Publications by authors named "Yuexia Gao"

Background: Plant-based dietary patterns have been associated with better cognitive function, whereas there has been limited research on the relationship between living conditions and cognitive function. This study aimed to examine these associations in older adults in China.

Methods: This study utilized a ten-year cohort of older adults, including 1630 participants aged 65 and older from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), all of whom had normal cognition at baseline.

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Aim: This study aims to evaluate the impact of a pay-for-performance (P4P) program on health outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chinese primary care settings.

Methods: Conducted from February to March 2019, this trial involved 1,085 participants from 19 rural villages in China. Family physicians in the intervention group received P4P incentives.

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Background: Long-term care insurance (LTCI) projects were an essential components of health systems designed to support disabled people and their families. Despite LTCI has been getting more and more attention and promotion, there was a lack of qualitative study to explore the experiences of family caregivers who were directly involved in the care of disabled people enrolled in these projects. This study aimed to explore the experiences of family caregivers in the caregiving process within the context of LTCI.

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Background: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between sleep duration and myopia in school-age students, as well as to observe the role of physical activity as a mediating variable in sleep duration and myopia.

Methods: Using multistage stratified sampling, 26,020 school-age students in Jiangsu Province, ages 7-18, were selected for this cross-sectional survey. Each participant completed a standardized interview in which their were asked about their vision, level of physical activity and average hours of sleep per day over the past month.

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  • The study aims to investigate how loneliness relates to socioeconomic status and social networks among older adults in China who have disabilities affecting their daily activities.
  • Conducted in six districts of Nantong, the study included 880 older adults, revealing that a significant number experienced moderate to severe loneliness, particularly among those with fewer social connections and living in rural areas.
  • Findings highlight that factors such as being female, married, and having more social interactions are linked to lower feelings of loneliness, indicating the need for targeted support for this vulnerable population.
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Background: Social media addiction (SMA) is an increasing problem, especially among young adults. Little is known about university students' SMA and family functioning. This study aimed to explore the mediating effect of depressive symptoms and the moderating effect of peer support in the relationship between family functioning and SMA among young adults.

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  • - Social anxiety negatively impacts college students' academic performance, but the exact influence of social media addiction and academic engagement on this relationship is not well understood.
  • - A study with 2,661 students used various scales to assess social anxiety, social media addiction, academic engagement, and GPA, employing statistical methods to explore mediation effects.
  • - Findings suggest that while academic engagement mediates the relationship between social anxiety and performance, both social media addiction and academic engagement serve as serial mediators, highlighting important factors for improving students' mental health and academic success.
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Background: As stroke has become the leading cause of death and disability in China, it has induced a heavy disease burden on society, families, and patients. Despite much attention within the literature, the effect of multiple risk factors on length of stay (LOS) and inpatient costs in China is still not fully understood.

Aim: To analyse the association between the number of risk factors combined and inpatient costs among adults with stroke and explore the mediating effect of LOS on inpatient costs.

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Background: Self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) among children is a common practice in low-income and middle-income countries, which has accelerated antibacterial abuse.

Objective: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of SMA among children in China, including parents' knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards antibiotic use.

Methods: A cross-sectional study based on a structured questionnaire survey of parents was conducted in Nantong between July and September 2020.

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In the contemporary landscape of diversified talent cultivation, enhancing education through intelligent means and expediting the process of talent development stand as paramount pursuits. Within the domain of instrumental music education, beyond merely listening to student performances, it becomes imperative to assess their movements, thus furnishing additional insights to fuel their subsequent growth. This article introduces a novel multimodal information fusion evaluation approach, combining sound information and movement data to address the challenge of evaluating students' learning status in college music instruction.

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Background: Long working hours and effort-reward imbalance (ERI) among medical workers may contribute to poor mental health and reduced productivity. However, the potential mechanisms among them are not well understood. This study aimed to explore the role of depressive symptoms and ERI in the relationship between long working hours and presenteeism among village doctors.

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Background: It has been documented that social media addiction (SMA) has a detrimental effect on college students' academic engagement. However, the mechanisms underlying this association are not well understood. This study aimed to determine the serial mediation effects of sleep quality and fatigue on the relationship between SMA and academic engagement among college students.

