Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product (SCFP), a postbiotic feed additive, has potential to improve animal growth and productivity. However, its effects on post-peak laying hens have not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the effects of SCFP on production, egg quality, intestinal health, ovarian function, and cecal microbiota in post-peak laying hens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnriching oxygen species in perovskite catalysts provides more active sites for the catalytic oxidation of air pollutants, but its further application in environmental chemical engineering is still constrained by the inherent lack of oxygen species reactivity and the difficulty of replenishing depleted oxygen species. Herein, we present a scalable one-pot strategy for the in situ fabrication of a homogeneously distributed heterostructure, which brings LaCuO perovskite a 58-fold activity enhancement and robust antisintering/water/coke in toluene oxidation, higher than currently reported perovskite catalysts. Superior to the single "oxygen enrichment" effect of conventional surface-aggregated heterostructures, the homogeneously distributed heterostructures induce the reactivity enhancement of adsorbed oxygen and the backfilling/replenishment of depleted lattice oxygen, which break through the rate-determining steps of the low-temperature Langmuir-Hinshelwood and the high-temperature Mars-van Krevelen mechanisms, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: CNCM I-4622 (PA) is a homofermentative Gram-positive coccus that produces lactic acid as a major metabolic by-product. However, the potential of PA to improve intestinal function and, as a result, improve production performance and quality in aged laying hens remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of PA on egg production, egg quality, intestinal health, and cecal microbiota in aged laying hens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeart failure (HF) is a major cardiovascular disorder characterised by high prevalence and mortality rate. Recent studies have emphasised the role of autophagy in development and progression of HF. Dysfunctions in lysosomes and autophagic processes are closely associated with the aetiology of HF.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study was to evaluate the effects of rapeseed ( L.) from China with different content of glucosinolate (Gls) and erucic acid (EA) on laying hens. A total of 600 laying hens at 33 wk of age were randomly divided into 5 treatments containing a control diet and 4 diets with 11.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe catalytic volatile organic compound oxidation poses a dilemma for perovskite (ABO) catalysts, as their high lattice oxygen reactivity (electron-deficient O) depends on attracting coordinated oxygen electrons through an increased electronegativity of B-site cations, but this impedes the healing of oxygen vacancies and thus results in a low concentration of active lattice oxygen due to the limited O dissociation in electron-deficient environments. Herein, we compress [Co/MnO] octahedra through A-site Cs doping in the double perovskite (LaCoMnO), which optimizes the orbital hybridization between Co/Mn 3d and O 2p. This promotes electron transfer from O to Co/Mn while reducing Co/Mn electronegativity, resulting in a synergistic improvement of lattice oxygen reactivity and oxygen vacancy healing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntestinal disease is becoming increasingly prevalent in poultry production; however, the effect of BEC in laying hens challenged with and coccidia is limited. This study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with BEC on intestinal and ovarian health in laying hens challenged with and coccidia. A total of 80 Lohmann gray hens (35 weeks) were randomly assigned to two dietary groups supplemented with BEC (0 or 1000 mg/kg).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this experiment is to investigate the effects of SAP or SAO as ω-3 PUFA raw materials on production performance, egg quality, serum immunity, serum lipids, and fatty acid deposition patterns in the eggs of laying quails. Chinese yellow-feathered quails served as the experimental subjects. A single-factor design was employed to randomly assign 1288 quails into four treatment groups, with seven replicates per treatment and 46 birds in each replicate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Chem Chem Phys
January 2025
Janus particles, consisting of two or more chemically distinct composites within a single structural system, have attracted significant attention for their solid surfactant functionality, as well as their potential applications in micro/nanomotors and functional materials. Here, we present a simple and robust method to prepare plasmonic Janus particles consisting of a polystyrene-tethered gold nanorod (AuNRs@PS) head and a poly(4-vinylpyridine) (P4VP) head through emulsion confined assembly. The balance of the Janus particles can be finely tuned by adjusting the volume ratio of the AuNRs@PS solution and P4VP solution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Intraoperative ultrasound was used to assess the flow velocity in the marginal vessel arch adjacent to the anastomosis, critical for evaluating the anastomotic blood supply. This technique also enabled us to investigate the potential effects of preserving the left colonic artery on the perfusion of the anastomosis.
Methods: This prospective study included 40 rectal cancer patients who underwent laparoscopic anterior resection between January 2021 and January 2023.
