other during cell clearance, and how this might affect inflammation, is not known. Here we show that macrophages, through the release of a soluble growth factor and microvesicles, alter the type of particles engulfed by non-professional phagocytes and influence their inflammatory response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF4-Methoxydiphenylmethane (4-MDM), a selective augmenter of Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase (LTA4H), is a new anti-inflammatory compound for potential treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Currently, there is no liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantification of 4-MDM. A major barrier for developing the LC-MS/MS method is the inability of electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) to ionize 4-MDM due to its hydrophobicity and lack of any functional group for ionization.
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