Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue
December 2006
Purpose: To investigate the methods of induction of mouse embryonic stem cells to differentiate into odontoblast-like cells by co-culture with pulp fibroblast.
Methods: By suspension culture, embryonic stem cells were induced to form embryoid bodies. Then the cells from embryoid bodies were co-cultured with pulp fibroblast in Transwell system for differentiation toward odontoblast-like cells.
Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue
April 2006
Purpose: To culture primary mouse odontoblast and to provide a base for study on inducing ES cells to odontoblast.
Methods: Lower incisor germs were removed from 1-week-old mouse. The dental papillae were isolated in microscope, and the dental papillae cells were dispersed using 0.