Clinical biomarker development has been stymied by inaccurate protein quantification from mass spectrometry (MS) discovery data and a prolonged validation process. To mitigate these issues, we created the Targeted Extraction Assessment of Quantification (TEAQ) software package that uses data-independent acquisition analysis from a discovery cohort to select precursors, peptides, and proteins that adhere to analytical criteria required for established targeted assays. TEAQ was applied to DIA-MS data from plasma samples acquired on a new high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry platform where precursors were evaluated for linearity, specificity, repeatability, reproducibility, and intra-protein correlation based on 8- or 11-point loading curves at three throughputs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated the effects of xylo-oligosaccharide supplementation on the production performance, intestinal morphology, cecal short-chain fatty acid levels, and gut microbiota of laying hens. A total of 800 Lohmann pink layers, each 48 wk old, were randomly divided into 5 dietary treatment groups, namely XOS at 0 (CON), 100 (XOS1), 200 (XOS2), 300 (XOS3) and 400 (X0S4) mg/kg. The experimental period was 24 wk.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAscending thoracic aortic aneurysms (aTAAs) can lead to life-threatening dissection and rupture. Recent studies have highlighted aTAA mechanical properties as relevant factors associated with progression. The aim of this study was to quantify in vivo aortic wall stretch in healthy participants and aTAA patients using displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE) magnetic resonance imaging.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe impact of water on catalyst activity remains inconclusive due to its dependence on the specific reaction environment. To maximize the exploitation of water's promoting effect, we employed ammonia selective catalytic reduction (NH-SCR) as a probe reaction and proposed a phosphorus modification strategy for Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts. The objective of this approach was to construct water-adaptive microstructures through directional arrangement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInterdiscip Cardiovasc Thorac Surg
July 2024
Objectives: Diameter-based risk stratification for elective repair of ascending aortic aneurysm fails to prevent type A dissection in many patients. Aneurysm wall stresses may contribute to risk prediction; however, rates of wall stress change over time are poorly understood. Our objective was to examine aneurysm wall stress changes over 3-5 years and subsequent all-cause mortality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFser. Enteritidis () is widely found in chickens and eggs, and it can potentially induce human illness. The investigation in this study centers on the impacts of long-term dietary supplementation with coated sodium butyrate (CSB) on intestinal well-being and the colonization of cecum in laying hens infected with We segregated a total of 120 Lohmann laying hens aged 51 weeks into four treatment categories: 0 (CON), 300 (CSB1), 500 (CSB2), and 800 (CSB3) mg/kg of CSB, supplemented with CSB from the first day of the experiment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies have reported that theabrownin can moderate the lipid metabolism and intestinal microbiota, thereby affecting the health of humans and model animals, however the research on laying hens is scarce. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary theabrownin supplementation on lipid metabolism, microbial composition and ovarian function in laying hens. A total of 80 laying hens (25 wk of age) were fed with normal diet (CON) and normal diet +100 mg/kg theabrownin (PT group) for 12 wk.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of Scutellaria baicalensis and Lonicerae Flos (SL) extract on the growth performance and intestinal health of yellow-feather broilers following a Clostridium perfringens challenge. In total, 600 one-day-old yellow-feather broilers were divided into five treatments (6 replicate pens of 20 birds per treatment), including a control (Con) group fed a basal diet and the infected group (iCon) fed a basal diet and infected with Clostridium perfringens, the other 3 groups receiving different doses of SL (150, 300, and 450 mg/kg) and infected with Clostridium perfringens. The total experimental period was 80 d.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Clinical samples are irreplaceable, and their transformation into searchable and reusable digital biobanks is critical for conducting statistically empowered retrospective and integrative research studies. Currently, mainly data-independent acquisition strategies are employed to digitize clinical sample cohorts comprehensively. However, the sensitivity of DIA is limited, which is why selected marker candidates are often additionally measured targeted by parallel reaction monitoring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinical biomarker development has been stymied by inaccurate protein quantification from mass spectrometry (MS) discovery data and a prolonged validation process. To mitigate these issues, we created the Targeted Extraction Assessment of Quantification (TEAQ) software package. This innovative tool uses the discovery cohort analysis to select precursors, peptides, and proteins that adhere to established targeted assay criteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Current diameter-based guidelines for ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms (aTAA) do not consistently predict risk of dissection/rupture. ATAA wall stresses may enhance risk stratification independent of diameter. The relation of wall stresses and diameter indexed to height and body surface area (BSA) is unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics aims to characterize comprehensive proteomes in a fast and reproducible manner. Here we present the narrow-window data-independent acquisition (nDIA) strategy consisting of high-resolution MS1 scans with parallel tandem MS (MS/MS) scans of ~200 Hz using 2-Th isolation windows, dissolving the differences between data-dependent and -independent methods. This is achieved by pairing a quadrupole Orbitrap mass spectrometer with the asymmetric track lossless (Astral) analyzer which provides >200-Hz MS/MS scanning speed, high resolving power and sensitivity, and low-ppm mass accuracy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Am Soc Mass Spectrom
February 2024
To improve the coverage in bottom-up proteomics, S-aminoethylation of cysteine residues (AE-Cys) was carried out with 2-bromoethylamine, followed by cleavage with lysyl endopeptidase (Lys-C) or Lys-C/trypsin. A model study with bovine serum albumin showed that the C-terminal side of AE-Cys was successfully cleaved by Lys-C. The frequency of side reactions at amino acids other than Cys was less than that in the case of carbamidomethylation of Cys with iodoacetamide.
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