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Background: Multimorbidity has become one of the main challenges in health care system. The association between prevalence, patterns of multimorbidity and health care utilization is less often discussed in China. The purpose of this study is to examine this association among Chinese middle-aged and older adults and take into account different sociodemographic, behavioral and health characteristics.

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Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the frontline medical staff faced more workload and heavier physical and mental stress, which increased their job burnout and negative emotions. However, little is known about the potential factors mediating and moderating these relations. This study investigates the association between long working hours and depressive symptoms among frontline medical staff in China, and explores the potential mediating effect of job burnout, and moderating effect of family and organizational support on these associations.

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Glycans recently attracted considerable attention as the proposal of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants for food allergy. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) is powerful in analyzing biomolecules, while its applications in glycans are still challenging. Herein, a novel reactive matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) matrix, 2-hydrazinoterephthalic acid, was rationally designed and synthesized.

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Background: Among rural Chinese patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), low socioeconomic status increases the risk of developing NCDs and associated financial burdens in paying for medicines and treatments. Despite the chronic disease medicine reimbursement policy of the local government in Nantong City, China, various barriers prevent patients from registering for and benefitting from the policy. This study aims to develop a behavior science-based intervention program for promoting the adoption of the policy and to evaluate the effectiveness of the program compared with usual practices.

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Background: Adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) often experience two common diabetes-related psychological distress: diabetes distress and depressive symptoms. Both are associated with adverse diabetes outcomes including poor self-management and glycemic control. However, diabetes distress and depressive symptoms differ in their associations with diabetes outcomes in T2D patients.

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Background: Few studies have elucidated the mechanisms linking social anxiety and academic engagement. This study aimed to explore the link between social anxiety and academic engagement through a series of mediating effects of social media addiction and sleep quality among college students.

Methods: 2661 college students completed the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Student.

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Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers among women worldwide. The formulation or evaluation on prevention strategies all require an accurate understanding of the burden for cervical cancer burden. We aimed to report the up-to-date estimates of cervical cancer burden at global, regional, and national levels.

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Background: The Chinese government removed the price ceiling of most drugs in June 2015 to establish a market-driven pricing system. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the elimination of drug ceiling price (EDCP) policy on drug prices.

Methods: Using a national macro-level dataset, we employed an interrupted time series method to study the abrupt level and gradual trend changes of Chinese and Western medicine consumer price index (CPI) between June 2014 and June 2017.

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Depressive symptoms are prevalent in university students and may impair their social, educational, and economic transition into adulthood. Identifying the factors that determine depressive symptoms is crucial for the design of effective policy interventions. This study aims to examine the associations between health literacy and depressive symptoms among medical students, and to evaluate the effect of different types of social support as a potential mediator.

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Importance: Congenital cytomegalovirus infection (cCMVi) is one of the most common infections associated with childhood hearing loss. Prevention and mitigation of cCMVi-related hearing loss will require an increase in newborn screening, which is not yet available in China.

Objective: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of newborn screening strategies for cCMVi from the perspective of the Chinese health care system.

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Background: Strict medication guidance and lifestyle interventions to manage blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive patients are typically difficult to follow.

Objective: To evaluate the 1-year effectiveness of lifestyle and drug intervention in the management of rural hypertensive patients.

Design: Randomized community intervention trial.

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Objectives: In a genome-wide association study, we discovered chromosome 12q15 (defined as rs73329476) as a silica-related pneumoconiosis susceptibility region. However, the causal variants in this region have not yet been reported.

Methods: We systematically screened eight potentially functional single-neucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in the genes near rs73329476 (carboxypeptidase M () and cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6 ()) in a case-control study including 177 cases with silicosis and 204 healthy controls, matched to cases with years of silica dust exposure.

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Objective: To understand the disease burden of patients with advanced schistosomiasis in Jiangsu Province.

Methods: Totally 450 patients with advanced schistosomiasis from southern, northern and central Jiangsu were chosen by the stratified sampling method, and surveyed by the self-designed economic burden questionnaire in 2015. The economic burden of the patients was analyzed by the descriptive analysis method, and its determinants were explored by the multiple linear regression analysis.

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